26 episodes

This Podcast is your permission slip to choose YOURSELF. Through each episode, you will unveil the courageous, unapologetically bold woman you were always meant to be. 🔥

Raw & Radiant Victoria Starr

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 12 Ratings

This Podcast is your permission slip to choose YOURSELF. Through each episode, you will unveil the courageous, unapologetically bold woman you were always meant to be. 🔥

    Ep025 - Falling Forward: Embracing the Fear of Failure Through Breathwork

    Ep025 - Falling Forward: Embracing the Fear of Failure Through Breathwork

    Welcome back to Raw and Radiant, magical souls! 🌟

    Today, we're diving into a topic that’s been making waves in my breathwork sessions – the notorious fear of failure. But hold onto your chakras because we're about to flip the script and show you how to embrace it as "falling forward."

    The Fear of Failure is Total BS (Belief System)

    Let’s get real – the fear of failure is like that annoying song that gets stuck in your head. It keeps you playing small and doubting your awesomeness. But guess what? It’s all a bunch of BS – Belief System! We’re here to change that narrative and transform your fears into fierce forward motion.

    In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

    The Big Illusion: Why the fear of failure is just a sneaky story your mind loves to tell. Spoiler alert: It's time to rewrite that plot!

    Breathwork Magic: How your breath can be the secret weapon to dismantle anxiety and bring you back to your fabulous, grounded self. Get ready to breathe like a zen master!

    Falling Forward, Darling: Forget failure; we’re all about falling forward. Learn how to turn those stumbles into stylish strides forward. Because let's face it, who needs regrets when you can have lessons?

    Sweaty Pits and All: Victoria gets real about those 'sweaty pit moments' – when fear strikes, and your armpits go into overdrive. Find out why these moments are actually golden tickets to growth.

    Permission to Shine: A heartfelt pep talk to remind you that you're worthy of your wildest dreams. Yes, even the ones that make your palms sweat and your heart race!

    Victoria’s Van Adventures: Tune in for a juicy personal story about how buying a van and hitting the road turned fear into freedom. Spoiler: It's packed with laughs, lessons, and a few detours.


    Mark your calendars, magical souls! Join me in Sedona, AZ from October 31 to November 4 for ROOTS RECLAIMED: A Sacred Journey in Sedona Retreat.  Dive deep into breathwork, connect with your inner warrior, and return to your roots. This retreat will be a powerful blend of earth elements, tribal energy, and spiritual frequency healing. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate and rediscover your true self in the stunning landscapes of Sedona. [TAP HERE FOR MORE INFO]

    Key Takeaways:

    The fear of failure is just a mirage. Let’s navigate through it with breathwork and a healthy dose of sass.
    Learn practical breathwork techniques to shift from panic to peace.
    Reframe your mindset: there’s no such thing as failure, only fabulous falling forward.
    Embrace those awkward, sweaty moments – they’re signs you’re on the brink of something amazing.
    You have permission to be bold, brave, and unapologetically YOU.

    Listener Love:

    "Victoria’s episodes are like a breath of fresh air – literally and figuratively." - Sarah K.

    "Every episode leaves me feeling empowered and ready to take on the world. This one was no different. Bring on the sweaty pits!" - Joni T.

    Join the Movement:

    Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share the love. Let’s create a ripple effect of empowerment and authenticity. Together, we can turn every so-called failure into a step forward in our radiant journeys.

    Tune in now, grab your headphones, and let’s breathe our way to brilliance! 🌬️✨


    Let's spread the word and support more women on their journey to self-discovery.

    Get notifications when new episodes drop by tapping the "follow" button! And if you loved this episode, let me know by leaving a review!


    Connect with Victoria:

    Website: https://www.victorialeestarr.com/

    IG: @victorialeestarr

    FB: Victoria Lee Starr

    • 12 min
    Ep.024 - From Trauma to Triumph: Kristina Gauthier's Healing and Empowerment

    Ep.024 - From Trauma to Triumph: Kristina Gauthier's Healing and Empowerment

    Welcome back to another electrifying episode of Raw & Radiant! This week, we have an incredibly powerful and transformative story to share. Meet Kristina Gauthier, a true warrior who has turned her life around from the depths of trauma and addiction to a beacon of healing and empowerment. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration, resilience, and the courage to choose themselves.

