183 episodes

Reflect Forward isn’t your everyday leadership podcast. This show is about exceptional leadership. Game-changing leadership. Learn from peers, experts, authors, and more on how to be an uber successful leader…one that stands out from the rest. One that inspires others to do great things. One that others want to follow. How does Reflecting Forward fit into exceptional leadership? You can only become great at what you do by deliberately creating your future by reflecting on the past and present…what you did well, mistakes you’ve made, and lessons you’ve learned.

Kerry Siggins is the CEO of StoneAge, the global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of high pressure waterjetting tooling and automated equipment. Kerry is also a member of Young President's Organization (YPO) and sits on several boards. She is a sought-after speaker, thought leader, leadership blogger and podcast host.

Reflect Forward Kerry Siggins

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 31 Ratings

Reflect Forward isn’t your everyday leadership podcast. This show is about exceptional leadership. Game-changing leadership. Learn from peers, experts, authors, and more on how to be an uber successful leader…one that stands out from the rest. One that inspires others to do great things. One that others want to follow. How does Reflecting Forward fit into exceptional leadership? You can only become great at what you do by deliberately creating your future by reflecting on the past and present…what you did well, mistakes you’ve made, and lessons you’ve learned.

Kerry Siggins is the CEO of StoneAge, the global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of high pressure waterjetting tooling and automated equipment. Kerry is also a member of Young President's Organization (YPO) and sits on several boards. She is a sought-after speaker, thought leader, leadership blogger and podcast host.

    Leadership, Innovation, and Vision w/ John Saunders

    Leadership, Innovation, and Vision w/ John Saunders

    John Saunders spent over 20 years as a Wall Street SVP, sales team leader, and award-winning sales executive. He is an executive coach, author, and podcast host and is a regular guest on podcasts. He has spoken at international conferences and Universities, including Georgetown (GU) and Columbia. He is a regular contributor to the GU Executive MBA mentorship program, an active angel investor, and a member of the GU MBA Alumni Advisory Council.

    His consultancy firm is Forward Advisory Solutions, where he offers workshops and keynotes and helps authors effectively market their books.

    Episode Insight: By embracing the Optimizer Mindset, you empower every member to contribute to your organization's growth and lift the talent curve.

    Background: In this episode of Reflect Forward, John Saunders and I discuss his extensive leadership experience on Wall Street and how it prepared him to build teams, improve processes, and optimize his mindset. After leaving Wall Street, he built a consulting firm aimed at helping leaders create a purposeful vision and mission. John shares stories about his leadership philosophy, emphasizing servant leadership and the power of creating win-win situations. We also discuss the importance of a clear mission and vision for driving organizational success and innovation.

    John is also the author of a compelling book, The Optimizer: Building and Leading a Team of Serial Innovators. In this book, he explains the evolution of innovation and its close relationship with effective leadership. He also provides valuable insights on how to build and lead a team of serial optimizers, fostering trust and engagement to drive your mission forward.

    How to find John:
    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Optimizer-Building-Leading-Serial-Innovators/dp/1636765734
    Website: https://www.johncsaunders.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcs-optimizer/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jcs_optimizer/

    Please consider ordering my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me to discuss what you are looking for!

    • 29 min
    The Power of Compounding on Growth and Success

    The Power of Compounding on Growth and Success

    In finance, the power of compounding is considered to be the miracle of wealth accumulation. Albert Einstein reputedly called it the “eighth wonder of the world,” emphasizing its ability to grow investments exponentially over time. However, compounding isn’t limited to monetary gains; it can be applied to personal development and leadership growth. When harnessed effectively, the power of compounding can be the driving force behind long-term success and fulfillment.

    In this episode of Reflect Forward, I discuss the concept of compounding and its impact on personal and professional development. Small, consistent efforts can lead to significant long-term success.

    Understanding the Power of Compounding
    Compounding is the process where the value of an investment increases because the earnings on an investment, both capital gains and interest, earn interest over time. This cycle of earning interest on interest can lead to significant growth of the initial investment.

    Much like financial investment, personal development benefits immensely from the power of compounding. Every skill you learn, habit you build, and knowledge you acquire contributes to your overall growth and success, creating a foundation upon which future growth can build.

