Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio Show

Rob Kall has conversations with guests exploring the core and the edges of mind, body, heart, spirit, health, including Brain, neurofeedback, biofeedback, consciousness, positive psychology, story, mythology, and narrative, transpersonal psychology, longevity, stress, pain management, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Psychiatry, Psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, love, relationship, power, applied psychophysiology, Parapsychology, behavioral medicine...
Awesome Guests! Pioneers in biofeedback as guests.
His guests and subject topics are outstanding. He interviews many pioneers in the biofeedback / neurofeedback field. I feel that he's been able to interview some of the greatest minds in the industry. I'm grateful because many of them are getting quite old and it's great that we have their interviews on "tape" for future generations. I am currently going through neurofeedback and have been searching for info. To be honest though, Rob is not the best interviewer and the editing is a little rough, but if you can look past that, you will be exposed to some incredible information. Great job Rob!
Question, but GREAT interviews!!
Hi Rob, just in case you happen to see this; Are the two latest, listed podcasts, with Whitakernthe same or part 1 & 2? (They have exact same time, description). I've been listening to some of the others, including the first one with Whitaker & a few on AD(H)D. Have you ever heard of Blair Lewis, PA, Naturopath? I don't know if you've ever heard of the Himalayan Institute, (I used to live & work there), but Blair's been associated with HI and He & Carrie Demers, MD, (Bd Certified in Internal Med, but runs a Holistic Health Center up at HI), worked with my Son to get him off Ritalin 8 years ago & put him on an herbal blend-it was incredible!! Even helped ME with my ADD, (we have a genetic disorder which includes a focus "imbalance" & is evident chemically-ie: we take diphenhydramine for allergies, which normally causes drowsiness, we feel energized, same opposite reaction with caffeine-we feel drowsy. We just didn't realize what was going on when I was younger. I've ALWAYS been Vata-if you're familiar with Ayurveda.) Unfortunately, I don't think Blairs blend is available anymore-he's spending a lot of time at HI's Community & Health Center in Camaroon-yes, Africa. :) The Institute is about 6 miles North of Honesdale, where I'm living now. But, they worked miracles on my Son, and although he's enjjoying Thom Hartmann's AD(H)D books, he still takes herbal supplements when he can afford it. He's now almost 21, a Junior at the University of Guam, has a 3.85 GPA, works 2 jobs AND runs both a DFA Chapter as well as a Medical Cannabis organization. Anyways, THANK YOU for ALL You DO!! OpEd News is the one blog I spend probably 10+ hours/week reading!! If I were able to sit up and type for longer periods, I'd be contributing MUCH more!! (And if I can ever catch up with my overdrawn bank acct... :) Keep it Lit!! :) elaine/SoloPocono
À propos
- CréationRob Kall
- Années d’activité2 k
- Épisodes43
- ClassificationTous publics
- Copyright© Copyright 2019 Futurehealth
- Site web de l’émission