Gene Kissinger

We need to redeem the time as the passage in Ephesians 5 states BECAUSE the days are evil. It is vital as believers that we learn to discern. We need to acquire wisdom so we can walk in truth. Wisdom is word based and God given. We learn it from the word of God and ultimately from the God who gave us the Word. My brother Norman and I are going to be setting up a ministry and under this ministry umbrella we will establish a YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgGuqrDZ3ku7C78qrb4eOyQ Tik-Tok short form video here tiktok.com/@genekissinger_rttbros https://linktr.ee/rttbros

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Say Or Pray #RTTBROS #Nightlight

    Say Or Pray #RTTBROS #Nightlight Say or Pray "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6 From our earliest memories, words shape our understanding of the world. Many of us can recall the gentle cadence of our mother's voice reading bedtime stories, planting seeds of language that would grow into a lifelong love of words. Through decades of life and ministry, we witness how words can illuminate truth and transform hearts. Yet there comes a moment in every believer's journey when we confront the limitations of human expression. We may craft the perfect sermon, pen the most eloquent letter, or offer the wisest counsel, only to find that words alone cannot accomplish what only the Spirit of God can do. Perhaps this is why the disciples, who witnessed Jesus deliver the most powerful teachings ever spoken, never asked Him to teach them to preach. Instead, they pleaded, "Lord, teach us to pray." They recognized that the true power for transformation comes not through polished speech but through earnest communion with God. Consider the difference between saying and praying. When we say, we rely on human wisdom and ability. When we pray, we tap into the limitless resources of heaven. A half-hour spent in focused prayer over our children and grandchildren may seem like a significant investment of time, but it connects us to an eternal power source that knows no boundaries. In our fast-paced world of endless communication, we must remember that there are limits to what human words can accomplish. Yet there are no limits to what the Spirit of God can do. Our carefully chosen words may reach ears, but Spirit-empowered prayer reaches hearts. Today, before you speak, pray. Before you counsel, pray. Before you teach, pray. For it is not the eloquence of our words but the earnestness of our prayers that unleashes God's transformative power in the lives of those we love. Prayer: Lord, remind us that our greatest impact comes not through saying but through praying. Help us to rely not on our might or power, but on Your Spirit. Teach us, like Your disciples, to pray with faith and persistence. In Jesus' name, Amen._ Reflection: How might your influence change if you spent as much time praying about situations as you do talking about them?_ Be sure to Like, Share, Follow and subscribe it helps get the word out. https://linktr.ee/rttbros

    3 min
  2. 3 DAYS AGO

    G'Day #RTTBROS #Nightlight Living One G'Day at a Time

    G'Day #RTTBROS #Nightlight Living One G'Day at a Time "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." - Matthew 6:34 (KJV) In a quiet conversation with a retired missionary who recently lost his beloved wife, wisdom emerged through pain. As he shared his strategy of taking life one day at a time, it brought to mind the cheerful greeting of an Australian friend in digital ministry – "G'Day!" This simple greeting carries a profound truth: each day is a gift to be lived fully and well – a good day, or as our Australian friends would say, a "G'Day." Life's challenges can sometimes loom before us like an insurmountable mountain. The loss of a loved one, health struggles, financial pressures, or ministry burdens can appear overwhelming when viewed in their entirety. Yet, just as we wouldn't attempt to consume a feast in a single bite, we needn't face life's trials all at once. The wisdom of Matthew 6:34 reminds us that each day has its own measure of concerns to handle. Our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, designed us to live in the present moment, not to bear tomorrow's burdens today. When we attempt to carry the weight of future days, we often find ourselves crushed under the load. Breaking life down into its smallest components – moments, hours, and single days – makes even the most daunting challenges manageable. This approach isn't merely about survival; it's about finding the grace and beauty in each moment God provides. Every sunrise brings fresh mercies, every hour holds potential for joy, and every moment offers an opportunity to experience God's presence. For the missionary learning to navigate life without his partner, each day brings its own mix of memories, grief, and grace. By focusing on living one G'Day at a time, he demonstrates a profound trust in God's daily provision. This approach echoes the Israelites gathering manna in the wilderness – God provided exactly what they needed for each day, no more and no less. As we face our own challenges, let us remember to break them down into manageable pieces. Instead of being overwhelmed by the year ahead, focus on living this day well. Rather than worrying about next month's obstacles, concentrate on today's opportunities to serve, love, and grow. Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to trust You with each moment of each day. Teach us to live one G'Day at a time, fully present in the moments You've given us. Grant us the wisdom to break down life's challenges into manageable pieces, and the faith to trust Your daily provision. In Jesus' name, Amen. Be sure to Like, Share, Follow and subscribe it helps get the word out. https://linktr.ee/rttbros

