REDEEM Her Time | Time Management Tips, Scaling your Business to 6 Figures, Work-Life Balance, Productivity Planning, Time Bl

Lissa Figgins, Christian Time Management Coach, Priorities Protector, Recovering Should-Do List Girl
REDEEM Her Time | Time Management Tips, Scaling your Business to 6 Figures, Work-Life Balance, Productivity Planning, Time Bl Podcast

Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Midlife Women Entrepreneurs & Solopreneurs who are ready to go from Random BUSYNESS to Faithful FRUITFULNESS. Here you'll find Time Management Tips using Time Blocking and Productivity Planning to create success in your business along with work-life balance so you can be more present in this season… and in light of eternity! You're juggling A LOT as an Over 40 Woman in Midlife- from supporting launching kids to aging parents to everything in between like... * Growing your Faith-walk * Nurturing your Marriage * Building your Friendships * Serving in your Business * Stewarding your Resources * Maintaining your Wellness * Developing your Passions * Keeping your Home... Ever feel like there's never enough TIME (or of YOU) to fit it all in? Do you wish you could stop… > Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities? > Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present? > Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity? > Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do? Good…cuz that’s NOT the Life + Business He intends for you. There’s a way to simplify and balance midlife + business so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too! Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Coach, Priorities Protector and Recovering Should-Do Girl. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years. Once upon a time, my life was too busy– I was showing up on the outside, but not fully present inside. And I was building a business, but it was taking me away from who + what mattered. I was BUSY, but I wasn't FRUITFUL. Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with FAITH at the center. Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my business, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE? Wanna see the exact systems I use to create my WITH-God Business Vision and set intentional goals with the right kind of accountability to actually follow through on? On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the 8 key areas of your life + business by: > Redefining your God-given life + business plan to guide where you focus your time & attention. > Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines. > Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional. I can’t wait to help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS and discover you really do have all the time you need for what you're called to. Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all. Let’s get started. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis), Lissa NEXT STEPS 1. Watch the free REDEEM Your Time Masterclass 2. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community 3. Schedule a free 15 Min CEO TIME AUDIT Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website: Email Me:

  1. 265 | 3 Steps to Steward your Business by Faith with an Abundance Mindset with Christine Jewell

    1 DAY AGO

    265 | 3 Steps to Steward your Business by Faith with an Abundance Mindset with Christine Jewell

    Hey CEO,  Do you tend to look at the cup as HALF-FULL or HALF-EMPTY?   May I just point out that BOTH perspectives focus on limits + lack.  What if instead you looked at the cup as OVERFLOWING…That’s what we call a faith-filled abundance mindset.  Because He doesn’t do anything just to capacity, right?  He’s a God who does exceedingly abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine…to Him be the glory, amen. So if we are doing business WITH-God, it’s time to stop trying to manage things at capacity an instead focus on becoming the CEO He’s called us to be who can steward the abundance He has for us. That’s why today I’ve invited my friend Christine Jewell on the podcast… Christine Jewell is an author, keynote speaker, and faith based executive coach with  over 25 years of experience in the fields of Health + Peak Performance, Entrepreneurship + Human Behaviour . She is also the host of the Breaking Chains Podcast where I recently was invited to be a guest. As the Founder of Warriors Of The Heart, she specializes in guiding highly successful CEO’s and Impact driven leaders to break out of the superficial “life” they’ve built, redefine success and step into a whole new playing field grounded in eternal, life giving principles.  Christine bridges the gap between the heart, fueled by faith & logic, fueled by practicality -  to help people receive more than they could ever imagine and claim the rich life they were created for. Get your hands on Christine’s book Drop the Armor Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa + Christine P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    41 min
  2. 264 | Growing Slow: The Only Cure for Hurry Sickness with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    SEP 23

