A new piece called Lost Letter, composed by Snezhana for this episode of Radio Concrete. The following are her words about that: -- To describe the process in which I was involved here, I would need to convey some details of the setting and the basic materials that formed the backbone of this piece. In the beginning, there were noises appearing between unconnected wires (an additional and sort of premortal material to my upcoming album “Parallel Movements”) I found some of the themes this material suggested, such as the desperate seeking of connection in disconnection or beauty in noise or meaning in life full of war, fairly corresponding with what is going on in general or what i can perceive from my current environment in particular. So these sources were fertilised with Israeli radio, military helicopters severing the night sky, smithereens of debris and bird’s voices, and various sounds of 'human and not' presence and not. There were some attempts to reverse signifiers of sound in an acousmatic manner so that rolling stones of “go-game” appeared as breathing or speeded human heartbeat as erupting calvary. Water, though, was included in its literalness as a fragrance of hope to the deserted. The water here is Sicilian — a good memory from the Oooh and RARA improvisation art festivals. But besides processing concrete sounds, closer to the end, I allowed myself a bit of sound synthesis. .. “Lost Letter” is the second chapter of my new series “Cryptography”.
- 節目
- 發佈時間2024年6月13日 下午2:03 [UTC]
- 長度29 分鐘
- 年齡分級兒少適宜