Rising From The Ashes

Danunaki Dan & The Homie Romie
Rising From The Ashes

We talk about life, spirituality, the great awaking, hidden history, Tartaria, religion, Astrology, ancient history, theories, the universe, mysteries.

  1. 2023. 12. 22.

    Philip K. Dick (Orthogonal Time Traveling Jesus) ”If you find this world bad, you should see some of the others” Metz, France 1977 Full speech (Read by Romie w/ music)

    Whats up Fire tribe!  Stallions you are, wondrous and magnificent existors.   I have grown incredibly fond of the work of Philip Dick, his "sci-fi" is so much more than that, and seemingly the populus agrees, its more philosophical than it is based on the idea of aliens, especially in his later works, specifically VALIS. This speech is elaborately detailed with the concepts of time travel, multiple dimensions, the kingdom of heaven not being somewhere beyond the veil of our atmosphere, more amongst the many layers of side scrolling reality that we experience.    There is video of PKD and his speech in france in 1977 though, its chopped down because the organizers of the science fiction convention needed him to save time for other speakers, which is a shame, I initially wanted to layer his voice over some music that i would make, though its from the 70's and the audio is quite frankly SHIT. So i decided to read it aloud myself, and add in some music. When i went to go find the transcript, i found the FULL LENGTH SPEECH! originally written how it was to be presented, so lucky us. the only available audio version on the internet, here in your hands and soon to be in your ears,  please make sure to take your time with this, its deep. if you need to pause thats absolutely okay, please do, but come back to it. consider these topics and sit deeply with the wonderment of the ideas of time travel, and the layers of vast consciousness.    with love Homie Romie   feel free to reach out to me here  Risingfromtheashespod@protonmail.com https://t.me/risingftashes

    1시간 38분
최고 5점
22개의 평가


We talk about life, spirituality, the great awaking, hidden history, Tartaria, religion, Astrology, ancient history, theories, the universe, mysteries.

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