Reclaim Your Femininity and Find Satisfaction

Awaken Your Wise Woman

Lately it seems like women’s equality is farther away than ever? Don’t despair! Listen in on this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush welcomes author Alanna Kaivalya for an inspiring discussion about finding your feminine power.

“For feminine women, we want inclusion, we want community, we want collaboration.” — Alanna Kaivalya

You’ve probably heard the saying, “It’s a man’s world.” It’s true that our culture is still dominated by traditional masculine values, which can shape our views of what success is and how to achieve it. But what if we want a different definition—one that is collaborative rather than competitive? Where success is inclusive rather than winner take all? What can we do? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth “Biz” Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a mid-life women’s coach, welcomes Alanna Kaivalya, author of The Way of the Satisfied Woman: Reclaiming Feminine Power for a discussion about the challenges women face in a patriarchal society. They talk about the need to reclaim femininity and embrace a community-focused approach to success, explore the importance of listening to our intuition and, most important, provide reason for hope that we can find lives that are satisfying for us on our terms.

You can find the show notes and resources mentioned in this episode here-

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