Mourning Glory Grief Podcast

Mourning Glory
Mourning Glory Grief Podcast

A podcast to help navigate grief from a Catholic/Christian perspective. Hosts Andrea Bear and Jennifer Thomas share their grief and life journeys while drawing on faith. Combined with mental health tools and heavenly wisdom this podcast hopes to help listeners know they are not alone. Revelations 21:4

  1. S4 E8 The Healing Power of Praying with Saints with Belinda Terro Mooney

    6일 전

    S4 E8 The Healing Power of Praying with Saints with Belinda Terro Mooney

    Shownotes Many of the saints suffered greatly during their lives, some even losing their lives just because they chose faith over the fear of death. They all, in some way, endured so much loss and suffering yet transformed it into faith and action. What can we learn from these men, women, and even children who are among the cloud of witnesses who are powerful intercessors for us? Our Guest Belinda, is an author, speaker, coach, and instructor. A mom to seven grown children, whom she homeschooled, Belinda strives to know God so as to make Him known as a Secular Carmelite.  She has published eight published books with more on the way. She writes and speaks about the Saints, The Three Works of Reparation, Catholic History, mental illness, addictions, mental health (including grief) and wellness (including the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, which we discussed the first time we had her on as a guest.. Belinda is an International Certified Federation (ICF) trained coach working towards her Associate Certified Coach (ACC) certification. She loves to coach Catholic women (especially moms) as well as Catholic authors, coaches and therapists. She is a Certified Virtuous Leadership Consultant and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC).  Belinda is developing and teaching courses through her website on Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, Listening Deeply for Better Relationships, TIPS for Homeschooling Families, and others. As an Adjunct Professor of Human Services, she teaches Basic Counseling Skills and Addictions courses.  When not helping people, Belinda loves praying (at Mass, in Adoration, and in intercessory prayer), spending time with family and friends, singing, swimming, walking, and reading. Links from the show Pray With Us: A Saint for Every Day Find a complete list of Belinda’s other books: HERE Prayer for Belinda’s parents and grandparents, the repose of the soul of Mrs. Carroll, my (Jennifer’s) old high school English teacher, and Louise Benner. Journaling Questions Which of the saints Belinda spoke about touched you in some way?What role have the saints played in your life?How has your perspective about the saints changed after listening to Belinda speak about them and the power of asking them to pray with you on their feast days?Who are some saints you feel compelled to learn more about?What is your mourning glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

    1시간 9분
  2. S4 E7 Distinct Lines of Grief

    2월 28일

    S4 E7 Distinct Lines of Grief

    Shownotes In this week’s episode, Jennifer checks in with Andrea to see how she’s been doing since the passing of her dad. Sharing how her grief this time is different than it was after the loss of her mom, Andrea shares the concept of the different lines we cross as a result of losing someone and gives her personal insight and reflections on how we can approach crossing these different and distinct lines of grief. Three parts to processing when we cross the line:  Processing their death Processing their life Processing our life with their death and life.  What can we do to prepare Keep God with you in Everything  Have in stay with you even when you cross the line  Stay in the present  Don’t look back Stop trying to stay in that chapter  Give thanks for being in that chapter and being okay to let go Start a new chapter; Let the new chapter write itself with God in the story  Test things out  Take the time to actually process everything instead of rushing from one thing to the next. Links Three is Not My Favorite Age by Michelle Hamel Padre Pio, Purgatory, & Plenary Indulgences for the Holy Souls Delayed Grief: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Cope Catherine of Sienna Institute Charisms Scripture Matthew 6:34 Genesis 19:26 Revelations 21:4  Journaling Questions Have you experienced delayed grief? What has helped you most? In your own journey through grief, where do you think you are in terms of the three parts of processing your grief? Explore that more. If you have been struggling in processing your own grief and loss, what has brought you comfort? How can you bring God along with you on your journey through grief? Has He felt close to you the whole time or far away? Take some time to reflect on that. What is your mourning glory? Prayer for the souls in purgatory and anyone who doesn’t have anyone to pray for them; our friends and relatives; for our listeners. Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

  3. 2월 21일

    S4 E6 A Birth Unto Hope: Gospel of Life Disciples and Dwellings with Sister Maria of the Trinity

