I regret to inform you that Grace Barber-Plentie is dead, murdered by the thief she hired to steal the coaxium shipment—her friend, Tobias Beckett.
Since Sarah alone survived, she recruited Dani (@cardiganvixen) from the Rebel Order Podcast to put together a crew for a big shot gangster/talk Star Wars. In what Sarah planned to be an hour-long episode, she and Dani dive into Reylo (shipping Rey and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo), Bendemption (the redemption of Ben Solo) and how those two concepts will tie into and rectify what came before it.
There’s plenty of love for The Last Jedi (aka the greatest Star Wars movie of all time), a lil bit of prequel talk, a lil bit of original trilogy talk, and plenty of giggling about Ben Solo’s hot bod.
Since this episode was recorded very late in the evening, Sarah’s brain wasn’t working. She forgot to mention that she thinks Ben and Rey will help fulfil Leia’s desire to liberate planets living in oppression (read Leia, Princess of Alderaan and Bloodline, folks!), and from leaked photos, we can see refugees being rescued and presumably recruited to join the fight against the First Order—it will give all of these “nobodies” a voice.
@SarahSahim (Which she doesn't use.)
@yououghtaknowpod (Technically also Grace.)
- Show
- PublishedMarch 24, 2019 at 11:06 PM UTC
- Length2h 35m
- Season1
- Episode3
- RatingExplicit