Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, Kai Lin

REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

  1. 靈魂拷問: 給我時光機,我要桃園四結義!!! | RF80

    1 DAY AGO

    靈魂拷問: 給我時光機,我要桃園四結義!!! | RF80

    今天這集要來考驗RF的智慧及窺探直男們的心思,我們準備了一系列燒腦哲學性難題來個難得的認真系列-「靈魂拷問」!像是"喜歡最討厭的人的甚麼特質", "回到過去還是穿越未來", "最近一次痛哭流涕", "希望為這個世界帶來、留下什麼東西"等等,什麼都聊什麼都不奇怪!趕緊來聽聽我們如何用令人稱羨的直男幽默及誠信至上的態度來解析這些題目! ⚠️重要聲明: RF的幕後團隊(Daniel本人)忘記按下神聖的音檔錄製按鈕,導致整集都是由單一相機進行收音(沒錯,麥克風只是裝飾),部分片段可能會呈現含糊不清甚至聽不太到的情形。不過也不用擔心,招牌的冷笑話依然穿透力十足,保證能讓你聽到心理發寒❄️但還是在這裡跟各位說聲抱歉🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏻 In this episode, the boys take on the hot seat to tackle some of the universe’s toughest and most thought-provoking questions. From what they admire most in someone they dislike, to time travel debates, to the last time they cried, and even what legacy they hope to leave behind, no topic is off-limits. Come see how they navigate these burning questions with their usual humor and honesty! *Disclaimer: Daniel forgot to press record for the audio, so parts of this episode may be a little unclear or quiet—but don’t worry, the boys’ rowdiness more than makes up for it. We apologize in advance! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 01:16 你最討厭的人其實很棒? 04:24 你為什麼這麼有自信? 09:31 當高階主管真難啊… 13:47 你的時光機只能往前還是往後? 19:55 歷史課本你相信嗎? 24:25 以後科技會不會很可怕啊… 29:27 哩洗勒靠哦? 34:30 直男看電影愛哭? 36:54 離開了以後,你想讓別人記得什麼? 46:11 ENDING #podcast #taiwan #hotseat -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    47 min
  2. 新的一年,新的你,直男教你如何改變自己!! | RF79

    JAN 7

    新的一年,新的你,直男教你如何改變自己!! | RF79

    2025開春特集,讓我們用滿滿的正能量跟著直男一起大升級!先從人與人之間的溝通技巧開始,不管妳是I人或E人你都必須精通這項技能,跟著網紅 Vinh Giang 老師的小撇步來訓練自己的說話技巧! Kai 老師也從過去的交往經驗中學到了很多難以忘懷的人生教訓,像是忍痛放棄 Internet Explorer (?) 再來,你知道早晨的例行公事不單單只是個人生活習慣嗎?根據 Dr. Andrew Huberman 的研究,好的晨間習慣會直接影響到你的生理機能讓你開啟美好的一天!最後,主持人們也分享了自己的2025新年新希望,也感嘆自己逐漸離"年輕人"越來越遠,但沒關係,RF 大家庭就一起變得更老更有智慧吧! In the first episode of the new year, the boys are here to spread POSITIVE energy and focus on how we can all grow together in 2025! They kick things off by discussing the importance of communication skills, sharing tips from Vinh Giang on how to improve your speaking. Kai then reflects on the life lessons he’s learned from past relationships, including the unforgettable moment when he ditched Internet Explorer. Next, they dive into the value of a solid morning routine, featuring research from Dr. Andrew Huberman to help you start the day feeling your best. Finally, the boys share their goals for 2025, reflecting on how we are all getting old… but that's okay, we'll grow old together with the RF family!! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 04:35 會講話真的很重要欸 09:35 要對自己說的話有自信! 15:15 一起主持不能太有默契?! 17:55 你為什麼還在用 IE? 23:14 一天的開始最重要! 31:44 多巴胺到底是什麼? 37:46 一起學會控制多巴胺! 47:07 從直男變成質男? 51:10 男生的頭髮超重要的! 54:59 是不是我們開始老了… 59:50 真心希望大家身體健康 1:02:05 ENDING #podcast #新年 #直男 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    1h 7m
  3. RF 酒精路跑2: 直男喝酒變成饒舌歌手?! | RF78