    Shownotes When we lose a loved one, it is often thought of as the end of their life and, therefore, the end of them being present in our lives. The pain and suffering that come along with the grief and sorrow tend to make us feel as though they are gone forever. But what if we changed the way we look at death? What if we take a different perspective by looking at it as a new beginning rather than the end? After all, if we truly believe death does not get the final word, we must maintain hope that in dying, our loved ones will be restored to their glory in Heaven, right? Our Guest Sr. Maria of the Trinity was born in Oklahoma and grew up in Minnesota. Blessed with a wonderful Catholic family, she responded to God’s call to consecrated life. She has degrees in Philosophy from the University of Dallas, Nursing from the University of San Francisco, and Hospice and Palliative Care from the University of Paris. Responding to a call within her call 12 years ago, she began the Gospel of Life Dwellings in Oklahoma and Texas to care for those in need at the end of their life. Now, as an emerging Franciscan ecclesial family, the Gospel of Life Disciples are beginning dwellings in Georgia and Guatemala. The members seek a deep prayer life and live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy with the elderly and terminally ill on their journey home to God. Links from the show A Birth Unto Hope: Reflections on the Gospel of Life at Death The nun who left France to create special homes for the elderly poor in the U.S. Gospel of Life Dwellings (GOLD) Intensive Caring: A Practical Handbook for Catholics about Serious Illness and End-of-Life Care by Natalie King, MD Scripture The Gospel of the Good Shepherd, Matthew 18:12 Deuteronomy 26:55 Prayer for :The deceased residents of G.O.L.D. and Brett* *Since the recording of this episode, Brett has since passed. Our deepest condolences his beloved friends and family. Journaling Questions What touched you the most from this week's episode? Have you ever spent time with someone through their journey at the end of their life? How did it impact you? Have you ever experienced anticipatory grief? What is your mourning Glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

  4. S4 E5 Threads of Grief with Lindy Wynne

    2월 14일

    S4 E5 Threads of Grief with Lindy Wynne

    Shownotes Most people think of grief in terms of a single event, usually resulting from the loss of a loved one. But as we’ve learned here on the Mourning Glory Podcast, grief can result/stem from more than just the death of a loved one. Today, we are going to explore some of these other ways grief can affect us like the divorce of parents, infertility, chronic illness, developmental illness, mental illness - even aging. How can we come to a place of acceptance and allow God to pour in His supernatural grace and healing? Join Andrea and Jennifer as they discuss this and more with the host ofMama’s in Spirit Catholic Podcast and Ministry for Women, Lindy Wynne About Our Guest Lindy Wynne is the founder of Mamas in Spirit Catholic Ministry for Women and host of Mamas in Spirit Podcast. Lindy holds a Master's degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling and has worked in professional ministry for over sixteen years. Lindy speaks and leads retreats nationally at Catholic conferences, churches and retreat centers. The heart of Lindy’s life is her marriage to her husband of twenty-four years, Brian, and caring for their three children, all of whom are adopted (ages 10, 23 and 26). The Wynne’s home chapel is featured in the National Catholic Register, as well as some of their reflections on foster care and adoption. Links from the show Handy Little Prayer Books from Our Sunday Visitor  Mama’s in Spirit Catholic Podcast and Ministry for Women Article about the Wynne’s home chapel Yeruma (musician Lindy mentioned) When Bad Things Happen to Good People Surrender novena Scripture The Woman at the Well/the Samaritan Woman John 1:5  Lamentations 3:22-23  Jeremiah 29:13 Prayer for:Carolyn Henry Druffel Journaling Questions What struck you from our episode How can you “flip the script” to find joy again? How can you stay more attentive to receive love and goodness (59 minute) Where are some places you can see God has poured into you What is your mourning Glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