    Investing in Yourself
    Continuous learning, habit formation, networking, and skill development are key areas where the power of compounding can significantly enhance personal growth. Reading for 30 minutes daily accumulates 182.5 hours a year, transforming your knowledge and perspectives. Diversifying your learning through workshops, podcasts, and conversation further compounds your growth. Networking expands your professional circle and opportunities. And daily practice and skill development exponentially increase your proficiency and career advancements.

    Steps to Harness the Power of Compounding for Success

    Set Clear Goals: Define the areas you want to grow in. Having clear, specific goals helps you stay focused and motivated. Write down your goals and break them into actionable steps. Regularly review and update your goals to align with your evolving aspirations.

    Consistent Effort: Dedicate time each day to work towards these goals. Establish a daily routine that incorporates your development activities. Use tools like planners or digital apps to schedule and track your progress.

    Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track. Reflection helps you identify what’s working and what needs improvement. Adjust your strategies based on your reflections, ensuring continuous improvement and growth.

    Leverage Resources: Utilize books, online courses, mentors, and other resources to aid your learning and development. Surround yourself with a support system that encourages and guides your growth. Join study groups, seek mentorship, and engage with communities that share your interests. Leveraging diverse resources enriches your learning experience and accelerates your progress.

    Add a Zero: Go bigger in everything you do, whether it’s your wealth, impact, or effort. Challenge yourself to think and act on a larger scale. If you’re aiming to save $1,000, aim for $10,000. If you’re impacting 100 people, strive to impact 1,000. This mindset pushes you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace bigger challenges, and achieve greater success.

    By investing in continuous learning, habit formation, networking, and skill development, you can harness this power to achieve exponential growth in your personal and professional life.

    Order my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me to discuss what you are looking for!

    • 21 min
    Work on Your Game w/ Dre Baldwin

    Work on Your Game w/ Dre Baldwin

    As CEO and Founder of Work On Your Game Inc., Dre Baldwin has given 4 TEDxTalks on Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness & Personal Initiative and has authored 33 books. He has appeared in national campaigns with Nike, Finish Line, Wendy's, Gatorade, Buick, Wilson Sports, STASH Investments and DIME magazine. Dre has published over 8,000 videos to 142,000+ subscribers, his content being viewed over 100 million times. Dre's daily Work On Your Game Podcast has over 2,900 episodes and over 7.3 million downloads. Dre invented his Work On Your Game framework as a "roadmap in reverse" to help professionals with mindset, strategy, accountability and execution.

    Episode Insight: Only the top 2% reach the top in professional sports. It's player-versus-player. Not everyone can "make it" – and frankly, that's how it's supposed to be. Not everyone is supposed to.

    Background: In just five years, Dre Baldwin went from the end of his high school team's bench to a 9-year professional basketball career, playing in eight countries. How did he do it? Dre focused on his mindset, being consistent, having a plan, and putting it into action. His efforts led him to create Work on Your Game, where he helps leaders develop their ambition and let go of mediocracy.

    During this week's episode of Reflect Forward, Dre shares his inspiring journey from sitting on his high school basketball bench to achieving a nine-year professional basketball career. He explains the importance of mindset, discipline, consistency, and personal initiative in achieving success. Dre also discusses his approach to helping entrepreneurs and leaders improve their performance using his proprietary framework. Tune in to learn actionable strategies to elevate your game professionally and personally.

    How to find Dre:

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/DreBaldwin
    YouTube: http://YouTube.com/Dreupt
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorkOnYourGameUniversity
    LinkedIn: http://LinkedIn.com/in/DreAllDay
    X/Twitter: http://Twitter.com/DreAllDay
    TikTok: http://TikTok.com/WorkOnYourGame

    Order my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me to discuss what you are looking for!

    • 31 min
    Always Saying “Sorry” Undermines Your Leadership

    Always Saying “Sorry” Undermines Your Leadership

    As leaders, our words shape perceptions, influence actions, and reflect our confidence. However, one habit that undermines our authority is the unnecessary apology. It’s time to stop saying "sorry" for things that don’t warrant an apology and understand how this habit diminishes our effectiveness as leaders.

