Psychology | EP 73 | Emotions | Optional | UPSC podcast

Welcome back to THE IAS COMPANION. Follow us on YouTube at Today, we will delve into the intricate world of emotions, exploring their complex nature and significance in human psychology. Emotions are multifaceted experiences that emerge from the interaction of situational factors and psychological variables, encompassing subjective feelings, physiological changes, and behavioral responses. We'll define emotions, highlight their characteristics such as personal experience, balance, and physiological impact, and examine major theories of emotion including the James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, and the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory. Each theory offers a unique perspective on how emotions are experienced and expressed, providing a deeper understanding of the interplay between the body, mind, and emotions. #UPSC #IASprep #civilserviceexam #IASexamination #IASaspirants #UPSCjourney #IASexam #civilservice #IASgoals #UPSC2024 #IAS2024 #civilservant #IAScoaching #aUPSCmotivation #IASmotivation #UPSCpreparation #IASpreparation #UPSCguide #IASguide #UPSCtips #IAS #UPSCbooks #IASbooks #UPSCexamstrategy #IASexamstrategy #UPSCmentorship #IASmentorship #UPSCcommunity #IAScommunity #UPSCpreparation #IASpreparation #UPSCguide #IASguide #UPSCtips #IAStips #UPSCbooks #IASbooks #UPSCexamstrategy #IASexamstrategy #UPSCmentorship #IASmentorship #UPSCcommunity #IAScommunity
- 프로그램
- 주기매일 업데이트
- 발행일2024년 9월 8일 오전 1:30 UTC
- 길이8분
- 등급전체 연령 사용가