Road to Bunbury Lighthouse Episode 01 | Bunbury Running Festival Training Series

WA Running Podcast

Welcome to the first episode of our new Bunbury 3 Waters Running Festival training block series in honour of the glorious landmark that is the Bunbury Lighthouse. 

In episode 01, we introduce you to four athletes who we will be following on their journey towards Sunday 13th April 2025. 

Ashlee Ritson, fresh from a great half marathon performance at the recent Busso Bay Run will be looking to continue her comeback after Baby #2 and run a PB at the Bunbury Marathon.

Jackson Lemin, a Steak Sandwich connoisseur is looking to bounce back in his next marathon following last year's Perth Marathon.

Hannah Paget, following her podium finish at last year's State Marathon Championships will be looking to rebound from injury to take on the half marathon event. 

And finally, David Perich will be hoping to go under the 3 hour marathon barrier to not only beat Simon to it but will also look to beat Chris' time after running his marathon debut at last year's event. 

The Road to Bunbury Lighthouse is brought to you by BIX Nutrition and Hydration.

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