Reframe to Create

Joy Spencer
Reframe to Create

The dream job is dead. So is the endless pursuit of productivity. Now it’s time to work in a completely new way that leaves you feeling purposeful, powerful and satisfied in all that you do. Learn how to set yourself apart by creating with your gifts, making a unique contribution, and finally getting paid to be you. To help you with this Joy Spencer, an experienced and certified Executive Leadership and Storytelling coach uses her C.R.E.A.T.E. framework to take you on your transformative work journey with reframes, tips, stories and guest interviews. You’ll never work the same way again after you develop your Signature Creation and StoryBrand.

  1. 9小时前

    97. Are You the Gift or the Gift-Giver? | Travis Lee Howard

    Are you the gift or the gift-giver?  This question made me stop and hit play on my guest’s LinkedIn video post.  What I heard next has shifted everything for me and I know it will for you too.   Before you hit play on this episode I want you to know why this episode is so important.  If you’ve been listening to Reframe to Create for any amount of time you know I always encourage you to create with your gifts as the key to reframing your entire relationship to work.  But if you’ve felt something is a little off for you it might be because of what Travis Lee Howard will dig up today.  Not knowing if you are the gift or the gift-giver might have led you into roles and positions that are misaligned with who you are at your core.  And you’ve probably been paying a hefty price for it.  But that can change today.   In this episode you’ll learn: How to tell if you are the gift or the gift-giver?  Why distinguishing which one you are is so important  Key steps to take to get realigned according to which one you are I really believe this episode may be just the thing you’ve needed to unlocked and make sense of your entire work experience and journey.   When you get your reframe be sure to reach out and let me know how this has impacted how you see who you are and what you’ll do next.     About my guest:  Travis Lee Howard’s career is a remarkable blend of entrepreneurship, leadership, and mindful management. From his early days in technology and law to his pioneering work in the cannabis industry and his current role as a coach and consultant, Travis’s journey is marked by continuous growth and impactful contributions. His dedication to fostering innovation, compassion, and strategic excellence makes him a standout figure in the modern business landscape. With over 20 years of entrepreneurial leadership experience, Travis coaches potential founders and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential through a simple paradigm. In teaching the mindful management pillars he works with his clients to tackle self, customer, machine, and team in a manner that aligns and inspires.   Contact Travis:   Reference Episodes Reframe to Create Episode 85 - Your Challenge is Your Gift | Sandy Dang    About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  2. 1月8日

    96. What You Create Is Not Your Life

    What’s your most important thing for this year?  How do you decide on your priority?  Do you take a shot in the dark or ask someone you think is wiser?  Answering this question is not only important for January but to shape and color the entire mood and vibe of your year.   If you don’t get a clear view on your priority it’s likely the year will slip right through your fingers in lots of activities that you won't ultimately find meaningful.  In the episode, I talk about how I use a Priority Investment Circle to get my year right.  You may be surprised to know that despite having this podcast I don’t put creating as #1 or the center of my life. Why you ask?  Because your life should take up that space. And there are certain things you can and must do to prioritize your life.  Listen in as I share what these things are to set you up for a year that you’ll feel is full of what matters most.    Reference Episode Reframe to Create Episode 10 - Your Work is Not the Center    About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  3. 2024/12/25

    95. Don't End With Nothing to Show for It

    Are you ready for your job to end?  As the year ends, this is the perfect time to think about endings.  I know it may not be the thing on your mind as you stuff yourself with food and gather with family and friends.   But despite the festivities, it’s still important to remember that all jobs come to an end.  This isn’t meant to scare you or depress you.   Instead, I want to arm you with the 3 things you should never leave your job without.  Because it’s best to be ready for your job’s end so you can soar rather than sink as it does.   This means it’s something to start building right now…long before the job ends.   Now, if you just got fired and didn’t do any of these things I want you to know it’s not too late.  This episode can help you prepare for next time and Episode 92 can help you where you are right now.   Wherever you are, this episode will equip you to leave every job feeling powerful and purposeful as you go on to your next.   However the time for next shows up for you.     --- Ready to get Your Restoried?  Book Your Session   Reference Episodes Reframe to Create Episode 92 - Wanna Get Paid to Be You? Get (Re) Storied First Reframe to Create Episode 82 - Future-Proof Your Work by Building Your Authentic Voice (on the job) | Katie Anderson  Reframe to Create Episode 64 - The Why and How of Building a Powerful Personal Brand | Diane Diaz Reframe to Create Episode 30 - Your Personal Brand is Not What You Think  Reframe to Create Episode 11 - All Jobs Come to an End. Prepare and Evolve Now.  About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  4. 2024/12/11

