Reason with Science

Jitender Kumar
Reason with Science

Welcome to "Reason with Science", the podcast that explores the intersection of reason and science in our everyday lives. Billions of years of evolution led to a species which is asking questions about its own existence. This quest of humans is not possible without science. As we navigate an increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever to approach issues with a clear and evidence-based understanding. In this podcast, we'll dive into the latest research, explore fascinating topics, and interview experts in their respective fields to help us make sense of the world around us.

  1. Reason and scientific method | Hugo Mercier | Reason with Science

    JAN 28

    Reason and scientific method | Hugo Mercier | Reason with Science

    In this episode, we talk with cognitive scientist Hugo Mercier about the fascinating topic of reasoning - what it is, how it works, and why it matters. Hugo is a co-author of The Enigma of Reason (with Dan Sperber) and author of Not Born Yesterday. Here, we discuss why reason evolved, the good and bad sides of reasoning, and how our biases - like confirmation bias and motivated reasoning - affect us. Hugo helps us unpack ideas like the argumentative theory of reasoning, the dual-process theory, and whether reasoning is better for competition or collaboration. Plus, we explore how to fight misinformation, train our reasoning abilities, and embrace intellectual humility. Guest info: Website: X: Google scholar: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: YouTube music: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ YouTube music: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:36 What's your understanding of reason? 00:05:37 What about science? 00:08:10 Can we say that reason is an evolved property of evolution? 00:12:50 Can using the scientific method lead to better reasoning? 00:30:30 Does the role of language play an important part in understanding how reason works? 00:33:40 Do you think cooperation is the key to the evolution of reasoning? 00:35:12 What characteristics make reason evolve? 00:37:45 If cooperation is key, why does reason misfire? 00:39:40 What do you think about rationality? Is it another special form of reasoning? 00:42:45 Are there different processes, like unconscious and conscious levels, that matter when it comes to reasoning? 00:51:55 Can reasoning be trained? 00:56:34 What do you think about misinformation, and how is it linked to education? 01:05:10 What is the difference between information and misinformation? 01:08:48 Does the type of media matter? More on Reason with Science: 1) Chemistry of life and death | Nick Lane | Reason with Science | Origin of life | Biochemistry ( 2) Collective intelligence of cells | Michael Levin | Reason with science | Bioelectricity | Biology ( 3) Powering the complexity of life with Michael Levin and Nick Lane | Reason with Science | Biology ( 4) How multicellularity evolves | William Ratcliff | Reason with Science | Origin and evolution of life ( 5) The evolutionary origins of a good society | Nicholas Christakis | Reason with Science | Psychology ( 6) Food for your health | Dr. Robert Lustig | Reason with Science | Sugar | Diets | Healthy Lifestyle (

    1h 15m
  2. Synthetic cells and DNA origami | Kerstin Göpfrich | Reason with Science | Engineering | Biology

    JAN 20

    Synthetic cells and DNA origami | Kerstin Göpfrich | Reason with Science | Engineering | Biology

    This episode is with Kerstin Göpfrich. She is a leading researcher in the field of synthetic biology with experties in biophysics, DNA nanotechnology. and microfluidics. She leads the max plank research group of biophysical engineering at the max plank Institute for medical research in Heidleberg. Her research centers on utilizing DNA origami, a versatile technique that employs DNA molecules to construct three-dimensional components for synthetic cells. In this conversation we talk about can we create life in the lab, synthetic cells, advantages of using DNA origami in creating synthetic cells, applications, and the future of artificial cells. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: YouTube music: Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: YouTube music: Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:01:22 - Briefly describe your work and what you do. 00:03:08 - How do you envision a cell? 00:11:51 - What are top-down and bottom-up approaches? 00:17:37 - What are the paths taken to achieve certain functions? 00:20:09 - How are you exploring DNA nanotechnology? 00:24:48 - What do you mean by DNA and RNA origami? 00:35:45 - What does sustaining cells mean? 00:45:50 - Tell us about laser printing. 00:51:03 - What components can you build using DNA or RNA origami? 01:03:45 - Is there progress in using DNA nanotechnology to build metabolic systems? 01:08:19 - What applications do you envision for DNA nanotechnology-based synthetic cells? More on Reason with Science: 1) Chemistry of life and death | Nick Lane | Reason with Science | Origin of life | Biochemistry ( 2) Collective intelligence of cells | Michael Levin | Reason with science | Bioelectricity | Biology ( 3) Powering the complexity of life with Michael Levin and Nick Lane | Reason with Science | Biology ( 4) How multicellularity evolves | William Ratcliff | Reason with Science | Origin and evolution of life ( 5) The evolutionary origins of a good society | Nicholas Christakis | Reason with Science | Psychology ( 6) Food for your health | Dr. Robert Lustig | Reason with Science | Sugar | Diets | Healthy Lifestyle ( #reasonwithscience #engineering #biology

