34 min

Remarks by General Kenneth McKenzie [2021 Arab-US Policymakers Conference‪]‬ National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Program Audio

    • Social Sciences

"Remarks by General Kenneth McKenzie"
30th Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference: "Whither U.S.-Arab Relations? Unnerving Uncertainties Amidst Complex Realities and New Possibilities"
Organized by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
17 November 2021
*Virtual Conference*
> Context Provider:
> Dr. John Duke Anthony - National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and Chief Executive Officer; Author, inter alia, of "Arab States of the Lower Gulf: People, Politics, Petroleum"; "Historical and Cultural Dictionary of the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirates of Eastern Arabia"; and "The United Arab Emirates: Dynamics of State Formation".
> Introduction:
> H.E. Motaz Zahran - Ambassador of Egypt to the United States.
> Speaker:
> General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr. - United States Central Command Commander; former U.S. Department of Defense Joint Staff Director.
Visit www.ncusar.org for more information.

"Remarks by General Kenneth McKenzie"
30th Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference: "Whither U.S.-Arab Relations? Unnerving Uncertainties Amidst Complex Realities and New Possibilities"
Organized by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
17 November 2021
*Virtual Conference*
> Context Provider:
> Dr. John Duke Anthony - National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and Chief Executive Officer; Author, inter alia, of "Arab States of the Lower Gulf: People, Politics, Petroleum"; "Historical and Cultural Dictionary of the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirates of Eastern Arabia"; and "The United Arab Emirates: Dynamics of State Formation".
> Introduction:
> H.E. Motaz Zahran - Ambassador of Egypt to the United States.
> Speaker:
> General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr. - United States Central Command Commander; former U.S. Department of Defense Joint Staff Director.
Visit www.ncusar.org for more information.

34 min