Psychologist Elissa Meryl's Ketamine Assisted Practice

Talking Smack 415

In this episode of Talking Smack 415  Jamie the Great and I chat with Psychologist Elissa Meryl. 

Elissa specializes in treating patients who struggle with anxiety, depression, and relationship issues to name a few.  She integrates many types of therapies in her treatments and in this episode we focus on Ketamine-Assisted therapy.  

We chat about her personal journey as a Ketamine patient as well as a practitioner.  We cover the pros, the cons, the drug industry taking on new medicine research, and of course we laugh and go all over the place!

You can find out more about Elissa's practice here

And here is the link to the Huberman Labs podcast that Elissa references. 

If you struggle with mental health, depression ( even the littlest bit), or feel stuck, grab your ear buds, take a walk and listen.  And don't forget to share with your friends and family.  

PS- Elissa is my pickle in my pickleball crew and when we play together we are known as the picklecurls! Look out pickleballers.  

Share this episode with your friends and family who love to laugh. Subscribe to Talking Smack 415 and leave us a rating and review so more peeps can find us for laughter and friendship to feed your soul!

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