    264 | Growing Slow: The Only Cure for Hurry Sickness with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Hey CEO…I don’t know about you, but I was addicted to SPEED. No, not the drug kind, but the always-doing kind.  You know- the always fitting more in, the forever checking more boxes, the constant being everywhere all-the time kind of speed- especially in my business cuz I had people to serve and goals to reach, you too?   Except all that speed only resulted in one thing- HURRY SICKNESS.  Perhaps you’ve heard my story of my diagnosis of Hystericus Globus where my ignoring of the signs I was always going too fast finally caught up with me.   The same thing happened to my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee- except her doctor didn’t try to hand her a pill to make it all go away. He told her it was a HEART problem, not as in the pumping blood kind, but the what she was running after kind.  When I read her story in her book Growing Slow this summer and heard it took a diagnosis of hurry sickness for her too to finally embrace Growing Slow, I couldn’t put the book down and had to invite her to be on the podcast.  Jennifer Dukes Lee is the bestselling author of several books, including Growing Slow, It’s All Under Control, and Stuff I’d Only Tell God. She’s a fan of queso, bright lipstick, and singing too loudly to songs with great harmony. She lives on a fifth-generation family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband have made a life of growing crops, pigs, two beautiful humans, and an enduring faith.  And you’re about to listen in on a very real conversation as we walk through the 4 seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter on the farm and in our hearts and explore the purpose God has behind each one.  I have a feeling this is one you’re gonna want to listen to again and share with your BIZ BESTIES who also may be addicted to speed and suffering (undiagnosed) from HURRY SICKNESS…cuz I think we all do, especially when trying to scale a business to 6 figures and beyond.  What if by Growing Slow, you can put down the roots, sustain the growth and experience a harvest beyond what you ever thought possible?   Get your hands on Growing Slow + the Growing Slow Bible Study Come join the conversation  (+ slow growth) inside the REDEEM Her Time Community We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis) Lissa + Jennifer P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    1h 2m
  3. 263 | Are you Praying for Your Business? How to Let God of Control and Increase your Impact

    SEP 16

    263 | Are you Praying for Your Business? How to Let God of Control and Increase your Impact

    Hey CEO-  If entrepreneurship is 1000x harder than just showing up to a job, why are we not regularly plugging into the power source we have access to as believers through prayer?  I don’t know about you, but for many years, I would spend my time with God in my fav spot on the couch with my Bible, a blanket and coffee in hand (do you have one of those spots too?)... and I’d spend plenty of time praying for my family, for my friends, for people in my church and in my community….even for my clients… but NOT MUCH for my business or for myself as the CEO.  It was like I left Him on the couch when it was time to head to my office…until the next morning. All the while, I was limiting the growth of my business because I was doing it as if it depended all on me- that’s because I saw myself as a manager of my time and business.   But all that changed when God showed me that it’s NOT about me.  And that my role was not manager, but STEWARD, because it didn’t belong to me and the purpose was not to build my kingdom, but His.  And that’s when I started learning to pray specifically in my CEO Daily Meetings that we talked about last week on Ep 262.  Prayer is how we connect with the One who holds everything we need…that’s how we can truly build our business WITH-God and see Him do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine to Him be the glory!  That’s why I’m excited to bring you this conversation today with Gayle Chaky- Gayle is a transformational business mentor, speaker, host of the “With God as My CEO” podcast (where I will be a guest soon) and founder of the Impact Makers Journey mastermind series. She is passionate about helping women reduce decision-making fatigue and become strong, confident business owners operating with the Lord at the core of their business as they focus on successfully magnifying their impact for His glory.  Gayle lives in New York with her husband of over 30 years and sweet pup Gracie.  Her life priorities are: faith, family and work in that order.  In her free time she loves walking, bike riding, gardening, sewing or just relaxing in her favorite chair with a good book. Be sure to listen in for to how to give up control of your business and for how to make prayer a Master’s mind priority… I have a feeling you’ll be so glad you did cuz your life + biz will never look the same.  Take Gayle’s IMPACT Assessment here  Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa & Gayle P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    33 min
  4. 262 | Praying for Your Business: A Template for a Daily CEO Meeting With God

