Japan On Film

Film Stories
Japan On Film

Anime, kaiju, J-horror, exploitation, and everything in between—Japan has been producing some of the most interesting and creative movies for decades. In JAPAN ON FILM, author and Japanese film lecturer Perry Constantine and his guests will introduce you to the wide, wonderful, and sometimes weird world of Japanese films. We not only review, but also use these movies to provide some education on Japanese society, history, and culture. A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network: www.filmstories.co.uk

최고 5점
7개의 평가


Anime, kaiju, J-horror, exploitation, and everything in between—Japan has been producing some of the most interesting and creative movies for decades. In JAPAN ON FILM, author and Japanese film lecturer Perry Constantine and his guests will introduce you to the wide, wonderful, and sometimes weird world of Japanese films. We not only review, but also use these movies to provide some education on Japanese society, history, and culture. A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network: www.filmstories.co.uk

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