    4 min
  3. 4 DAYS AGO

    Pressing Through #RTTBROS #Nightlight

    Pressing Through #RTTBROS #Nightlight Pressing Through the Valley "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1-2 (KJV) "If you rearrange the letters in Depression, you'll get 'I pressed on'. Your current situation is NOT your final destination. Our current situation will finish. We don't know when, but it will end." In the depths of life's challenges, it's remarkable how even the word "depression" holds within it a message of hope - "I pressed on." This simple anagram reminds us that within every trial lies the seed of perseverance. Just as David, who penned countless psalms from places of deep anguish, consistently looked up to God for his help, we too can find strength in knowing that our current circumstances are merely temporary stations on our journey. When we feel trapped in the valley of despair, it's easy to believe that this is where our story ends. But God's Word repeatedly shows us that valleys are places we pass through, not places we settle in. Consider Joseph, who spent years in prison before becoming second-in-command of Egypt, or Job, who lost everything but ultimately saw restoration beyond measure. The beauty of this quote lies in its promise of temporality - "Our current situation will finish." This truth echoes the words of King David who declared, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5 KJV). While we may not have a timeline for our trials, we have the assurance that they will not last forever. Just as a caterpillar must press through its chrysalis to become a butterfly, our struggles often serve as the very pressure needed to transform us into who we're meant to be. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to the truth that we are pressing on, even when we feel pressed down. Today, if you're facing your own valley, remember that this is not your final destination. Like countless faithful believers before us, we can lift our eyes to the hills and remember where our help comes from. Press on, dear friend, for your morning of joy draws nearer with each passing day. Prayer: Heavenly Father, when we feel trapped in difficult seasons, help us remember that You are working even when we cannot see it. Give us the strength to press on, knowing that You have promised us hope and a future. In Jesus' name, Amen. Be sure to Like, Share, Follow and subscribe it helps get the word out. https://linktr.ee/rttbros

    3 min
  4. 6 DAYS AGO

    Believe In miracles but trust in Jesus #RTTBROS #Nightlight

    Believe In miracles but trust in Jesus #RTTBROS #Nightlight Trusting Without Seeing: When Faith Meets the Unseen Path "Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way." - John 4:50 In our walk with Christ, we often find ourselves standing at the edge of uncertainty, much like a free solo climber facing El Capitan's towering face. The next handhold isn't visible, the path ahead seems shrouded in mystery, and our natural instincts scream for security. Yet, it's in these moments that our faith is refined and strengthened. Consider the nobleman in John 4 who traveled twenty miles to find Jesus. His son lay dying, and his position of power meant nothing in the face of this crisis. How often do we find ourselves in similar situations – our worldly resources exhausted, our influence powerless, and our hearts desperate for divine intervention? It's in these moments of complete helplessness that we often find our purest faith. The beauty of this story lies not in the miracle itself, but in the nobleman's response to Jesus's word. When Christ simply said, "Go thy way; thy son liveth," the nobleman didn't demand proof or insist Jesus accompany him. He simply believed and went his way. Like modern-day believers facing their own El Capitan moments, he trusted without seeing the outcome. Just as H.G. Spafford penned "It Is Well with My Soul" in the midst of unimaginable loss, we too are called to trust God's heart when we cannot trace His hand. Our circumstances may scream for immediate resolution, like children begging for ice cream unaware of the greater adventure their parents have planned. Modern life has conditioned us to expect instant gratification. We have dishwashers instead of hand-washing, instant messages instead of letters, and GPS instead of paper maps. Yet God's timing often operates on a different schedule, teaching us that trust is more valuable than immediate results. The nobleman's journey home must have been filled with moments of doubt, yet he continued walking in faith. Similarly, our journey of faith often involves walking away from our preferred solutions, trusting instead in God's unseen plan. Like a pilot trusting an unseen control tower for guidance, we must learn to trust our heavenly Father's directions. Consider the three ways God answers prayer: "go," "no," and "slow." Each answer requires a different type of trust, but all require submission to God's wisdom. When we pray, we often try to instruct God on how to answer, much like trying to grab the wheel from Jesus when He seems to be going "off-road." True faith means letting go of our preferred methods and trusting His perfect will. The Galileans wanted signs and wonders, but Jesus sought true faith. Today, we too must guard against becoming so familiar with God's work that we lose our sense of awe. Like the hedonic treadmill that dulls our appreciation for blessings, we must actively fight against taking God's faithfulness for granted. Our relationship with Christ shouldn't be based on curiosity but conviction. It's not about seeing signs and wonders, but about trusting the One who performs them. When we face our own moments of crisis, may we remember that believing in miracles is good, but trusting in Jesus is better. Just as the nobleman discovered that his son was healed at the very hour Jesus spoke, we too will find that God's timing is perfect. Whether He answers with "go," "no," or "slow," our role remains the same – to trust His heart, believe His word, and walk in faith, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.