    1h 18m
  3. Evolutionary aspects of ageing | Steven Austad | Reason with Science | Lifespan | Human health


    Evolutionary aspects of ageing | Steven Austad | Reason with Science | Lifespan | Human health

    This episode is with Steven Austad. He is the Protective Life Endowed Chair in Health Aging Research, a Distinguished professor and Chair of the Department of Biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Steven has been at the forefront of unraveling the mysteries of why some individuals live longer and healthier lives than others. His work covers a diverse array of topics, from the cellular mechanisms of aging to the evolutionary aspects of longevity in various species. In this conversation we talk about what is ageing?, biggest challenges in the field of ageing, evolutionary aspects of ageing, chronic illnesses and how to increase human life span? Guest info: Website: Twitter: Amazon: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Google podcast:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:08 How did you decide to work on ageing? 00:03:21 Why some species age faster than others? 00:03:56 Evolutionary perspective of ageing 00:05:42 What is ageing? 00:06:13 Challenges in studying ageing 00:09:49 What is longevity and longevity quotient? 00:12:18 How does flight affects ageing? 00:17:21 Correlation between habitat of animals and their lifespan 00:19:07 Factors affecting lifespan of animals in the wild or in captivity 00:20:59 Importance of regeneration for the survival 00:22:58 Flight independently evolved four times 00:25:55 Temperature dependent change of sex 00:27:10 Wisdom- the oldest confirmed wild bird 00:28:58 What are the challenges to get the age of an animal correctly? 00:37:12 Relationship between size of the animal and longevity 00:40:42 Vampire bats 00:41:41 Lifespan of naked mole rats 00:44:31 Impact of high altitude on human health 00:46:37 Lifespan of hummingbirds 00:49:22 Lessons for human longevity from evolutionary biology 00:56:04 Steven's work on Restrictive eating 01:02:04 It is important to couple restrictive eating with weight training 01:04:40 Comment on diets 01:06:58 There are no biomarkers for ageing 01:08:27 When can we have a good consensus on healthy lifestyle? 01:10:10 Life at the age of 77 01:11:28 Ethical implications of increasing human lifespan 01:13:53 Thank you More on Reason with Science: 1) The evolutionary origins of a good society | Nicholas Christakis | Reason with Science | Psychology (   • The evolutionary origins of a good so...  ) 2) Food for your health | Dr. Robert Lustig | Reason with Science | Sugar | Diets | Healthy Lifestyle (   • Food for your health | Dr. Robert Lus...  )

    1h 15m
  4. Cells to civilizations with Enrico Coen | Reason with Science | Evolution | Science | Culture


    Cells to civilizations with Enrico Coen | Reason with Science | Evolution | Science | Culture

