Real Clinicians Real Chats

Alex Murray and Kit Wisdom
Real Clinicians Real Chats

Podiatrist Alex Murray and Physiotherapist Kit Wisdom delve into the realities of clinical challenges when managing musculoskeletal conditions and pain.

  1. Exploring the self asked question, "do I have enough skills to manage some of my patients?"


    Exploring the self asked question, "do I have enough skills to manage some of my patients?"

    Kit and Alex discuss the question and common thought we have as clinicians “do we have enough skills to assess and manage some of our patients?” Themes that emerge include: The practitioner’s experience of feeling a lack of worth in session and how this influences our interactions. How thoughts questioning our worth and knowledge can reduce staying in the present when treating, the value of being grounding ourselves and being present in a session, how we might employ this skill and the benefit it has when we are experiencing these feelings and emotions. The seduction of trying to solve our feelings around our lack of knowledge with more knowledge seeking, instead of dealing with how we can improve our own concept of self worth. How we as practitioners might be reinforcing our clients disconnection and distance from their symptoms and problems by disconnecting from our own experiences around our knowledge, skills and worth. The challenge of being present as a clinician and paying attention to our own embodied experience, and resisting overanalysing whilst still problem solving, providing a plan, and educating the patient when needed  Kit shares how she and Shelley Barlow held a workshop last year with a small group of health professionals exploring the practitioner experience within a novel learning container. Alex and Kit reflect on our own personal experiences, our own knowledge and concept of self-worth and what thoughts and feelings came up for each of us during our chat. You can follow us:@realcliniciansrealchats on Facebook and Instagram You can follow Alex:@therehabpodiatrist on Facebook, Instagram @therehabpod on You can follow Kit:@wisephysiotherapy on Facebook and Special thanks to Clariloops for our theme music.

    1 小时 8 分钟
  2. 2023/08/15

    Reflections on hosting our first guest, allowing space for fear, worth, panic and how we can better collaborate with our patients

    Kit and Alex reflect on their first experience of having a guest in their podcast home, appreciating the value of inviting real clinicians on rather than subject experts.  Kit shares her recent change in clinic life with taking on a new lease for her biz. She speaks about how the transition is bringing up deeper layers around fear, doubt and self-worth and how she’s noticing how those parts are sitting alongside the openness, expansion and playfulness in an embodied way. They discuss how Kit navigated “struggle town” through the challenges that emerged with the move and how that can relate to life in clinic with the people we work alongside. They explore about how to be with people in their challenges, allowing space for fear, worth, panic, and making space for each individuals felt sense knowledge that is different to intellectual knowing. Alex brings in research around what patients require for collaboration in terms of structure and un-structured time within session to communicate their unique experiences. They talk about how we hold different frameworks / maps as guides that can bring some structure or shape to sessions whilst allowing for unstructured time to allow for building trust and the relationship. You can follow us:@realcliniciansrealchats on Facebook and Instagram You can follow Alex:@therehabpodiatrist on Facebook, Instagram @therehabpod on You can follow Kit:@wisephysiotherapy on Facebook and Special thanks to Clariloops for our theme music.

    1 小时 8 分钟


Podiatrist Alex Murray and Physiotherapist Kit Wisdom delve into the realities of clinical challenges when managing musculoskeletal conditions and pain.








