Psychology | EP 77 | Health and Altered States of Consciousness in Psychology | Optional | UPSC podcast

Welcome back to THE IAS COMPANION. Follow us on YouTube: Today’s lecture covers two key psychological concepts: health and altered states of consciousness. We'll explore evolving definitions of health, including traditional views like Sushrut’s holistic approach and the modern WHO perspective, which highlights the multidimensional nature of well-being—physical, social, mental, and more. Additionally, we'll examine altered states of consciousness, such as meditation and hypnosis, and their roles in promoting relaxation, mental clarity, and heightened suggestibility. Stay tuned for deeper insights. #UPSC #IASprep #civilserviceexam #IASexamination #IASaspirants #UPSCjourney #IASexam #civilservice #IASgoals #UPSC2024 #IAS2024 #civilservant #IAScoaching #aUPSCmotivation #IASmotivation #UPSCpreparation #IASpreparation #UPSCguide #IASguide #UPSCtips #IAS #UPSCbooks #IASbooks #UPSCexamstrategy #IASexamstrategy #UPSCmentorship #IASmentorship #UPSCcommunity #IAScommunity #UPSCpreparation #IASpreparation #UPSCguide #IASguide #UPSCtips #IAStips #UPSCbooks #IASbooks #UPSCexamstrategy #IASexamstrategy #UPSCmentorship #IASmentorship #UPSCcommunity #IAScommunity
- 节目
- 频率一日一更
- 发布时间2024年9月12日 UTC 01:30
- 长度10 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