    Episode Highlights

    🔥 Kristina's Remarkable Journey: Discover how Kristina navigated her tumultuous upbringing in a family overwhelmed by trauma and addiction. Her mother’s struggles with drug addiction and her father’s notorious reputation as a Hells Angel set the stage for Kristina’s early life challenges.

    ✨ Breaking Generational Cycles: Learn about the pivotal moment when Kristina decided to heal after the devastating loss of her sister to a fentanyl overdose. This life-altering event ignited Kristina’s determination to break free from generational trauma and rewrite her family’s story.

    🌟 Choosing Self-Love and Healing: Kristina shares her profound journey of self-love and healing. Through dedicated inner child work, transformative yoga practices, and powerful breathwork techniques, Kristina has not only begun to profoundly heal herself but also set a new standard of care and love for her family.

    🌊 Embracing Solitude and Self-Discovery: Join Kristina as she takes us through her current adventure in Puerto Vallarta. Embracing solitude, she has deepened her connection with herself, learned to trust her intuition, and stepped into her full power.

    💫 Trusting Your Intuition: Discover the importance of trusting your inner voice and embodying the lessons you learn. Kristina’s story is a testament to the power of intuition and the transformative journey of self-discovery.

    🦋 Empowering the Next Generation: Kristina is not just healing herself but also creating a ripple effect of healing for her niece and future generations. Her journey is a shining example of how choosing yourself can create waves of positive change.

    Key Takeaways

    Healing is Possible: No matter where you come from or the challenges you face, healing and empowerment are within your reach.
    Inner Child Work: Embrace and heal your inner child to unlock profound transformation in your life.
    Breathwork and Yoga: Powerful tools like breathwork and yoga can facilitate deep healing and self-love.
    Generational Healing: Breaking free from generational trauma is a courageous act that benefits not only you but also future generations.
    Trust Your Intuition: Your intuition is a powerful guide—trust it to lead you towards your true path.

    Kristina’s story is one of raw vulnerability, immense courage, and unstoppable resilience. Her journey from trauma to triumph will leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to embrace your own healing journey. Whether you’re struggling with your own past, seeking to break free from generational cycles, or simply looking for a story of hope and transformation, this episode is for you.

    Hit the Follow Button

    Get notifications when new episodes drop by tapping the "follow" button! And if you loved this episode, let me know by leaving a review!


    📲 Connect with Kristina Gauthier:

    IG - _@kkristinna

    Fb - Kristina Gauthier

     Tik tok @ kkristinnaa

    📲 Connect with Victoria Starr:

    Website: https://www.victorialeestarr.com/

     IG: @victorialeestarr

     FB: Victoria Lee Starr

    SoulUnion Sanctuary Breathwork Membership



    Feel inspired? Share this episode with your friends and family! Let’s spread the message of healing and empowerment far and wide. Like, subscribe, and leave a review to help us continue bringing you these transformative stories.

    • 38 min
    Ep.023 - Embracing Transformation: A Journey of Empowerment in Sedona

    Ep.023 - Embracing Transformation: A Journey of Empowerment in Sedona

    Welcome back, radiant souls! 🌟

    Imagine stepping into a world where every breath you take is infused with magic and transformation. In today’s episode of Raw & Radiant, I’m super excited to take you on a journey to the mystical vortexes of Sedona, Arizona. For seven unforgettable days, I immersed myself in a retreat that redefined the boundaries of empowerment, sisterhood, and personal growth. Get ready to dive deep into the alchemy of this sacred space, where profound shifts happen and where the light within us all is nurtured and amplified. Are you ready to unlock your true potential?

    Let’s begin!

    Episode Summary: In this solo episode of Raw and Radiant, join Victoria Starr as she spills all the juicy details of her transformative seven-day mastermind retreat in Sedona, Arizona. Feel the vibe as she dives into the magic of sisterhood, sacred ceremonies, and mind-blowing personal growth. Victoria recounts her journey of expansion, connection, and empowerment, sharing how the alchemy of this retreat has left her glowing. This episode is a radiant blend of breathwork, community, and pure liberation. Ready to embrace your true self? Tune in and transform!