    RF 酒精路跑2: 直男喝酒變成饒舌歌手?! | RF78

    萬眾矚目、睽違一年強勢回歸的酒精路跑第二彈震撼上映!我會騙你嗎~我說到做到👇🏼在這跨年夜的特別節目中我們將會回答一系列的粉絲問題、微醺挑戰各種遊戲、在尾聲還上演一段 SKR 到炸的 FREESTYLE BATTLE 🎤🍻 我們也要趁這個機會特別感謝大家2024年一路的支持 ❤️ 沒有你們 RF 不會有今天的成就,未來我們也會不斷突破、提升自我帶並做出更好的內容帶給大家更多的正能量 🎉 - TEAM REALFAKE 🚨提醒大家🚨 ⚠️ 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ⚠️ 嚴禁酒駕–喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒! ⚠️ 理性飲酒–酒後若有不適,應立即停止!飲酒過量有害健康 Thank you all for waiting—the boys are back with Alcohol Marathon 2! If we say it, we’ll do it. Join us for this special pre-New Year’s episode as we answer YOUR questions, stumble through hilarious games, and by the end of it all… transform into rappers! 🎤🍻 Happy New Years everyone, and thank you all for your support this year! ❤️ The best is yet to come! 🎉 - TEAM REALFAKE WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 02:43 第一站 03:16 有什麼常人無法理解的特殊癖好? 04:46 預見自己十年後會在哪裡定居,過什麼樣的生活? 07:38 最喜歡的季節 09:17 有參加過美國大學的兄弟會嗎? 11:52 GAME 1: 數字拳 (5, 10, 15, 20) 14:44 覺得:不太喜歡了, 這個分手理由怎麼樣? 16:31 做過的不可告人的糗事? 23:35 直男的理想型外貌! 26:25 對女生的哪些行為會暈到不行? 29:10 GAME 2: 默契大考驗 34:37 女生加分的特質! 36:32 GAME 3: 菜園果園動物園 39:18 最想合作的 YouTuber 或 Podcaster? 42:50 早餐喜歡吃什麼? 46:36 靈魂出軌 v.s.肉體出軌 49:24 GAME 4: APATEU 52:18 有遇到過酸民嗎? 55:30 GAME 5: 便利商店有什麼? 59:47 女友有機會上節目嗎? 1:02:07 要怎麼樣才能提升英文能力? 1:05:16 GAME 6: 左一拳右一拳 1:08:35 第十三站: 幫彼此挑酒 1:12:23 直男進化成饒舌歌手了! 1:14:04 RAP BATTLE START! 1:22:21 GAME 7: RF 一聽就知道 1:29:11 最後一站 1:31:33 ENDING #podcast #台灣 #酒精路跑 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    1h 33m
  4. 直男必學送禮指南,讓你從聖誕老公公進化成聖誕老公! | RF77


    直男必學送禮指南,讓你從聖誕老公公進化成聖誕老公! | RF77

    ✨ 趕快來一起玩 Goodnight,聖誕不剩單!: 上我們的 IG @realfakepod Tag 你身邊的送禮白痴,就有資格參加 GN 夜貓王抽獎! 佳節愉快大夥兒!由衷地感謝RF的好朋友 Goodnight 為大家帶來充滿節慶喜氣的一集,直男們也難得在節目上分享每逢佳節的送禮小巧思。首先,讓RF的英語小老師丹尼爾來為大家科普一下什麼是 "Cuffing Season", 以及寒冷的天氣是如何導致人們渴望另一半。既然都說到寒冷、說到另一半,勢必得聊聊我們心目中完美的寒冬約會行程,到底哪位直男的浪漫最能讓大家買單? 不過相比安排約會行程,更讓直男們絞盡腦汁且痛苦萬分的「送禮環節」才是真正的大魔王!但自嘆不如的我們沒有要教大家如何挑禮物送女友,而是要和女生朋友們分享可以送什麼東西給男友或身邊的直男好朋朋,以及交換禮物該怎麼準備才不會成為朋友口中的籤王 :) Kai 老師也不藏私的分享一個交換禮物的新玩法,保證溫馨也保證滿意!最後,我們也分享了自己今年聖誕節最想要的禮物,才發現原來直男連自己想要什麼都不知道 :P Happy holidays, everyone! This festive episode, brought to you by Goodnight, has the boys diving into dating and gift-giving during the holiday season. They kick things off by explaining the concept of cuffing season and why everyone craves a partner when it’s cold outside. Then, they share their dream winter date ideas, with each host crafting a special itinerary for a date in Taipei. Next, they tackle holiday gifting—offering suggestions on what to gift the dudes in your life and tips for navigating Secret Santa without embarrassing yourself. To wrap things up, they introduce some creative new ways to play Secret Santa and reveal what gifts they’d love to receive this holiday season! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 04:58 天氣冷了想找人取暖 07:49 冬天來把我銬住吧 13:52 趕快去用 Goodnight! 17:10 聖誕節約會行程 18:13 跟 Daniel 一起溜冰 22:22 跟 Kai 去聖誕樹巡禮 26:01 跟 Sean 去逛聖誕市集 31:35 送禮真的好難! 33:43 聖誕節要送直男什麼? 39:04 實用派禮物 41:19 氣氛派禮物 45:44 用心派禮物 50:45 每次玩交換禮物都壓力好大 52:28 Kai 收過最爛的交換禮物 56:53 Goodnight 抽獎! 57:46 交換禮物送什麼一定不會錯 1:04:44 交換禮物新玩法 1:06:39 直男到底想收到什麼? 1:13:05 ENDING #podcast #聖誕節 #交往 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    1h 15m
  5. 原來女生最暈這5種興趣? 這個愛好竟然是第一? | RF76


