Rebecca Sparrow | Boys & their Mates

Bringing Up Boys Summit

It’s easy to convince ourselves they our boys are not the ones participating in sexist jokes or watching pornography with their mates at school, because they have such good manners around us. But perhaps that is not the full truth. In this engaging conversation, Bec Sparrow and Dr Justin Coulson discuss how to help our boys develop their identity and morality, recognize good relationships, and set healthy boundaries with their friends.


  • 00:19 Dr Justin introduces Bec Sparrow
  • 01:39 The biggest challenge parents face with boys
  • 05:33 Parental obliviousness to kids’ behaviour 
  • 10:43 Conversations about sex
  • 16:24 Boys vs girls friendships
  • 21:26 ‘Ruminating’
  • 23:48 Red flags 
  • 27:04 Green flags
  • 29:38 Personal boundaries
  • 35:27 Consent
  • 40:34 Peer pressure and being a 'simp'
  • 44:56 Male inappropriate bonding
  • 52:01 Developing values and identity
  • 54:48 Belief leads to identity
  • 57:42 3 quick tips
  • 1:00:08 What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?

Bec Sparrow

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.

She is the author of three best-selling novels The Girl Most Likely, The Year Nick McGowan Came to Stay and Joel and Cat Set The Story Straight (co-authored with Nick Earls).

Aside from writing books Rebecca has written for Mamamia, co-hosted two seasons of the award-winning health and happiness podcast The Well with Robin Bailey and played Agony Aunt to teenagers across the country on the Ask Me Anything podcast. She also talks to thousands of school students (and their parents!) every year about friendship, resilience, giving back and how to have a more positive experience online. Rebecca is an ambassador for The Pyjama Foundation and Suncorp’s #TeamGirls initiative. In 2018 she was invited to sit on the Queensland Government’s Anti-Bullying Taskforce.

Rebecca lives in Brisbane with her husband Brad, her three kids and two labradoodles (one of whom is INCREDIBLY naughty).


Rebecca Sparrow - website

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