    Key Highlights:

    The Magic of Sedona: Feel the vibe of Sedona's vortexes and how their powerful energy supercharged the retreat’s transformation.
    Sisterhood and Support: Discover the nurturing space of sisterhood where women empower each other, embrace their rawness and radiance, and step into infinite possibilities.
    Breathwork Transformation: Victoria shares her sacred gift of breathwork, guiding high-vibe women to release old patterns and step into their highest selves.
    Sacred Ceremonies: Get the scoop on the heart-opening dances, storytelling under the full moon, and other transformative ceremonies.
    Personal Growth: Victoria’s journey of shedding old subconscious programming, embracing her authentic self, and stepping into a new, expansive version of herself.

    Quotable Moments:

    "Being in the space of sisterhood and sacred ceremonies in Sedona was nothing short of magical. We nurtured one another and embraced the rawness and radiance within us."
    "There were moments where my soul came alive. I was able to grow on deep, infinite levels that my limiting mind couldn't even comprehend was possible."
    "Through breathwork and the support of sisterhood, I released old patterns and stepped into my highest self."

    >> Feeling inspired by the transformative power of breathwork and the incredible experiences shared in this episode? Join Victoria in her upcoming breathwork sessions and retreats. It’s time to embrace your journey of growth, change, and empowerment.

    Visit Roots Reclaimed: A Sacred Journey in Sedona for all the retreats deets and to book your spot. Don’t miss out on the magic!

    Connect with Victoria:

    Instagram: @victorialeestarr
    Website: victorialeestarr.com

    Tune In: Don't miss this powerful episode of Raw & Radiant. Listen now and embrace the transformative journey of empowerment in Sedona.

    Trust us, you don’t want to miss this! 🌟

    ➡️ Loved this episode? Do me a solid – rate and review the show! Your support helps spread the word and create a ripple effect of empowerment, courage, and breathwork magic. And hey, if you’re listening during June 2024, share it on Instagram and tag me for a shot at that free breathwork session!

    Connect with Me: Feeling the call to dive deeper into breathwork?

    Check out my Soul Union Sanctuary Breathwork Membership for curated sessions designed to help you tap into your inner magic.

    • 22 min
    Ep.022 - Creating Trust: Unlocking the Power of Vulnerability w/Marsha VanW

    Ep.022 - Creating Trust: Unlocking the Power of Vulnerability w/Marsha VanW

    🌟 Welcome back to another electrifying episode of Raw & Radiant! This week, we've got a powerhouse guest—Marsha VanW—joining us for a heart-to-heart that’s sure to leave you inspired and buzzing with positive vibes.

    In This Episode:

    Marsha’s Raw Journey: Marsha dives deep into her intense journey as a parent navigating teen substance abuse. She shares the raw, unfiltered truth of her struggles and fears, and how these experiences pushed her to the edge, leading to a life-changing transformation.
    The Power of Vulnerability: Discover how Marsha embraced vulnerability and self-trust to step into her most radiant self. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
    Cup Overflowing: We explore the transformative analogy of filling your cup to overflow. Marsha reveals her daily rituals for self-care, including movement, journaling, and those all-important self-care moments.
    NLP Magic: Get the scoop on how neurolinguistic programming (NLP) played a pivotal role in Marsha’s healing journey. She shares the profound impact of reprogramming her subconscious mind and embracing positive thoughts and words.
    Inner Child Healing: Marsha opens up about the importance of inner child healing and the journey to self-forgiveness. Learn how these practices can transform your life and help you tap into your true potential.
    Breathwork Benefits: Learn how breathwork can help process trauma, build resilience, and deepen self-trust.

    Vibe Highlights:

    Embrace Your Truth: Marsha’s journey teaches us the power of embracing our truth and choosing ourselves first.
    Self-Trust & Self-Care: Learn practical tips to build self-trust and prioritize your self-care routine.
    Healing Through Breathwork: Discover how breathwork can help you process trauma, build resilience, and connect deeply with your vulnerability.
    Radiant Inspiration: Be inspired by Marsha’s journey and her commitment to living a raw and radiant life.

    About Marsha Vanwynsberghe: Marsha Vanwynsberghe is a Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher, and Author, and a 2xs Podcaster. She is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why,” where she shares her lessons as a parent dealing with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7 times, including her most recent co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story. She is on a mission to help women and men speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create a massive impact.

    Episode Outline:

    Marsha’s Raw Journey:

    02:31 - 10:15: Marsha dives deep into her journey as a parent navigating teen substance abuse.

