The Rest Is Politics

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Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably. Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Instagram: @restispolitics Email:
برامج تتضمن ميزات الاشتراك
المضيفون والضيوف
٦ فبراير
Show has devolved into a partisan echo chamber
٢٠ فبراير
I’ve tuned into this show for a couple of years now, and leading up to and post the America presidential election the hosts seemed to have merged/melded in their views/positions… rarely do they steel man opposing positions or assume those they disagree with are acting in good faith. And their analysis, when it comes to American politics, is fairly superficial and lacking nuance. Enjoyed the show initially but finding it’s not worth my time. Also, it is quite funny to listen to Rory try to couch himself as a conservative.
Liberal claptrap
٦ فبراير
TDS from the uk.
Outsiders perspective is great
٥ فبراير
Trumps tariffs are a part of his brand, but the economic designs is a mix up of different ideologies, depending on who has his ear. Might want to dig in a bit on the ideas of Oren Cass, in his interviews he says some pretty unorthodox things that align with the protectionist, ethno-nationalist, rebuild American manufacturing ethos. But with a weird bent on changing American behaviors for conspicuous consumption by making imports unaffordable.
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