28 min

Real talk with Infidelity Coach Andrea Giles Become A Trauma Informed Coach

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode, Lindsay and Andrea talk key components of why it matters to be trauma-informed:When you do this work on yourself, you are able to minimize being triggered on calls.How it can be surprisingly quick to use these tools to tone down triggers.Why safety in groups matters, especially when we're processing emotions with respect to our stickiest relationships, and so much more.Certified Life Coach Andrea Giles is the host of the "Heal from Infidelity" podcast, as well as mother to 12...

In this episode, Lindsay and Andrea talk key components of why it matters to be trauma-informed:When you do this work on yourself, you are able to minimize being triggered on calls.How it can be surprisingly quick to use these tools to tone down triggers.Why safety in groups matters, especially when we're processing emotions with respect to our stickiest relationships, and so much more.Certified Life Coach Andrea Giles is the host of the "Heal from Infidelity" podcast, as well as mother to 12...

28 min