    This episode is with Enrico Coen. He is a plant biologist and geneticist at John Innes Centre. Enrico's work has focused on unraveling the intricate genetic and molecular mechanisms that govern the formation and growth of plants. He is the author of two books, namely, 'Cells to civilizations' and 'Art of genes'. In this conversation we talk about major transitions in biology, emergence of complexity, evolution of life, drivers of evolution, evolution of brains, Intelligence and science. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Amazon: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Google podcast:⁠⁠⁠⁠ Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:04 Major transformations of life  00:14:12 What is science and how it works?  00:16:22 Can science help us to study fundamental nature of reality?  00:30:07 Do we need an absolutist view of science?  00:37:14 What are the commonalities between evolution, development, culture and learning?  00:44:32 Role of parasites in the evolution of life  00:47:49 Survival of the fittest  00:53:07 Natural selection at the level of replicators  00:58:46 Level at which evolution works (genes or cells)  01:09:47 Concept of memes  01:16:00 Why religion has been successful?  01:25:45 Crucial elements of scientific method  01:32:50 Importance of self-doubt  01:36:10 Covid-19 pandemic and science  01:40:00 Science and art  01:48:09 Future writing  01:50:12 Thank you!

    1h 52m
  5. Unconscious mind and our behavior | John Bargh | Reason with Science | Psychology | Consciousness


    Unconscious mind and our behavior | John Bargh | Reason with Science | Psychology | Consciousness

    This episode is with John Bargh. He is a social psychologist at Yale University. John's work has shed light on the intricate workings of the human mind, delving into topics such as priming, automaticity, and the power of the unconscious. His research has challenged conventional notions, revealing how subtle cues and environmental factors can shape our perceptions,decisions, and actions. In this conversation we talk about unconscious mind, priming effects, evolution of consciousness, unconscious biases, and can we train our unconscious? Guest info: Website: Amazon: Google scholar: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:|-john-bargh-|-reason-with-science-|-psychology-|-consciousness/ffb36aaf-7029-40b9-9066-9fb23050a72f Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Google podcast:⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:46 Early career 00:04:10 Hard problem of consciousness 00:10:33 Unconscious mind and it's role in our behavior 00:17:57 Distinction between conscious and unconscious mind 00:20:40 Hot and Cold experiments 00:29:56 Priming effects 00:30:40 Global effects of priming 00:34:05 Goal priming 00:39:40 Trust priming for the idiologies 00:55:45 Cultural priming 00:58:31 Priming effects through Social media 01:07:50 Evolution of conscious and unconscious mind 01:15:00 Examples of conscious and unconscious activities 01:17:46 Evolution of unconscious mind in other species 01:20:50 Consciousness in other species 01:24:00 Can we train our unconscious mind? 01:27:24 Effects of multi-tasking 01:34:00 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 01:36:03 Unconscious biases 01:42:02 Next book 01:45:12 Thank You!

    1h 47m
  6. Life origins at hydrothermal vents | Michael Russell | Reason with Science | Geology | Chemistry


    Life origins at hydrothermal vents | Michael Russell | Reason with Science | Geology | Chemistry

    This episode is with Michael Russell. He is geologist who works on the origin of life. Mike is an originator of the theory that life emerged at alkaline submarine hydrothermal vents. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, hydrothermal vents, alien life, artificial life, and are there new life forms emerging now? Guest info: Website: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:|-michael-russell-|-reason-with-science-|-geology-|-chemistry/a651d6d1-2124-46e7-b83d-c1a2918dfceb Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Google podcast:⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:49 What are the most interesting aspects of life? 00:04:02 Beginning of space-time 00:08:42 Dawn of chemistry 00:11:47 Progress in science 00:16:37 Discovery of hydrothermal vents for emergence of life 00:28:12 How the submarine alkaline vents were discovered? 00:37:06 Early earth conditions for the origin of life 00:44:22 Major issues to explain orgin of life 00:49:45 Composition of green rust 00:52:07 Disagreement on engines of hydrothermal vents 00:54:15 Can we link origin of metabolism at hydrothermal vents with the information? 00:56:22 Next step after origin of metabolism 00:59:22 Membranes and viruses 01:02:34 Did protocells escape hydrothermal vents? 01:08:47 Did LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) evolve in hydrothermal vents? 01:18:56 Creating an artificial hydrothermal vents 01:29:00 Thank you!

