Robert Edward Grant - Think Tank

Robert Edward Grant
“Robert Edward Grant - Think Tank”播客

Join Robert Edward Grant & Exclusive Guests as they explore time-worthy topics, from Current Issues, Science, Philosophy, and more, from a unique polymathic perspective. Robert continues to connect with incredible individuals throughout his successful career, relentless personal ambition, and passion for learning, helping shape who he is today. He believes that when we approach life’s most challenging questions, we can find the answers but must expand our perspectives, but to do so, we need to develop our perspectives. In continuing his journey of discovery, Robert is inviting thought leaders and experts from around the world to engage in fascinating conversations and wants to share this personal journey with you. Please tune in, become part of the community, and help us all develop new ways of thinking about the world, ourselves, and each other.

  1. 1天前

    046 - Matt LaCroix

    For this Think Tank discussion featuring Matt LaCroix, Robert, and Matt explore ancient civilizations, including the mysteries of Sumerian and Akkadian cultures and ancient temples and their potential energetic and symbolic significance. Matt shares his journey from a childhood fascination with ancient mysteries and Indiana Jones-like adventures to becoming a researcher of forgotten histories. The conversation touches on his experiences as a mountaineer and his involvement in projects like the Phil Project and collaborative research on ancient temple designs. They explore how the designs of ancient temples might serve as portals or energetic gateways and discuss the connections between ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Sumerian civilizations. Additionally, the two discuss the upcoming documentary they are working on, which aims to uncover hidden truths about these civilizations and challenge the conventional narratives of history. This episode offers an in-depth look at Matt’s research, including his study of ancient texts like the Epic of Gilgamesh and the historical significance of the Shurupak civilization. It's a fascinating discussion for those interested in archaeology, history, and the esoteric connections between ancient societies and modern-day spiritual understanding. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Matt LaCroix Instagram: Website: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    1 小时 34 分钟
  2. 9月10日

    045 - DJ Deer Jade

    In this episode of Think Tank, Robert sits down with world-renowned DJ Deer Jade to reflect on their incredible 11 months together, during which their relationship has profoundly transformed both of them. They describe this time as the most transformative of their lives, each serving as the other's most significant spiritual teacher. Despite deciding to part ways romantically, they remain forever friends, deeply in love, and grateful for the life-changing journey they've shared. Deer Jade also shares her journey from modeling to becoming a leading force in electronic music. She discusses how her deep connection with music, particularly after her first experience at Burning Man, led her to quit her previous career and fully immerse herself in DJing and music production. They explore the role of festivals like Burning Man in raising consciousness and how Deer Jade uses her craft to connect with people on a deeper level. This heartfelt episode is a blend of personal stories, spiritual insights, and a look at the future of music as a force for positive change. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with DJ Deer Jade Instagram: Website: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    1 小时 29 分钟
  3. 8月27日

    044 - Sandra Rose Michael

    In this engaging episode of the Think Tank Podcast, Robert dives deep into a conversation with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, a trailblazer in integrative medicine and biophysics. The discussion explores her revolutionary work in biophotonics and scalar wave technology, which aims to transform the medical field by replacing traditional pharmacological methods with electromagnetic healing. Dr. Michael shares fascinating stories from her illustrious career, including her upbringing in a family of brilliant scientists and her journey into the world of advanced healing technologies.   The conversation covers the groundbreaking development of her Energy Enhancement System (EE System), a true bioscalar technology that has the potential to heal at a cellular level. Robert and Dr. Michael also delve into the connections between scalar waves, light-based technology, and the intersection of science and spirituality. With topics ranging from Tesla’s work to the mysteries of DNA, this episode offers a captivating exploration of the future of healing and the deeper truths of the universe. Don't miss this thought-provoking dialogue that bridges the gap between cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Sandra Rose Michael EESystem Website: Instagram: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    1 小时 45 分钟
  4. 8月20日