    In this week’s episode of Reflect Forward, I explore the problem with over-apologizing, how unnecessary apologies erode credibility and authority, and why social conditioning often drives leaders to apologize unnecessarily. I'll share practical tips on building self-awareness about your apology habits, reframing your language to maintain authority, and practicing assertive communication to convey confidence. Additionally, you'll learn when to make sincere apologies that truly matter.

    The Problem with Over-Apologizing
    Frequent apologies for minor issues or things beyond our control can signal a lack of confidence or competence, eroding our credibility. This behavior can suggest that we are not in control or unsure of our decisions, weakening our authority. Moreover, by setting a tone of constant apologizing, we may inadvertently create a culture of hesitation within our teams, stifling innovation and assertiveness.

    Why Leaders Apologize Unnecessarily
    Social conditioning, fear of disapproval, and a desire to be liked often drive leaders to apologize preemptively. Many of us have been taught to apologize as a way to be polite or avoid conflict, and this habit can carry over into our professional lives, where it is less appropriate.

    How to Stop Unnecessarily Apologies
    The first step is recognizing when and why we apologize unnecessarily. Track your apologies for a week to identify patterns and triggers. Reframe your language to maintain authority; for example, instead of "Sorry for the delay," say, "Thank you for your patience." Practice assertive communication by being direct and clear, which conveys confidence without aggression. Stand by your decisions and actions, focusing on solutions rather than apologies when mistakes occur. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors to improve your communication style.

    Here are some additional ways to reframe
    • Sorry for rescheduling → Thanks for being flexible
    • Sorry for being late → Thanks for waiting.
    • Sorry for bothering you → Thanks for carving out time.
    • Sorry for venting → Thanks for listening.
    • Sorry I had to take that call → Thanks for your patience.
    • Sorry for jumping in → I have an idea that may help.
    • Sorry for the mistake → Thanks for catching that!
    • Sorry, I don’t get it → Could you repeat that? I just want to be clear.
    • Sorry, does that make sense? → I’m happy to answer any questions.

    When to Apologize
    There are times when an apology is necessary. Sincere apologies are crucial when a significant error has been made or when our actions have caused harm. In such cases, a heartfelt apology can mend relationships and rebuild trust. These apologies should be accompanied by a commitment to change and improvement, demonstrating accountability and a proactive approach to resolving issues.

    As leaders, our goal is to inspire confidence, trust, and respect. Unnecessary apologies can undermine these objectives by projecting insecurity and a lack of authority. By becoming more self-aware, reframing our language, and practicing assertive communication, we can break the habit of over-apologizing and strengthen our leadership presence. Remember, it's about reserving apologies for when they truly matter and can facilitate growth and understanding.

    Please consider ordering my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me

    • 14 min
    Bring Out the Best in Your Team w/ Michael Kaiser

    Bring Out the Best in Your Team w/ Michael Kaiser

    Michael Kaiser is a humble leader who knows how to bring out the best in his team. Michael grew up working on his family farm in South Alabama. After high school, he began working on an engineering degree and completed a BS in nuclear engineering while serving in the US Navy. After an honorable discharge from the Navy, Michael began working in the pulp and paper industry, where International Paper employed him. At International Paper, he frequently utilized Smith Industrial Services (SIS). as an industrial cleaning contractor. SIS eventually hired Michael to run a division of the company, leading him to his current role as Executive Vice President. He enjoys time with his wife, visiting friends and family, deep sea fishing, college football, nutrition, yoga, mindfulness and helping others.

    Episode Insight: Be intentional in the value you place on employees by engaging with them deeply and inspiring them to work as a united team.

    Background: Michael Kaiser is the Executive VP at Smith Industrial Services (SIS), based in Mobile, Alabama and is a customer of StoneAge. After getting to know Michael and being inspired by his servant leadership, I wanted to bring him on the show so you could learn a bit more about the very niche industry that StoneAge serves and the exceptional leaders in it.

    During the episode, Michael and I discuss how SIS lives its company values and invests in people, such as building strong relationships that create powerful teams. He shares how they have dramatically reduced turnover (we are in a high turnover industry because the work is hard and dirty) by creating a mentorship program aimed at helping teammates make it through their first 90 days. Michael tells us about growing up on a farm in South Alabama and how his parents instilled a deep work ethic at a young age that has carried throughout his career. Michael is the true epitome of servant leadership and he absolutely knows how to bring out the best in himself and his team. Have a listen, and let me know what you think!

