Following the most mundane of years, Craig and Joe sally forth from the Train Shed, seeking a new purpose in the harsh terrain of the Harz mountains... ...featuring FIRST IMPRESSIONS! A COMPETITION! CELEBRITY GUESTS! SOME SORT OF LIST! POPULAR CULTURAL REFERENCES! AND MORE! A year's worth of episodes in ONE EPISODE, (hence it's in three parts). Lubricate your ear holes and buckle up for the BIGGEST train game podcast experience of the year (if measured by compound file size). Highly recommended you don't attempt to ingest this in one sitting, hence the detailed show notes, available here: Stereo version also hosted exclusively on the website, if you want to appreciate the full soundscape Joe has lovingly put together.
- 节目
- 发布时间2023年5月9日 UTC 21:55
- 长度52 分钟
- 分级儿童不宜