    94. A Reframe on Burnout. Your Invitation to Change | Cara E. Houser

    Are you feeling burned out?  It’s a common feeling and seems to ramp up, especially towards the end of the year.   While this feeling is common these days it’s not inevitable. There’s a way and a need to push back on this way of being in favor of something that leaves you lit up instead of drained.   My guest Cara E. Houser will show us exactly how to do this.  Her first order of business is to reframe our understanding of burnout because we’re looking at it all wrong.     In this episode, we discuss:  The invitation that burnout offers you and how you can accept it  Why self-care is not "massages and bubble baths" and what you must do instead  Tips on how you can start your burnout recovery today  If you’ve been feeling burnout I know this conversation will be just the help you need to recover and reclaim not just your life but your creating life! Check out Cara’s book and follow her on LinkedIn to get even more goodness.   About my guest: Cara Houser a.k.a. The Burnout Lady is a Life-Work Integration Coach. She makes burnout recovery accessible and fun and is also the author of the award-winning book: Burned Out to Lit Up: Ditch the Grind and Reclaim Your Life.    Amazon Book: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram:   About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  5. 2024/11/27

    93. How to Reframe the Drama Narratives on Your Job | Annette Simmons

    Are you dealing with insufferable people on your job? 🤔 Are you the insufferable person? 😆 Whoooo okay I won’t go there.  But seriously, how are the turf wars and the drama going these days at your job?  Are you ready to get a reframe so you can experience things differently?  If you are my guest Annette Simmons is going to help you do just that.  Annette is the CEO of Group Process Consulting and a best-selling author of books that define and promote “power-with” strategies and principles even though (and in some cases, specifically because) they undermine autocratic “power-over” strategies.   One of her bestsellers The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling was named twice as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.   This is the book that introduced me to Annette’s work but it’s just scratching the surface.  We dive into the why and how to deal with the territorial games on your job that might be driving you mad.    In this episode, we talk about:  How accepting your difference, leaning into your curiosity, and “following your weird” can lead you to the unique things you create  Why it’s important that you not dismiss the drama on your job as simply noise  How to spot the predictable tactics commonly used to protect silos on your job and how to deal with them  How looking for and listening to stories of others can be your empathy superpower on your job  The six stories you need to know how to share  And so much more!  Annette is a wealth of wisdom and practical advice that you’ll only start to experience in this episode.  To keep up with her and learn more check out ways to contact her below:  Annette Simmons on LinkedIn Annette Simmons Website  Annette Simmons Books Six Kinds of Stories    About My Guest:  Annette Simmons is a vibrant keynote speaker, author, consultant, and CEO of Group Process Consulting.  Annette’s most popular book, The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling was named twice as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.  All five of Simmons’ business books define and promote “power-with” strategies and principles even though (and in some cases, specifically because) they undermine autocratic “power-over” strategies.   Annette uses storytelling to teach work groups how to dialogue about diverse perspectives and connect the dots between seemingly adversarial perceptions into a new shared bigger picture.  Her first book Territorial Games: Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work was the result of her recording true stories about “turf wars” that revealed ten predictable tactics commonly used to protect silos.   Her most recent book Drinking from a Different Well: How Women’s Stories Change What Power Means in Action challenges traditional assumptions about what power is, what it is for, and who should have it.  This book is a love letter to women who instinctively seek to balance “winning” with moral acts of generosity that protect the weak and preserve our planet. Her clients have included NASA, Microsoft, Meta, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, businesses large and small, non-profits, and governments.   About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy an