    How to find Michael:
    Website: https://smithind.com/
    LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-kaiser-b29603119/

    Please consider ordering my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me to discuss what you are looking for!

    • 35 min
    Effective Leaders Find and Fix Problems

    Effective Leaders Find and Fix Problems

    To be a successful leader, you must quickly find and fix problems. This helps your operations run smoothly and builds a culture of trust, innovation, and improvement. And it allows people respect you as a leader. There's nothing more frustrating than working for a leader who sweeps problems under the rug.

    In this week's episode of Reflect Forward, I discuss why problem-solving as a leadership skill matters, why some leaders lack it, and how to communicate with your team, set priorities, and solve problems across departments.

    The Crucial Role of Proactive Problem-Solving
    Addressing problems promptly prevents minor issues from escalating into major crises, ensuring smooth operations. This approach demonstrates a leader's commitment to the team's well-being, boosting morale and productivity. Proactive problem-solving also builds trust within the organization, as leaders who consistently address issues are seen as reliable and competent.

    Why Some Leaders Struggle to Address Problems
    Some leaders avoid addressing problems due to a fear of conflict, worrying it might lead to tension within the team. Others may be unaware of issues due to poor communication channels or a hierarchical structure that filters out bad news. The overwhelming volume of responsibilities can also lead to neglecting problem-solving as leaders prioritize other urgent tasks. Moreover, some leaders may lack the necessary problem-solving skills or experience, resulting in ineffective handling of issues.

    Encouraging Teams to Speak Up
    It is crucial to create an environment where team members feel safe to voice their concerns. Leaders can foster open communication by regularly soliciting feedback and actively listening. Leading by example, acknowledging their own mistakes, and addressing them publicly sets a precedent for openness. Rewarding transparency by recognizing employees who bring issues to light reinforces the value of honesty and encourages others to do the same.

    Prioritizing to Avoid Overwhelm
    Effective problem-solving requires a systematic approach to prioritization. Implementing a triage system helps categorize problems based on their urgency and impact, addressing high-priority issues first. Setting clear, achievable objectives for problem-solving efforts ensures the team stays focused and motivated. Delegating tasks effectively empowers team members to take on tasks according to their strengths, distributing the workload evenly and preventing overwhelm.

    Leading Effective Problem-Solving, Especially Cross-Departmental
    • Role Model Effective Problem Solving
    • Establish Clear Communication Channels
    • Create Cross-Functional Teams
    • Utilize Data and Analytics
    • Encourage Collaboration and Accountability

    The Benefits of Effective Problem-Solving
    Effective problem-solving significantly impacts organizational success. According to the Project Management Institute, organizations excelling at problem-solving are 2.5 times more likely to complete their projects on time and within budget. Gallup research indicates that employees who feel their opinions count and see their leaders addressing problems effectively are 4.6 times more likely to be engaged at work. This heightened engagement translates to higher productivity, better retention rates, and a more positive work environment.

    Please consider ordering my book, The Ownership Mindset, on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

    Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.
    Subscribe to my podcast Reflect Forward on iTunes
    Or check out my new YouTube Channel, where you can watch full-length episodes of Advice From a CEO!

    And if you are looking for a keynote speaker or a podcast guest, click here to book a meeting with me to discuss what you are looking for!

    • 31 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
31 Ratings

31 Ratings

John S13 ,

Best in Class Leadership Concepts

Kerry does an extraordinary job of curating her guest list and then skillfully extracting their most meaningful ideas. As a bonus she masterfully keeps the episodes very conversational so it is easy to stay engaged and learn.

Team Blue SIS ,

Bring out the best in your team

Love the show, love the concepts! Great way to share experiences and contribute to someone else’s success….

Douglas9999 ,

Insightful Life and C-Suite Insights

If you're not listening to this podcast, you're missing out. Some of them are with guests, in others Kerry flies solo. In all she shares tremedously insightful wisdom on life and the c-suite. I was so fortunate to be a guest on one of Kerry's recent episodes where we cover a lot of ground from the perils of perfection and micromanagement to the power of standing up and owning your moment.

This is definitly a podcast you'll want to subscribe to.

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