Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon face off in the nation's capital on the day's hottest topics.
Hosts & Guests
So I was sitting at home after my daily workout watching Pardon the Interruption, when Tony Kornheiser turns to the camera and tells the world about PTI being available on iTunes. And I thought to myself, well that sounds great and all but I'll bet they will have commercials or something of the sort that will waste my time and keep me from the gripping words of my two favorite sports analysts. But, no. There are no commercials and the show is able to flow from topic to topic unhindered by another add for Guinness Draft (although I think the commercials are brilliant, I think that they should back off and let Red Stripe get some time). But I digress, Pardon the Interruption on the iPod is pretty much the best thing that has happened to the podcast scene, making me be able to listen to their epic banter while I'm working out instead of having to start early and finish with them halfway through their show. I love PTI on iTunes.
6d ago
Tony and Michael have been doing this show for 1000 years and it’s still one of the most entertaining around. I hope they stick around for another 1000. Note to the audio guys. For the love of all that is good in this world, please check your audio levels against the commercials. I sometimes need to turn up my volume to hear the show only to have my eardrums blown out by a commercial that is 3x louder.
Love these guys!
Mar 18
Hope you both live long happy lives with some PTI on weekdays!
Great vibe, loose with facts
Mar 6
Outstanding sports entertainment. A bit too often for my liking, incorrect facts are presented. Sometimes these inaccuracies are addressed later in the show, as often they are not