    31 min
  5. FEB 13

    Living In The Word #RTTBROS #Nightlight Living in the Word: A 30-Day Challenge to Transform Your Bi

    Living In The Word #RTTBROS #Nightlight Living in the Word: A 30-Day Challenge to Transform Your Bible Reading "I have more wisdom than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation." - Psalm 119:99 Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to read through the Bible? Or perhaps you start Genesis with good intentions but get stuck in Leviticus? Today, I want to share a remarkable Bible reading system that has transformed countless lives, including its creator who went from being a new believer to a respected Bible teacher without any formal training. The system is beautifully simple yet profound: read 10 chapters per day, one from each of 10 different lists. Each list contains different types of biblical books - Gospels, Law, Psalms, Wisdom Literature, etc. By reading across these different sections daily, something amazing happens - Scripture begins to interpret Scripture in fresh ways. You'll start seeing connections you never noticed before, like the parallels between Ecclesiastes and 2 Corinthians, or how Deuteronomy illuminates Matthew. Don't let the "10 chapters" intimidate you! Most people complete their daily reading in about 35-40 minutes, and your speed naturally improves over time. The goal isn't deep study of each verse, but rather to let God's Word wash over you consistently, creating a framework for deeper understanding. Challenge: Will you commit to trying this system for just 30 days? Here's what you'll experience: - A fresh perspective on familiar passages - Unexpected connections across Scripture - Growing confidence in your Bible knowledge - Most importantly, a deeper relationship with God through His Word Remember, this isn't about checking boxes or feeling guilty if you miss a day. It's about developing a habit of dwelling richly in God's Word. As Professor Horner, the system's creator, experienced - a well-worn Bible often reflects a well-nourished soul. Prayer: Lord, give us a hunger for Your Word and the discipline to feast on it daily. Help us commit to this challenge not out of duty, but out of desire to know You more deeply through Your Word. Amen. Ready to start? Download the 10 lists and place your bookmarks. Your journey to a deeper walk with God through His Word begins today! Find the backstory on how the plan was created and the 10 lists here. https://sohmer.net/media/professor_grant_horners_bible_reading_system.pdf Online Text version https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/prof-horners-reading-system.html Audio version I'm using the Bible App by YouVersion.com. Download it now for your mobile device. https://app.bible.com/FCPc/ilyCM8GCtC?add_friend_id=17831880 Search for Plan "Prof Horner's Bible Reading System" Be sure to Like, Share, Follow and subscribe it helps get the word out. https://linktr.ee/rttbros

    4 min
  6. FEB 12

    Wax On Wax Off #RTTBROS #Nightlight The Wax On, Wax Off of Scripture

    Wax On Wax Off #RTTBROS #Nightlight The Wax On, Wax Off of Scripture "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." - Hebrews 5:14 Much like young Daniel LaRusso in The Karate Kid, we often find ourselves questioning the seemingly mundane tasks before us. Daniel spent days waxing cars, painting fences, and sanding floors - activities that appeared disconnected from his desire to learn karate. His frustration grew with each repetitive motion, unaware that Mr. Miyagi was ingeniously building muscle memory for fundamental karate moves. The Old Testament can feel similarly perplexing. As we read through lengthy genealogies, detailed ceremonial laws, and ancient battles, we might wonder, "What does this have to do with my Christian walk?" Yet, just as Daniel's apparently meaningless chores were actually martial arts training in disguise, these Old Testament passages lay crucial groundwork for understanding God's grand narrative. Consider the tabernacle instructions in Exodus, painstakingly detailed down to the last cubit and thread. At first glance, they might seem irrelevant to modern Christianity. However, when we reach Hebrews, these details suddenly illuminate profound truths about Christ's role as our High Priest and the significance of His sacrifice. "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect." - Hebrews 10:1 The Old Testament serves as our "wax on, wax off" training. Each story of redemption, each prophecy, and each law builds our spiritual muscles for recognizing God's character and His plan of salvation. When we finally reach the New Testament, these foundational movements snap into focus, revealing their true purpose in Christ. Just as Mr. Miyagi knew the value of building proper fundamentals before teaching advanced techniques, God in His wisdom gave us the Old Testament as essential preparation for understanding the fullness of Christ's ministry. The patient study of these ancient texts develops our spiritual discernment, allowing us to better grasp the deeper truths of the New Testament. "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39 Let us approach the Old Testament with renewed patience and trust, knowing that like Daniel's seemingly pointless tasks, these scriptures are carefully designed to prepare us for deeper understanding. Each reading strengthens our spiritual muscles, readying us for the moment when, like Daniel's revelation about Mr. Miyagi's methods, we see how it all connects to Christ. Be sure to Like, Share, Follow and subscribe it helps get the word out. https://linktr.ee/rttbros

    4 min

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7 Ratings


We need to redeem the time as the passage in Ephesians 5 states BECAUSE the days are evil. It is vital as believers that we learn to discern. We need to acquire wisdom so we can walk in truth. Wisdom is word based and God given. We learn it from the word of God and ultimately from the God who gave us the Word. My brother Norman and I are going to be setting up a ministry and under this ministry umbrella we will establish a YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgGuqrDZ3ku7C78qrb4eOyQ Tik-Tok short form video here tiktok.com/@genekissinger_rttbros https://linktr.ee/rttbros

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