    043 - Sarah Breskman Cosme

    In this captivating conversation, Robert Grant interviews Sarah Breskman Cosme, a QHHT practitioner and author, about her transformative journey into past-life regressions and channeling. Sarah reveals how her initial aspiration to become a clinical psychologist shifted after she became disillusioned with traditional therapy methods. She discovered regression hypnosis, which she found to be a powerful tool in helping people heal by uncovering the root causes of their issues. The discussion delves deeper into Sarah's experiences channeling Thoth's consciousness and the significance of self-mastery in spiritual growth. They explore profound concepts such as learning through opposites, embracing the opposite of what we desire, and understanding that the external world mirrors our inner state. Sarah emphasizes the importance of unconditionally loving our conditional environment. The conversation also touches on intriguing topics such as eye color changes and timelines merging during ascension. Robert shares his journey of combining his various social media personas and embracing his authentic self, highlighting the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance. They discuss the process of unlearning and reframing challenges, with Robert suggesting that the universe reflects our consciousness and that we attract more of what we feel. As they wrap up, Sarah and Robert delve into the power of shifting perspectives, recognizing that life comprises equal parts, light and dark, and our perception shapes our experience. They even touch on the concept of aging backward in higher dimensions and the necessity of embracing opposites. The conversation concludes with Sarah expressing her excitement for future sessions with Robert's higher self and the profound insights yet to come. Both express gratitude for their work's positive impact on people's lives. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Sarah Breskman Website: Instagram: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    2 小时 5 分钟
  5. 8月13日

    042 - Maejor

    In this episode of the Think Tank Podcast, Robert hosts his excellent friend and Grammy Award nominee Maejor. Maejor has garnered recognition and success as a producer, songwriter, and artist in the music industry. He has produced and written for prominent artists, most notably Justin Bieber, and is a member of the EDM duo Area21 with Dutch DJ Martin Garrix. Maejor shares how his battle with cancer led him to explore sound healing, incorporating healing frequencies like 432 Hz into his music to harmonize and heal. They reminisce about their first meeting in Peru, discussing Maejor's journey from Detroit to the music industry, overcoming cancer, and exploring sound healing and the impact of frequencies like 432 and 528 Hertz. They delve into these frequencies' significance, connection to ancient music scales, and healing potential. Robert explains his research on the Great Pyramid of Giza and its relation to these frequencies. They also explore the relationship between music, DNA, and transcending duality through awareness. The conversation turns spiritual as Maejor asks about Robert's connection to Arcturians, leading to Robert sharing his profound experiences, including a galaxy tour with Arcturian guides. They discuss the importance of gratitude, presence, and silence for a fulfilling life, with Maejor emphasizing their necessity in the overstimulated modern world. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Maejor Hoo Be: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    36 分钟
  6. 8月6日

    041 - Sister Shanti

    In this episode of the Think Tank podcast, Robert welcomes Sister Shanti for an enlightening conversation covering a range of topics, including her awakening journey, astrology, shadow work, mirror work, relationships as mirrors, the North and South nodes in astrology, the WEF 2030 Agenda, and the use of fear as a control mechanism by elites. Praised for her unique blend of spirituality and humor, Shanti shares her journey of awakening, beginning in 2017, and the transformative power of mirror work and self-love. She recounts personal struggles with scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and substance abuse, leading to a spontaneous awakening. Shanti delves into the importance of astrology, shadow work, and understanding one's natal chart. She explains how these practices have guided her spiritual path and emphasizes their role in self-discovery. Robert and Shanti explore relationships as mirrors reflecting our self-love. They discuss the North and South nodes in astrology, highlighting the journey from karmic patterns to soul growth. Their conversation also touches on integrating spiritual knowledge into daily life. The episode concludes with a discussion on the current state of the world, the dichotomy of fear-based and love-based realities, and the importance of self-awareness and spiritual growth. They briefly talk about the WEF 2030 Agenda and how people buy into the narrative espoused by elites through the media, using fear as a mechanism to control. Robert and Shanti's dynamic conversation showcases the power of self-reflection and spiritual practice. Join Robert and Sister Shanti on this enlightening journey as they explore spirituality, self-love, and the cosmic connections that shape our lives. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Sister Shanti Website: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    1 小时 24 分钟
  7. 7月30日