    1h 32m
  7. Building life from chemistry | Lee Cronin | Reason with Science | Artificial life | Origin of life


    Building life from chemistry | Lee Cronin | Reason with Science | Artificial life | Origin of life

    This episode is with Lee Cronin. He is the Regius Chair of Chemistry in the School of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow. He and his team are trying to make artificial life forms, find alien life, explore the digitization of chemistry, understand how information can be encoded into chemicals and construct chemical computers. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, framework to build life from inorganic material, assembly theory, Darwinian evolution, and alien life. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:|-lee-cronin-|-reason-with-science-|-artificial-life-|-origin-of-life/9ed704ca-7836-4a52-a3a3-b894f537ff4a Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: ⁠⁠ Youtube: ⁠⁠ Spotify: ⁠⁠ Apple podcast: ⁠ ⁠ Google podcast:⁠ ⁠ Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:59 Lee's point of view of origin of life research 00:02:24 Are there different scales in chemistry of origin of life? 00:04:01 Framework to build life 00:06:57 Theory of life 00:12:06 Can darwinian evolution works beyond at the chemical level? 00:15:59 Fundamental level of selection 00:22:04 Memories of compounds 00:22:42 Assembly theory 00:24:51 Multiverse 00:28:05 Why haven't we managed to build life so far? 00:31:33 How to use automation to build life? 00:36:33 What is essence of life? 00:39:03 Why do we have life only on earth in our solar system? 00:39:33 Experiment to build life 00:40:33 What will be the information of artificial life? 00:41:19 Chemputer 00:44:38 3D printing life forms 00:49:07 How to identify alien life? 00:50:22 Explanation of assembly theory 00:54:22 How to differentiate alien organic or inorganic matter? 00:58:12 Selection at artificial cells 01:02:45 Thank you!

    1h 3m
  8. Behavioral economics and Game theory | Robert Aumann | Reason with Science | Nobel Laureate | Psychology


    Behavioral economics and Game theory | Robert Aumann | Reason with Science | Nobel Laureate | Psychology

    This episode is with Robert Aumann (94 years old now). He is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in game theory and decision theory. His exceptional work has not only reshaped the way we understand strategic decision-making and cooperation but has also garnered him numerous accolades. In 2005, Aumann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his pioneering work in game theory and its applications. His groundbreaking insights have not only advanced our theoretical understanding of strategic decision-making but also have practical implications in various fields, such as negotiations, conflict resolution, and the design of market mechanisms. In this conversation we talk about the topics related to his scientific journey including game theory to study the conflict and cooperation, Nash equilibrium, Aumann Agreement Theorem, Knot theory, rationality, and future directions of game theory. Guest info: Website: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:|-robert-aumann-|-reason-with-science-|-nobel-laureate-|-psychology/b975ea0c-2501-448a-8bd3-ea58628da534 Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:07 Interest in mathematics and economics 00:12:34 What is game theory? 00:16:35 War is an example of a game 00:17:30 Zero sum game 00:18:33 Politics is also a game 00:19:05 Contributions of John Nash to game theory 00:28:35 Examples of game theory regarding economics 00:47:00 Concept of common knowledge 00:58:30 Agreement theorem 01:04:25 Bayesianism and agreement theorem 01:05:42 Importance of education 01:13:48 Rationality 01:22:55 Kahneman and Tversky's work 01:25:30 Wars are rational 01:43:40 Life at the age of 93! 01:44:30 Thank you

    1h 45m

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Welcome to "Reason with Science", the podcast that explores the intersection of reason and science in our everyday lives. Billions of years of evolution led to a species which is asking questions about its own existence. This quest of humans is not possible without science. As we navigate an increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever to approach issues with a clear and evidence-based understanding. In this podcast, we'll dive into the latest research, explore fascinating topics, and interview experts in their respective fields to help us make sense of the world around us.

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