S1 Episode 3: Kids

Beyond the Binary

So, what happens for nonbinary parents once their kids are here and fully realized? How do we navigate things like school, sports, activities, and you know, other parents? And how do we navigate gender identity journeys that may still be in progress, or fluid over the course of our lives as parents? We talk about queer and nonbinary parent visibility while getting involved in our kids’ lives, raising gender creative kids, anti-trans legislation looming in places like Florida and elsewhere, and doing the proactive work to make sure our families are seen and respected. This week we talk with guests Jess Venable-Novak, and again with Meghan Myron-Karels and Ash Dasuqi.

Podcast website: beyondthebinarypodcast.com

Follow us on Instagram: @beyondthebinary_podcast

Episode resources:

The Establishment: “How Queer and Trans Parents are Raising Revolutionary Children During the Trump Era.”


Xtra Magazine: “I’m a non-binary parent. There still isn’t space for me.” (andrea bennett): https://xtramagazine.com/love-sex/im-a-non-binary-parent-there-still-isnt-s pace-for-me-154990

LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal: “Parenting Beyond the Binary? An Empirical Test of Norm-Centered Stigma Theory and the Stigmatization of Nonbinary Parents.” (Meredith G. F. Worthen and Chancey Herbolsheimer): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/27703371.2022.2123422?journalCode=wgfs21

Washington Post (March 5, 2023): “Florida bills would ban gender studies, trangender pronouns, tenure perks.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/03/05/florida-bills-would-ban-gender-studies-transgender-pronouns-tenure-perks/

Rainbow Families Trans and Gender Diverse Parents Guide: https://www.transhealthsa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Rainbow_Families_TGD_Parents-Guide.pdf

Other Podcasts:

Gender Reveal Podcast: Transgender Parenting “Starter Pack”: https://www.genderpodcast.com/starterpacks


Raising Them: Our Adventure in Gender Creative Parenting (Kyl Myers)

Like a Boy But Not a Boy: Navigating Life, Mental Health, and Parenthood Outside the Gender Binary (by andrea bennett)

For the kids:

What are Your Words? (Katherine Locke)

Jamie is Jamie (Afsaneh Moradian)

Julian is a Mermaid (Jessica Love)








