The story is set in the mid 1950s in the Upper West Side of New York City, then a multiracial, blue-collar neighborhood. The musical explores the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. The members of the Sharks, from Puerto Rico, are taunted by the Jets, a white gang. The young protagonist, Tony, a former member of the Jets and best friend of the gang's leader, Riff, falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks. The dark theme, sophisticated music, extended dance scenes, and focus on social problems marked a turning point in musical theatre.
Venmo’s: @jacob-santos-22 ; @rda956 ; @annika-pk
- 節目
- 發佈時間2021年8月31日 上午2:08 [UTC]
- 長度43 分鐘
- 季數2
- 集數1
- 年齡分級兒少適宜