    原來女生最暈這5種興趣? 這個愛好竟然是第一? | RF76

    兄弟們注意了,今天這集要來聊的是最受女生歡迎的15大興趣!一開始臭直男們先猜猜究竟哪些興趣在女生眼裡是加分的!會打籃球勢必很帥?會做菜肯定有人愛?原來這些都只是男生的一廂情願 TAT 最讓人震驚的是「閱讀」擊敗了眾多敵手成為了第一名最受歡迎的興趣!此時飽讀詩書的 Kai 老師露出了自信且實至名歸的笑容,順道和女性聽眾分享了如何從男生平時看的書籍種類歸納出他們的性格,幫助大家找到更合適的對象。除了閱讀以外,主持人們也討論了其他像是彈奏樂器、學習語言、運動等等也一樣非常加分的興趣,當然也有列出在女生心中墊底的興趣讓廣大男性同胞們參考參考,豎起你們的耳朵仔細聽了! In this episode, the boys dive into some research on the top 15 most attractive hobbies to women! They kick things off by guessing which hobbies actually catch women’s attention, only to realize that most men think alike. To their surprise, they discover that reading tops the list as the most attractive hobby, prompting Kai to share tips for women on how to analyze men based on their choice of books. The boys then break down which instruments, languages, and sports are most likely to impress, before wrapping up with a quick look at the least attractive hobbies (listen up boys!). WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 04:54 哪種興趣會給女生好感啊? 06:48 運動男孩很帥? 11:15 男生覺得哪種興趣最帥? 19:26 女生就愛會讀書的男生? 21:13 如何用書來篩選男生? 30:26 語言能力好很帥?! 33:53 會樂器的男孩超帥?! 41:20 型男大主廚 43:13 女生喜歡男生做木工? 45:16 畫畫也蠻加分的! 50:34 那種興趣會給女生反感? 54:42 會喝酒的男生其實不帥?! 56:52 陽光男孩~ 1:00:38 ENDING #podcast #直男 #興趣 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    1h 3m
  6. Threads 調查局: 按下追蹤就是對女友不忠? | RF75


    Threads 調查局: 按下追蹤就是對女友不忠? | RF75

    也許應該不一定有可能有機會大概率抄襲 Dcard 調查局的全新系列 - Threads 調查局首次登場!相信大家在滑 Threads 的時候偶然會滑到一些留言區戰況膠著的文章,今天我們就是要一一討論這些火到發燙的脆文!從感情方面的兩難、世界公認的顏值到台灣人對幼幼台的熱愛等等,沒有限定任何主題,絕對是雜食性朋友最愛的一集。今年台灣也辦了相當多的音樂祭 & 演唱會,我們也討論到究竟該如何在票價和體驗品質做出最完美的取捨、達到最理想的平衡?也歡迎在留言區告訴我們你的想法!最後讓我們用各種奇怪的文章做收尾,IG 被有另一半的人追蹤很奇怪嗎? 兩隻貓在家裡會不會聊天? 為何物價隨時都在飆漲!!( 希望RF的訂閱數也隨時在飆漲 :P ) The boys are back with a “brand new” series called Threads Investigation Bureau (definitely not Dcard!!). This time, they dive into the ever-popular Threads platform to break down some of the most intriguing posts! From relationship dilemmas and debates over the world’s best-looking people to Taiwan’s love for YOYO Channel, no topic is off-limits. They also touch on the heated discussion around concert ticket pricing and how to maintain the quality of the experience. To wrap it up, the boys tackle quirky topics like being followed online by people in relationships, whether cats actually talk to one another, and the ever-rising prices of… well, everything! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 03:12 大家都愛記錄生活? 08:12 全球第一帥 11:18 全球第一美 17:11 大家都愛 YOYO 台 21:44 演唱會不能這樣限制吧 27:36 我只想po,不想給你follow 38:09 貓咪在家一定大聊特聊 41:02 是大家變有錢了嗎? 46:10 飲料漲價可以接受吧 48:57 書好貴哦… 51:44 ENDING #podcast #threads #調查局 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    54 min
  7. 原來跟寵物溝通是為了抓姦? 你有被浣熊嗆過嗎? | RF74 ft. 艾莉緹


