Redefining Hustle: Navigating Success as a Christian Woman

Erin Harrigan
Redefining Hustle: Navigating Success as a Christian Woman

Named 2022 Best Business Podcast by Spark Media Redefining Hustle: Navigating Success as a Christian Woman is the weekly podcast for high-achieving sisters in Christ who desire harmony between their faith and ambition. If your Is your outward success is clashing with your faith and peace, and you're ready to exchange overachievement for letting Jesus lead your work, you'll find respite here! Each week we’ll spend a focused 15-minutes connecting Biblical truth to business with practical application so you can tune out the world, tune in to God’s truth, and turn up focus. The truth is: God made you ambitious, but He didn't make you to do business as usual! If this is the reminder you need today, let’s dive in together!

  1. Moving at the Pace and Speed of Jesus – Ep 291


    Moving at the Pace and Speed of Jesus – Ep 291

    Do you sometimes feel like you're running at a pace or speed that's getting you out of sync with Jesus? Leaning on your own understanding or what you think “should” be done based on what the world shows you are examples of running at your pace and speed, not His.  And you’re sure to trip up eventually. Kind of like me trying to run a mile on my first try when I knew my stamina and strength weren’t quite ready. Nothing is better than Jesus and moving at His speed! Here's how to sync your pace with His: 1. Ask the Lord to search your heart and show you where you're trying to run ahead or digging in your heels and lagging behind Him. 2. When He does, worship and thank Him. 3. Repent and ask forgiveness 4. Obediently follow His next instruction. I pray this show blesses you on your journey of navigating success as a Christian woman, and helps you embrace that God made you ambitious, but He didn't make you to do business as usual. I'm the coach who helps you trade overachievement and self-reliance for navigating success with Jesus. SCRIPTURE FOR FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 12:1-2 Isaiah 52:12 RESOURCES Find my books and 90-Day journal at YOUR CALL TO ACTION Download my free 5 Day Audio Devotional and join my email list! WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore working with me: LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL LinkedIn: @erinharrigan IG: @erindharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.

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  2. 5 Ways to Seek Divine Guidance – Episode 290


    5 Ways to Seek Divine Guidance – Episode 290

    Divine guidance is a search term many women use as they seek to understand ways to know how the Lord is leading them. Do you find it hard to find the Lord's divine guidance? In this episode, I share 5 ways from the Lord's instruction to us in Scripture to seek and find it: Meditate on His Word Follow Him Abide in Him Seek Him Walk in Your New Self See the Scripture references below for each of these instructions! So often as high achievers, we are good at directing our path and using our map. The problem is our map may take us in a direction that the Lord didn't intend for us because we're following the world's patterns. We are challenged, however, to know how to find His divine guidance. While we think we know best and like to be in control, the only way to know the next steps is to let Jesus lead. I call this navigating success with Jesus! I pray this show blesses you on your journey of navigating success as a Christian woman and helps you embrace that God made you ambitious, but He didn't make you to do business as usual. I'm the coach who enables you to trade overachievement and self-reliance for navigating success with Jesus. SCRIPTURE FOR FURTHER STUDY Joshua 1:7-9 Matthew 16:24 John 15:4-5 Matthew 6:33 Ephesians 4:22-24 YOUR CALL TO ACTION Download my free 5-Day Audio Devotional and join my email list! RESOURCES Find my books and 90-Day journal at WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore working with me: LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL LinkedIn: @erinharrigan IG: @erindharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.

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  3. Jesus Leading in Every Season guest Jennifer Allwood – Ep 286


    Jesus Leading in Every Season guest Jennifer Allwood – Ep 286

    It can seem like a warm ocean breeze to let Jesus lead in seasons of overflow, but what happens when the winds change direction and the storm blows in? My guest, Jennifer Allwood, has navigated many seasons of change in her journey to creating multi-million dollar businesses, and one thing is constant: Jesus leading in every season!   Jesus leading every season takes surrender, discernment and most of all: staying close to Him!   Jennifer Allwood is an inspiring entrepreneur and business coach who has built a thriving multi-7-figure a year business in the online space. Leveraging her faithful social media following of over 600K followers, “The Jennifer Allwood Show” podcast with nearly 7 million downloads, and her #1 best-selling book “Fear Is Not the Boss of You”, Jennifer empowers women to create financial freedom online while using their God-given gifts. In the last decade, Jennifer has taught over 20,000 women how to grow and sell on social media, diversify revenue streams, and transform their financial situations through online business. As the founder of **Equipt360**, an all-in-one marketing platform designed to equip entrepreneurs with all the online tools to build sustainable businesses, Jennifer continues to provide high-value training, mentorship, and resources that help women grow their brands and thrive in an ever-changing online world. RESOURCES FROM TODAY'S EPISODE Jen's email challenge: Connect with Jennifer at: FB: IG:  YOUR CALL TO ACTION Tune into the Masterclass live launch event on January 7, 9:30 am Eastern on LinkedIn and YouTube Jump on my email list with the 5 Day Audio Devotional! WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore working with me: LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL LinkedIn: @erinharrigan IG: @erindharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.

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  4. Conquer the Spirit of Interference Dr. Sherri Yoder – 285


    Conquer the Spirit of Interference Dr. Sherri Yoder – 285

    "We must get our eyes off what the enemy is doing, a.k.a., the spirit of interference or distraction, and keep our eyes where they belong, on our risen, Lord, under whose authority everything must bow!” Dr. Sherri Yoder   In this episode, Dr. Sherri and I go deep in what we truly believe as Christ's daughters, and how we conquer the spirit of interference!   Do we really believe that God is who he says he is? Do we believe he is faithful? Do we believe he works all things for our good? Do we believe that He is the good Shepherd who leads us beside still waters and into green pastures? SCRIPTURE FOR FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭CSB‬‬ 1 John 3:1 CONNECT WITH DR. SHERRI IG: @dr.sherrispeaks YouTube: @dr.sherrispeaks YOUR CALL TO ACTION Learn about the Navigating Success with Jesus Masterclass here Schedule a call to see if the Masterclass is a fit for you - by January 20! Jump on my email list with the 5 Day Audio Devotional! WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore working with me: LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL LinkedIn: @erinharrigan IG: @erindharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.

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Named 2022 Best Business Podcast by Spark Media Redefining Hustle: Navigating Success as a Christian Woman is the weekly podcast for high-achieving sisters in Christ who desire harmony between their faith and ambition. If your Is your outward success is clashing with your faith and peace, and you're ready to exchange overachievement for letting Jesus lead your work, you'll find respite here! Each week we’ll spend a focused 15-minutes connecting Biblical truth to business with practical application so you can tune out the world, tune in to God’s truth, and turn up focus. The truth is: God made you ambitious, but He didn't make you to do business as usual! If this is the reminder you need today, let’s dive in together!









