"Radiating Joy," An Interview with Stephany Anderson and Maria Benes

Fiat Career Coaching Podcast

Can I tell you about my friend Michelle Duppong?

At age 31 she died of cancer and was one of the most joyful people I have ever met. She was spontaneous, prayerful, and full of life.

I met her when I was a student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and she was serving there as a missionary.

I had the honor of being in her bible study and part of her discipleship chain with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS).

Her life not only impacted mine, but also thousands of people, to the point that in 2022, her local bishop officially opened her cause for canonization.

I recently sat down with two friends to share stories about Michelle’s life and some of the lessons she taught us.

On Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, there will be a one day showing of a documentary about Michelle’s life, called “Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story”. You can purchase your tickets here!

I highly recommend watching this documentary and listening to this episode if you need some inspiration in your faith journey, or if you’re going through a particularly difficult moment and not sure what to do. I believe Michelle’s witness will be a source of encouragement.

To learn more about Michelle's life, visit: https://michelleduppongcause.org/.

To connect with Valentina, visit: https://fiatcareercoaching.com/.