    The Power of Vulnerability:

    10:16 - 18:00: Discussion on how embracing vulnerability and self-trust can lead to personal transformation.

    Cup Overflowing:

    18:01 - 24:45: Exploring the analogy of filling your cup to overflow and Marsha’s daily self-care rituals.

    NLP Magic:

    24:46 - 32:00: Marsha explains the role of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in her healing journey and its impact.

    Inner Child Healing:

    32:01 - 38:30: The importance of inner child healing and the journey to self-forgiveness.

    Breathwork Benefits:

    38:31 - 45:00: How breathwork can help process trauma, build resilience, and deepen self-trust.

    Conclusion and Final Thoughts:

    45:01 - 50:00: Final thoughts, Marsha’s favorite quotes, and practical tips for listeners.


    50:01 - 52:00: Closing remarks and information on where to connect with Marsha and follow the podcast.


    How to Connect with Marsha Vanwynsberghe:

    Website: https://www.marshavanw.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marshavanw/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/marsha.vanwynsberghe 

    LinkedIn Podcast Link

    • 1 hr
    Ep.021 - Cultivating Self-Trust Through Breathwork in VanLife

    Ep.021 - Cultivating Self-Trust Through Breathwork in VanLife

    Hey there, radiant souls!

    Welcome to another episode of "Raw & Radiant" with your host, Victoria Starr. Buckle up because this solo episode takes you on a wild ride through the van life, where we learn how to tune in and listen to our breath, cultivate some serious internal wisdom, and rock that self-trust. From white-knuckling through rainstorms to finding those perfect zen spots, van life has been one heck of a teacher. Ready to discover the magic within?

    Let’s hit the road!

    Key Takeaways:

    Breathwork Magic: How tuning into your breath can transform panic into power.
    Van Life Adventures: Real-life stories of navigating the open road and embracing the unknown.
    Self-Trust Building: Tips on cultivating that all-important self-trust through breathwork.
    Intuition Radar: How living on the road heightens your intuition and guides your decisions.

    Episode Highlights:

    Facing Fears Head-On: Discover how driving through torrential rainstorms taught me to slow my breath and calm my mind. Picture this: me, my van, and a storm that could rival a Hollywood blockbuster. Spoiler alert: breathwork saved the day!
    Zen in Unexpected Places: How van life turned even a Cracker Barrel parking lot into a meditation haven. Who knew finding your inner peace could happen next to pancake breakfasts and road trip pit stops?
    Trusting Your Gut: Real-life stories of intuition saving the day (and night). Ever had that “nope” feeling? I’ve got tales of how listening to my gut kept me safe and sound.
    Practical Tips: Simple breathwork techniques to help you manage stress and tap into your inner wisdom. Ready to breathe your way to calm and collected? Let’s get into it!

    🎁 Giveaway: Feeling lucky? Share this episode on Instagram and tag @VictoriaLeeStarr for a chance to win a free 60-minute virtual breathwork session with me. Imagine 60 minutes of pure, stress-busting bliss – on the house! Winner announced on July 1st, just in time to kick off my birthday month! 🎁


    Quick Hits:

    00:01:03 - Van Life Journey Begins

    00:02:07 - Cultivating Self-Trust Through Van Life

    00:03:01 - The Magic of Breathwork on the Open Road

    00:06:33 - Navigating Challenges on the Road to Idaho

    00:07:54 - Trusting Intuition in Van Life Parking Situations

    00:10:17 - Listening to Internal Wisdom for Safety

    00:12:38 - Unique Experiences with Harvest Host App

    00:14:04 - Cultivating Self-Trust Through Van Life Experiences

    00:15:30 - Encouragement to Trust Your Inner Wisdom

    00:16:44 - Giveaway Announcement and Connection Details

    00:17:57 - Soul Union Sanctuary Breathwork Membership Details

     Links & Resources:

    Soul Union Sanctuary Breathwork Membership: Dive into a treasure trove of breathwork sessions curated just for you.
    Follow Victoria on Instagram: Join me on the 'gram for daily inspiration and behind-the-scenes fun.
    Visit Victoria’s Website: Your go-to hub for all things breathwork, empowerment, and living your best life.

    ➡️ Loved this episode? Do me a solid – rate and review the show! Your support helps spread the word and create a ripple effect of empowerment, courage, and breathwork magic. And hey, if you’re listening during June 2024, share it on Instagram and tag me for a shot at that free breathwork session!

