Robert Kocik's new course called “Prosody and the preciousness of life” holds the intention to call everyone together - a problematic endeavour that he argues involves spiritual practice.
Robert talked about the power of intonation and the medicine inside of it, the use of rhythm and tone, and the composition of poetry, pitch, intensity, "strofas", stanza, and junctions, which make the dynamic art of prosody. We talked about the cause and effect, the power of creativity and prosody to prevent, levitate, and contravene history, and forecasting effects that haven’t happened yet. Paraphrasing Denise Ferreira Silva in Toward a Black Feminist Poethic calls, reality is "marked by virtuality," held by the capacity to contravene the determinacy of efficient causation”.
Hence the possibility to use tone, pitch, pause, rhythm, and gesture to create beneficial action in the world, with and for others through prosody, the white magic that holds the potential to counterbalance the “efficiency algorithm” that is suffocating the world, counteracting with the inefficacy of the art forms.
“Magic has been perceived as a threat because it is based on organic interconnectedness, the aliveness of all things, the experience of cosmos as part of nature, the indivisibility of "man" and nature, and the doctrine of macro-and microcosmic homology, the conspiracy of all things”.
(Kocik R., Tantra 2: prosody and cause and effect,
The last question arises… Robert, what do we need to hear now?
We should be hearing… hearing.
Hearing the unstruck sound, the sound that nothing causes, that gave birth to the cosmos.
Read more (links):
Toward a Black Feminist Poetic, Denise Ferreira da Silva
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang's “The Science of Interdependent Connection Mantra Healing”
Robert Kocik is a poet, prosodist, trans-disciplinary essayist, teacher, architect and shared-prosperity activist. In 2006, he started to work collaboratively with choreographer Daria Faïn, Kocik initiated a new field of research called the Prosodic Body, an experiential artscience that collectively explores prosody: the tone, tempo, intensity and total body language of speech. In 2008 he cofounded The Commons Choir, a multi-lingual/racial/generational performing group that draws on the findings of the prosody research and presents socially charged operatic and educational events.
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- Programa
- Publicado18 de mayo de 2022, 7:41 a.m. UTC
- Duración40 min
- ClasificaciónApto