S12 E02: Christian Vernet, CEO of La Compagnie

بودكاست ‫The Luxury Item with Scott Kerr‬

Scott Kerr is joined by Christian Vernet, CEO of La Compagnie, a unique Paris-based airline that offers premium all-business-class transatlantic flight experiences but at competitive pricing. Christian discusses why the 10-year old company's all-business-class model has endured while others have failed in the space, how post-pandemic trends have influenced its strategies and offerings, and why upgrading from Boeing to Airbus jets was a game changer. He also talks about La Compagnie sustainability commitments in light of business class having a greater environmental impact and Brexit's role in the carrier's decision to cancel London service. Plus: Why the Summer Olympics has hit bookings to Paris

Featuring: Christian Vernet, CEO of La Compagnie (lacompagnie.com)

Scott Kerr, Founder & President of Silvertone Consulting

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The Luxury Item is a podcast on the business of luxury and the people and companies that are shaping the future of the luxury industry.

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