    Connect with Me: Feeling the call to dive deeper into breathwork?

    Check out my Soul Union Sanctuary Breathwork Membership for curated sessions designed to help you tap into your inner magic.

    Or try my 4-week PRIVATE Breathwork Coaching Trail [tap here for the. link] – I’d be honored to hold space for your journey.

    Thanks for tuning in, beautiful souls. Keep shining your light, trust your breath, and remember – you have the power to choose you. Until next time, stay raw and radiant!


    • 19 min
    Ep.020 - Healing Trauma & Regulating Your Nervous System w/ Meghan Weir

    Ep.020 - Healing Trauma & Regulating Your Nervous System w/ Meghan Weir

    In this empowering episode of Raw & Radiant, Victoria Starr sits down with the incredible Meghan Weir to explore the transformative power of breathwork, Kundalini yoga, and self-care. Discover how Meghan overcame an 18-year battle with an eating disorder and found healing through these powerful practices.

    Tune in to learn how you can heal trauma, regulate your nervous system, and embrace your true self. Episode Highlights: Meghan Weir's Transformative Journey:

    Discover Meghan's inspiring story of overcoming an 18-year eating disorder and finding healing through breathwork, somatic therapy, and Kundalini yoga.

    The Importance of Self-Care: Learn how daily practices like deep breathing and meditation can help you regulate your nervous system and improve your emotional health.

    The Power of Kundalini Yoga: Explore how this practice combines breathwork, chanting, and movement to release emotional and energetic blocks and enhance self-awareness.

    Healing the Inner Child: Hear Meghan's heartfelt story of reconnecting with her inner child and how it transformed her life.

    Building Self-Trust Through Breathwork: Get practical tips on developing self-trust and tuning into your intuition through breathwork.

    Key Quotes:

    "Your breath is your greatest and most underutilized tool."

    "Everything you need is within you now."

    Join our vibrant community for exclusive content, guided breathwork sessions, and supportive discussions that help you thrive and grow. Celebrate your journey, embrace your inner light, and continue to shine your beautiful light in the world.

    Special Giveaway:

    🎁 Special Giveaway Alert! 🎁

    Win a FREE virtual breathwork session with Victoria Starr! Share this episode on Instagram or Facebook in the month of June 2024, tag @victoriastarr, and you’ll be entered into the drawing. The drawing will take place on July 1, 2024.

    Resources Mentioned:

    ➡️ Connect with Meghan Weir

    Get the magic & medicine of SNS: Sat Nam Sessions  use code DROPPEDIN for a special discount!

    Learn more about my new Digital Program Rewire  use Code DROPPEDIN to receive 20% off!

    Website: www.meghan-weir.com

    IG: @themeghanweir

    Youtube: @themeghanweir

    TikTok: @themeghanweir

    Podcast: DROPPED IN W/Meghan Weir  


    ➡️ Connect with Victoria:

    Website: https://www.victorialeestarr.com/

    IG: @victorialeestarr

    FB: Victoria Lee Starr

    LIBERATION: Rising from the Ashes 🔥 Creating a Path to Healing from Narcissistic Emotional Abuse 

    SoulUnion Sanctuary Breathwork Membership🦉

    4-week PRIVATE Breathwork Coaching Trail 


    Subscribe & Leave a Review:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to Raw & Radiant and leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Your feedback helps us reach more people and continue to bring you empowering content.

    • 44 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
12 Ratings

12 Ratings

IlluminateActTwo ,

Healing Work

I’m fairly new to Breathwork but I’m a fan of Victoria’s teaching already. She gently guides and nudges us toward the peaks and releases. I always leave feeling cleaner and emptier. Looking forward to the next sessions.

LoJean23 ,

Breathwork can change you.

I had the privilege of doing group Breathwork classes with Victoria this past summer and felt a big shift in my nervous system afterwards. She is genuine and authentic and her enthusiasm for her work is contagious. I enjoy listening to this podcast. Victoria is a great communicator and a natural interviewer and her passion shines through.

Curls By Susie Swaner ,

Victoria speaks to our souls !

When I am fortunate to spend time with Victoria Starr , during breath work , retreats or podcast , my heart feels so at peace .
I am so thankful she is creating Raw and Radiant podcast !! I’m waiting for the next episode to drop !!!

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