    040 - Ben Van Kerkwyk

    In a recent episode of the Think Tank, Robert was joined by Ben Van Kerkwyk from UnchartedX to delve into the mysteries of ancient Egyptian artifacts. Ben shared insights from his CPAK conference presentation, revealing that the precision of granite vases and other stone vessels from ancient Egypt would be challenging to replicate even with today's technology. These artifacts, some over 12,000 years old, were analyzed using advanced scanning techniques, showing precision within microns comparable to modern aerospace standards. Ben also discussed his recent trip to Egypt, where he gathered more data and insights on these ancient artifacts. The discussion explored the intriguing potential functions of these artifacts, hypothesizing that the vases could have been resonators or part of a sophisticated system, possibly for healing purposes. They also touched on the discovery of a fixed ratio relationship in the vases' geometric design, aligning with musical harmonic scales and suggesting a broader system of design and mathematics used in ancient times. This connection extended to Robert's pyramid research, where he discovered pictures on the walls of the King's Chamber. Robert shared his findings of hidden images and symbols, revealing intricate designs and potential meanings behind these ancient markings, sparking our curiosity and engagement. Robert and Ben further delved into the idea of advanced ancient knowledge, discussing theories of astronomical alignments and the presence of mathematical constants like pi and the golden ratio in these designs. They speculated on an ancient, advanced civilization that left behind these precise artifacts. The episode also covered the fantastic discoveries related to the geometry and dimensions of the pyramids, blending scientific analysis with historical speculation and offering a captivating exploration of ancient mysteries and the remarkable capabilities of ancient civilizations. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Ben van Kerkwyk Instagram: Youtube: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    2 小时 24 分钟
  8. 7月23日

    039 - Madelyn Moon

    In this captivating episode of the Think Tank, Robert sits down with Madelyn Moon, a powerful voice in the realm of feminine archetypes. Madelyn delves into her transformative journey from a conservative Christian upbringing to fully embracing the feminine and the archetype of Mary Magdalene. She shares the profound significance of her name, symbolizing her evolution from "Pope" to "Moon," and how it reflects her path of devotion and continuous rising. The conversation explores the multifaceted concept of devotion and its manifestations in relationships and spiritual practices. Listeners are treated to an insightful discussion on gene keys, Shakespeare's hidden codes, and the merging of spirituality and science. Madelyn and Robert delve into the essential practice of shadow work, emphasizing the importance of embracing both light and dark aspects of ourselves and the transformative power of shape-shifting as a tool for personal growth and evolution. Madelyn not only shares her unique approach to enacting sacred theater but also provides practical guidance on how to fully embody and express our shadows. The conversation underscores the crucial role of the feminine in shadow work and the necessity for a balanced integration of light and dark. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that not only highlights the importance of embracing our shadows but also provides actionable steps to integrate them into our lives for true personal and spiritual growth. Robert Edward Grant Books: Courses: Store: Connect with Madelyn Moon Instagram: Instagram: Connect with Robert Grant: YouTube - Instagram - Facebook - Website - Subscribe to the Robert Edward Grant Podcast: Spotify - Apple Podcast -

    1 小时 18 分钟
共 5 分
123 个评分


Join Robert Edward Grant & Exclusive Guests as they explore time-worthy topics, from Current Issues, Science, Philosophy, and more, from a unique polymathic perspective. Robert continues to connect with incredible individuals throughout his successful career, relentless personal ambition, and passion for learning, helping shape who he is today. He believes that when we approach life’s most challenging questions, we can find the answers but must expand our perspectives, but to do so, we need to develop our perspectives. In continuing his journey of discovery, Robert is inviting thought leaders and experts from around the world to engage in fascinating conversations and wants to share this personal journey with you. Please tune in, become part of the community, and help us all develop new ways of thinking about the world, ourselves, and each other.