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  6. 2024/11/13

    92. Wanna Get Paid to Be You? Get (Re) Storied First.

    Are you ready for your next transition as you pivot into something new?  What if your next job or contract was you getting paid to be you?  What would that look like?  What would that feel like?  Absolutely amazing right?  But this sort of thing doesn’t just happen.  You have to make it happen.  And getting paid to be you is all about becoming the type of person who gets paid to be you.  That’s because you can only go as far as who you are and before your transition you must transform.  That takes a narrative identity shift.  And those only come by changing the stories you tell about yourself and what you create.  It takes getting (re) storied.   This episode is all about what it takes to do this so you can get paid to be you.  Because isn’t it time you stopped getting paid to be everyone else and finally got paid to be you?    Get (Re) Storied:    About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  7. 2024/10/30

    91. The Surprising Ways You're Already Doing Your Work | Katie MacDonald

    Your work is not your job or career.  Your work is what you create. You get this.  But what if you're still searching for the thing that’s yours which you create? Or if you’ve stumbled upon it, what if that thing isn’t like everyone else’s? While everyone else is creating tangible things that people can taste and touch, yours can’t be.  What then?  I want you to know you’re not alone in this.  Creating isn’t always tangible.  Some people do create tangible things.   But many more create intangible experiences.    And that’s great news.  It means the world of creating is much bigger and wider than you might have thought.   My guest on today’s episode can tell you all about this because Katie MacDonald has done something truly remarkable.   She’s taken what she’s heard here on Reframe to Create and done the deep work of integrating it into her understanding of herself and her work.  She’s let it give her a reframe and the result has been a powerful discovery of what she uniquely brings to the table.  And her unique contribution might be like yours--something intangible.  Learning this has changed not just how she shows up on her job but how she shows up in all of her life.  We also talk about how your unique work doesn’t require that you go on a long journey to find it because you’re already doing it in some way today.  Listen in because you might discover that you’ve already been doing the thing you’ve been searching to find.     About my guest:  Katie MacDonald is a public health professional, passionate about improving lives through increased access to quality health products and services. She has worked in health markets around the world to introduce new health commodities, promote policy change and build public private partnerships. Katie discovered her love for public health as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali and since then has lived and worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Bangladesh. Katie enjoys making connections with people around the world and in her own neighborhood of Columbia Heights in Washington, DC through scuba diving, cooking, reading and running. Katie on LinkedIn:   Reference Episodes  Reframe to Create Episode 57 - Build and Diversify Your Work Portfolio  Reframe to Create Episode 56 - Liberate Your Work | Sawida Kamara  Reframe to Create Episode 86 - Don’t Let Your Job Get in the Way of Your Work  About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.   Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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  8. 2024/10/16

    90. What to Do When You Feel Drained

    Have you ever felt the life drain out of you because you were in a meeting about meetings?  😩 I know, I know! I won’t add anymore salt into your wounds if you were suddenly triggered.  There are so many things that can make you feel drained in life and on your job.  So what can you do about it?  It’s not just more sleep or caffeine in the morning.    What you need to know is exactly how Awareness, Consumption, and Creating can be used to help you break your drain cycle.  Listen in to learn more and how you can put this into practice for yourself and put an end to this drain!   About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.     Follow Joy on LinkedIn  -

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The dream job is dead. So is the endless pursuit of productivity. Now it’s time to work in a completely new way that leaves you feeling purposeful, powerful and satisfied in all that you do. Learn how to set yourself apart by creating with your gifts, making a unique contribution, and finally getting paid to be you. To help you with this Joy Spencer, an experienced and certified Executive Leadership and Storytelling coach uses her C.R.E.A.T.E. framework to take you on your transformative work journey with reframes, tips, stories and guest interviews. You’ll never work the same way again after you develop your Signature Creation and StoryBrand.