    原來跟寵物溝通是為了抓姦? 你有被浣熊嗆過嗎? | RF74 ft. 艾莉緹

    RF 的三位好奇寶寶終於有機會解開伴隨他們一生的謎,萬分榮幸請到了寵物溝通師艾莉緹!「寵物溝通」大家多少都有聽過,但究竟誰才有資格和寵物溝通? 隨時隨地都可以和動物聊天?和毛小孩的溝通如何進行?跟著直男們與艾莉緹一起探索寵物溝通的世界!在稍微了解一番後,Sean 和 Daniel 也分享了自己寵物的照片來驗證艾莉緹是否真的名不虛傳!充滿歡笑的過程中,艾莉緹除了幫大家解惑以外,也傳達了很多身為寵物溝通師必須具備的道德良心與責任感。最後,艾莉緹也和大家分享如何找到可以信任的寵物溝通師、以及諮詢前需要注意的事項。 The three curious boys finally have a chance to have their questions answered by pet whisperer Arrietty! They dive into the fascinating world of animal communication, exploring who can talk to animals, whether pet whisperers can communicate with them anytime, and what the process is like. Sean and Daniel even test Arrietty's skills by sharing photos of their pets, uncovering valuable lessons about the ethics and responsibilities of being a pet whisperer. To close, Arrietty offers tips on finding a trustworthy pet whisperer and things to watch out for. WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 01:35 人人都能學寵物溝通? 04:34 學寵物溝通師有什麼好處? 06:53 大家都愛攻擊寵物溝通師? 09:44 高等級動物?! 12:10 可以隨時跟任何動物聊天嗎? 16:55 溝通的過程是什麼感覺? 21:06 動物也需要被告知的 26:13 Sean 養了胖虎跟大雄 31:34 膽小狗到了動物王國 35:15 大腿內側脂肪不夠 39:04 要怎麼找到可以信任的溝通師 43:24 溝通師要練多久? 48:19 ENDING #podcast #寵物 #溝通 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    51 min
  8. 直男研究所 3:直男不會冷暴力只會冷笑話。渣男雷達感應不到綠茶? | RF73


    直男研究所 3:直男不會冷暴力只會冷笑話。渣男雷達感應不到綠茶? | RF73

    如果你也常被臭直男行為所困擾請不要轉台,因為直男行為研究所第三彈來了!每隔一陣子都要幫眾多直男同胞們申冤一下,究竟我們的腦袋到底都裝些什麼東西。從我們惡名昭彰的溝通技巧「騙妳都是為了妳好」,到極度不負責任的「啊我就直男啊我也沒辦法」這種大家最討厭的思維一一帶大家來分析!社交層面,直男看似呆若木雞但也是有雷達的,能夠百分之百偵測渣男卻毫無能力判斷誰是綠茶?!再回到溝通的部分,只要是直男都喜歡冷戰甚至冷暴力?有感而發的 Kai 老師也和大家分享被初戀情人極致冷暴力的淒涼故事。最後,我們用直男最怪的行為做收尾,為何直男都喜歡學一些奇怪的謎因、甚至要模仿到100%相似才肯罷休?直男回訊息都這麼沒溫度的嗎?多用用表情符號可以嗎 XD >//// :P ^o^ orz The boys are back to answer YOUR deepest questions about what really goes on in a dude’s mind! They kick things off by tackling the infamous lack of communication skills, from avoiding honesty to keep the peace to shrugging off accountability with, “Well, I’m just like every other guy.” Next, they explore the “dude’s sixth sense” of spotting F boys but hilariously failing to identify F girls. Returning to communication woes, they discuss the silent treatment, with Kai sharing a past relationship that ended entirely around it. To wrap things up, the boys chat about how guys love learning and imitating random internet trends and call out the many dudes still living under a rock, oblivious to the fact that emojis are free to use! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 01:13 大家可以上我們的 Threads 投稿! 02:13 我怕你知道會生氣所以還是不說好了 09:34 綠茶看不懂,渣男秒認? 15:26 男生雷達很準?! 18:14 我不是網美為什麼要在網美景點合照? 26:31 啊我就直男啊~ 31:25 直男就愛冷暴力?! 38:21 Kai 的漸進式分手 46:11 直男都是怪人? 50:12 Daniel 跟 Sean 的友誼是建立在模仿實力? 52:54 直男:「Emoji 是什麼啊?」 56:12 國外比較少用表情符號! 59:45 ENDING #podcast #直男 #愛情 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    1 hr

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REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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