According to the WHO, unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a leading cause of avoidable harm in health systems across the globe. In the European Union alone, this translates to nearly 200,000 deaths annually. The magnitude of this problem has led to global initiatives such as "Medication Without Harm," launched in 2017, aiming to reduce medical errors by 50% over five years. Although there is a need for more data on the results of this initiative, we are far from having reached the goal. The key lies in our ability to access medical information, specifically related to prescriptions. Direct access to reliable information, accounting for individual patient characteristics, and able to fit with the tools used by healthcare professionals. A next-generation medical database, incorporating all known information about medications in structured and interoperable bricks capable of supporting caregivers in safer and more effective prescribing practices. It turns out this database exists and has been developed by Pharmacist Emmanuel Bilbault and his team at Posos! Approved less than a year ago by French health authorities, it offers a new perspective on how to approach medical prescriptions in the era of AI and digital health. A way to give back time to every healthcare professional and ensure an unprecedented level of care quality for patients. We talked with Emmanuel about the creation of this new tool - used today by more than 85,000 healthcare professionals in Europe - and what it changes in our fight against medical errors. Timeline: 00:02:56 - What pushed Emmanuel to quit the Pharma industry and found Posos 00:11:11 - The first multilingual, structured, and encoded drug database to streamline medical prescribing 00:16:31 - How Posos is leveraging AI to supercharge its platform 00:22:54 - Keeping the drug database up to date across geographies 00:24:37 - The impact Posos has on healthcare professionals, patients, and health systems 00:29:59 - Toward providing patient access to Posos’ drug database 00:32:40 - Lessons learned from scaling Posos in France and abroad 00:40:47 - Emmanuel’s view on the current healthcare transformation What we also talked about with Emmanuel: Teva Pharmaceuticals IBM’s Watson Health Electronic Health Records SNOMED CT ICD-10-CM ATC MedDRA Named Entity Recognition Optical Character Recognition Word Embedding Machine Learning Pharmagest Ambient AI Nabla We cited with Emmanuel some of the past episodes of the series: #1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens As mentioned by Emmanuel during the episode, we recommend taking a look at this page to learn more about the SNOMED CT clinical terminology, as the most comprehensive, multilingual clinical healthcare terminology in the world. You can follow Posos’ activities on LinkedIn, Instagram, and X, and get in touch with Emmanuel via LinkedIn! If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email! And if you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a bi-monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and kept posted on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!