Punk Vacation: An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast

They Live By Film
Punk Vacation: An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast

Punk Vacation - An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast  Finding the joy in unfettered creativity. A podcast dedicated to bringing awareness and context to movies of any budget, from anywhere, and during any time.

  1. 1월 21일

    Episode 11 - The Black Tar Heroin Effect

    Finding the joy in unfettered creativity. A podcast dedicated to bringing awareness and context to movies of any budget, from anywhere, and during any time. In Episode 11 we meet Sam. That's the only name you need. Like Emanuelle or Madonna, Sam is a force in entertainment and most recently the genre film community. He's toured as a musician, done a good amount of voiceover work, has interviewed some amazing filmmakers in his own work, has been on a growing number of commentaries, has a podcast and a videocast, and is a like-minded personality so I knew I needed to get him on the kickoff 2025. Most of his work is centered through his branding of bandsaboutmovies. I'll link below. Sam's energy for Vinegar Syndrome is infectious. He loves underseen or underappreciated movies and is a firm believer that every completed movie is a miracle. We talk about the Black Friday releases for VS Mainline and every Sublabel including the April Fools Day surprise. It's a longer episode, but if you listen to Sam you'll understand why. We wrestle with the why behind the appeal of Vinegar Syndrome, where they are headed as a company, and what draws us to movies in the first place. Starting on Feb 1 we'll get back to the usual schedule and mid February I hope to have a special porn-themed Valentine's Day episode with a guest I'm very excited about. Thank you for those who continue to listen and please let me know how I can make this better! https://bandsaboutmovies.com/

    3시간 53분
  2. 2024. 12. 17.

    Episode 10 - 2024 End of Year Extravaganza

    We did it y'all. 10 episodes in and we're still growing solidly with each one. Thank you to everyone who has listened to any of the episodes, and please seek me out if you've listened to all of them so I can thank you personally. We wouldn't look this good without the amazing art of Adam Danbury (https://www.adamdanbury.com/film). We wouldn't sound this good without the regular segments from Celeste de la Cabra discussing the hardcore titles and Ryan and Jeremy wading through the merch jungle. And a special shoutout to Holly who inspired the convincing Holly segment. For the final episode of 2024 I thought we would mix it up a little bit and throw a whole ass interview in the middle. I was toying with the idea, but when schedules worked out to record with the Richard Baylor I knew it was meant to be. His interview starts right around the 1 hour mark if that's what you came to hear. But even before all of that I am very excited that David, or Professor Gascan, was able to join for what I hope is an annual segment. The man watches over 1,000 movies a year and has had an active blog since 2010. His knowledge of movies from every genre shines in this conversation, I'm excited for people to get to here it. Taking us home was a longer segment where I actually get to sit down with Celeste and talk about the hardcore titles as well as some of the origin of her getting involved in the podcast to begin with. I'll include some links below, but honestly just a huge thank you to anyone who has spent any time with Punk Vacation. 2025 will continue to have some exciting names from the VS team, some historians, critics, and hopefully some more filmmakers. Cheers! David's Blog https://myworldoffilm.blogspot.com/ David's Top 100 https://myworldoffilm.blogspot.com/2023/07/its-come-to-this.html David's Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/wpqx/ Buy Richard's movie https://vinegarsyndrome.com/collections/saturns-core/products/our-world-is-drowning-and-going-to-hell-the-underground-films-of-richard-baylor Celeste's main YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@celestedelacabra Celeste's Patreon https://www.patreon.com/CelestedelaCabra

    2시간 46분
    최고 5점
    10개의 평가


    Punk Vacation - An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast  Finding the joy in unfettered creativity. A podcast dedicated to bringing awareness and context to movies of any budget, from anywhere, and during any time.

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