Purpose is the Compass

Grow the Good

I want to dig deep into something that touches every one of us, whether we’re aware of it or not: purpose. Purpose encompasses goal direction, intentionality, and the pursuit of what is seen as important in life. It provides a reason to get up in the morning and persist through challenges. Purpose has layers—it’s not just one definition or feeling. It’s an evolving force that organizes our lives and fuels our growth. We'll uncover how purpose serves as more than just a motivator; it's a dynamic force that shapes our daily actions, sustains us through challenges, and enhances our connections with others.

Key Highlights:

- Understanding Purpose: What is purpose and how does it differ from simple goal-setting?
- The Role of Purpose in Everyday Life: Explore how having a clear sense of purpose can transform ordinary activities into meaningful actions.
- Purpose and Resilience: Discover how a well-defined purpose can foster resilience, helping us navigate life's ups and downs.
- Connecting with Others Through Purpose: Learn about the role of purpose in building stronger, more meaningful relationships.


- A solo reflection on how to find meaning and purpose
- Finding your purpose in life with Misty Sansom
- Learn about eudaimonia with Andrew Soren

The Grow the Good Podcast is produced by Palm Tree Pod Co.








