Really Jesus?-The Obedience Journey of a Lifetime

Porscha Hicks-Plant
Подкаст «Really Jesus?-The Obedience Journey of a Lifetime»

Ever struggle with being obedient??? If you're anything like me, listening and obeying have not always come easy to you. Especially when the command is contrary to what you really want to do. This podcast documents the journey of obedience to God that did not always come easy but was always worth it! Really Jesus? takes the account of my own personal journey of obedience to God, learning to hear His voice and making decisions confidently in Christ. It also records the account of others who, like me, have often asked the question on the tail end of a command... Really Jesus?

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Ever struggle with being obedient??? If you're anything like me, listening and obeying have not always come easy to you. Especially when the command is contrary to what you really want to do. This podcast documents the journey of obedience to God that did not always come easy but was always worth it! Really Jesus? takes the account of my own personal journey of obedience to God, learning to hear His voice and making decisions confidently in Christ. It also records the account of others who, like me, have often asked the question on the tail end of a command... Really Jesus?

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