

We watched Disney movies on clamshell VHS tapes.  We ate Kid Cuisine. We channel hopped from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. We're '90s kids that were born at the end of the '90s. So really, we're Y2Kidz. Those are the things we'll be talking about on our latest podcast. Join Taylor and Patrick, the hosts of The Vince Vaughn-a-thon, as we reminisce on all of the things that made our childhoods great.

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4개의 평가


We watched Disney movies on clamshell VHS tapes.  We ate Kid Cuisine. We channel hopped from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. We're '90s kids that were born at the end of the '90s. So really, we're Y2Kidz. Those are the things we'll be talking about on our latest podcast. Join Taylor and Patrick, the hosts of The Vince Vaughn-a-thon, as we reminisce on all of the things that made our childhoods great.

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