    SEP 9

    262 | Praying for Your Business: A Template for a Daily CEO Meeting With God

    Hey CEO- Ever feel distracted in your time with the Lord such that it’s become another box to check off the day’s mile-long to-do list?  Or feel like after spending time deeply connecting with Him, you head into your work block and leave Him on the couch?   Been there, done both, didn’t work well. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you desire as a CEO (a Christ-Empowered Operator) to bring God, your Chairman of the Board, with you into every aspect of your business, and no longer try to figure out building it on your own, a Daily CEO Meeting is the most important time you’ll invest all day…not only in your business, but also in your life. If you long for His wisdom, direction, and peace as you build your business, lean in, because today I’m gonna share with you how I transformed my time with God from a routine task into a powerful partnership that fuels my business and everything else in my day… And how it can help you no longer waste time with the #1 way Christian women in business waste time day after day after day…. I have a feeling, after you hear the benefits, not only around your time, but also in your faith and everything else, you’re gonna want to grab the link to download my template, so here it is… Download the CEO DAILY MEETING WITH GOD TEMPLATE here Apply to the CEO Program + access the CEO IMPACT BONUS here I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    24 min
  5. 261 | C.E.O. Impact: 4 Essentials to Increase your Impact (+ Income) Before the End of the Year

    SEP 2

    261 | C.E.O. Impact: 4 Essentials to Increase your Impact (+ Income) Before the End of the Year

    Hey CEO- Do you want to increase your IMPACT (+ income) in your biz before the end of the year? For too many years, I was just increasing my BUSYNESS because I was always checking my inboxes, always working, always multitasking, always trying to manage it all… I (wrongly) thought my BUSYNESS meant I was growing my business… BUT all I was growing was my guilt, my fatigue and my disappointment.  But GOOD NEWS, after doing it all wrong for so long, I have discovered the 4 EXACT THINGS every successful Christian business owner needs to have in place… Not only will these 4 THINGS save you time (so you don’t have to wait for next Labor Day to take a well-deserved break), but they will also increase your IMPACT as a CEO…and along with it increase your INCOME.   How would you like to end the year in the black when it comes to your TIME + your INCOME? Before you head off to whatever you've got going on today, give me a few min of your time because I have a feeling having these 4 THINGS in place is gonna CHANGE EVERYTHING for you and your you (finally) see the growth (sooner than you think). Access the CEO IMPACT BONUS (and special pricing) when you join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO group coaching program I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    24 min


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78 Ratings


Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Midlife Women Entrepreneurs & Solopreneurs who are ready to go from Random BUSYNESS to Faithful FRUITFULNESS. Here you'll find Time Management Tips using Time Blocking and Productivity Planning to create success in your business along with work-life balance so you can be more present in this season… and in light of eternity! You're juggling A LOT as an Over 40 Woman in Midlife- from supporting launching kids to aging parents to everything in between like... * Growing your Faith-walk * Nurturing your Marriage * Building your Friendships * Serving in your Business * Stewarding your Resources * Maintaining your Wellness * Developing your Passions * Keeping your Home... Ever feel like there's never enough TIME (or of YOU) to fit it all in? Do you wish you could stop… > Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities? > Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present? > Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity? > Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do? Good…cuz that’s NOT the Life + Business He intends for you. There’s a way to simplify and balance midlife + business so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too! Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Coach, Priorities Protector and Recovering Should-Do Girl. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years. Once upon a time, my life was too busy– I was showing up on the outside, but not fully present inside. And I was building a business, but it was taking me away from who + what mattered. I was BUSY, but I wasn't FRUITFUL. Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with FAITH at the center. Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my business, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE? Wanna see the exact systems I use to create my WITH-God Business Vision and set intentional goals with the right kind of accountability to actually follow through on? On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the 8 key areas of your life + business by: > Redefining your God-given life + business plan to guide where you focus your time & attention. > Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines. > Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional. I can’t wait to help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS and discover you really do have all the time you need for what you're called to. Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all. Let’s get started. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis), Lissa NEXT STEPS 1. Watch the free REDEEM Your Time Masterclass 2. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community 3. Schedule a free 15 Min CEO TIME AUDIT Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website: Email Me:

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