    1시간 14분
  5. S4 E4 REPLAY Where to Turn in Times of Grief with Maureen O'Brien

    2월 7일

    S4 E4 REPLAY Where to Turn in Times of Grief with Maureen O'Brien

    Shownotes In this replay of episode 12 from season 1, Andrea and Jennifer explore how scripture can help us heal with the help of Catholic author Maureen O’Brien. With her extensive knowledge and reflections she shares in her book, What Was Lost: Seeking Refuge in the Psalms, Maureen shares how the Psalms specifically can help us during times of loss. Maureen O’Brien is the author of two spiritual memoirs: “Gather the Fragments: My Year of Finding God’s Love” and “What Was Lost: Seeking Refuge in the Psalms”. She is a frequent contributor to St. Anthony Messenger and the online site Pause and Pray. She has also published a novel, “B-mother” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and “The Other Cradling”, a chapbook of poems (Finishing Line Press) Her award-winning short stories and poems have been published widely in magazines and anthologies. She holds an M.A in Creative Writing from Trinity College and a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion from Ithaca College. She lives in Connecticut where she’s been teaching for over 30 years.  Her recent books have been deeply inspired by pilgrimages to Italy. The contrasts of life—sunrise and dusk, crying and laughter--never cease to amaze her.  Links from the Show ​Gather the Fragments: My Year of Finding God’s Love​What Was Lost: Seeking Refuge in the Psalms​B-Mother​The Other Cradling​Bible.Ink​You are Near (song Jennifer mentions)​Prayer of Teilhard de ChardinScripture ​Psalm 119:105​Psalm 23​Psalm 139​Psalm 77Prayer for Maureen’s friend Mary Clare Journaling Questions ​Is there a particular psalm that you’ve connected with before? ​Have you experienced any spiritual awakenings? How has your perspective changed since experiencing them?​What is your connection with God like today? How has it changed?​When was a time you felt isolated or in the “gap” Maureen mentions (around the 33 minute mark)?​When has the spirit spoken to you through the psalms? Did you recognize it at the time?​Is there any part of psalm 139 that you feel drawn more to? Explore that.​What is your mourning glory?

  6. S4 E3 Fear and Grief with Johanna Stamps

    1월 31일

    S4 E3 Fear and Grief with Johanna Stamps

    Shownotes Grief has so many facets, and as we know the way in which we handle it can look different. Yet  the common denominator is the experience of loss.. But how we deal with it, and in the manner in which we deal with it varies from person to person. Even if we know we have to address it doesn’t mean we want to or feel ready.  For some, tackling that feeling of sadness and sorrow can be so overwhelming. It can seem almost impossible to address.  Listen to this episode with returning guest, Johanna Stamps as we discuss why avoidance can play into fear. Key Takeaways: - Exploration; taking that first step of being an explorer - Kindness and curiosity- Testing what we’ve talked about and find a tool that seems right to you from Johanna’s website- Using a playful approach- Be the explorer Links from the show ​“No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear”, C.S. Lewis from A Grief Observed ​S2 E8: Grief Coaching vs. Grief Counseling with Johanna Stamps​Johanna’s website:​Definition of Fear​Safe People (book Jennifer mentioned)​Receive the freebies Johanna mentioned by signing up for her newsletter here.   Scripture verses mentioned ​2 Samuel 13:28​Job 11:13-18​The Annunciation, Luke 1:26-38 Prayer for Julian, Johanna’s son Journaling Questions ​ What are some fears you have associated with grief?​ In what ways have you found yourself afraid to confront our grief?​ Where have you seen yourself holding onto fear?​ Which of the Key Takeaways listed above and mentioned in the episode resonated with you the most? Explore that.​ What is your mourning glory?

    1시간 1분
  7. S4 E2 Healing Through Scripture - Joshua 1:1-9

    1월 26일

    S4 E2 Healing Through Scripture - Joshua 1:1-9

    Shownotes Do you ever feel unequipped to handle life and all it throws you? Sometimes walking in grief means being brave enough to move forward even when you don’t feel prepared. Today’s episode navigates through the bible passages of Joshua 1:1-9. Andrea looks at the story of Joshua after the death of Moses. This story reminds us that God equips us even in the midst of our grief and even goes before us to prepare the way. Listen in and explore this beautiful scripture that gives hope even in our moments of darkness.  Scripture  Joshua 1:1-9 Divine Promise of Assistance. 1  After Moses, the servant of the LORD, had died, the LORD said to Moses’ aide Joshua, son of Nun: 2  * Moses my servant is dead. So now, you and the whole people with you, prepare to cross the Jordan to the land that I will give the Israelites. 3  a Every place where you set foot I have given you, as I promised Moses. 4  * All the land of the Hittites, from the wilderness and the Lebanon east to the great river Euphrates and west to the Great Sea, will be your territory.b 5  No one can withstand you as long as you live. As I was with Moses, I will be with you:c I will not leave you nor forsake you. 6  Be strong and steadfast, so that you may give this people possession of the land I swore to their ancestors that I would give them. 7  d Only be strong and steadfast, being careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left, that you may succeed wherever you go. 8  Do not let this book of the law depart from your lips. Recite it by day and by night,e that you may carefully observe all that is written in it; then you will attain your goal; then you will succeed. 9  I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go. Journaling Questions 1. Why does grief sometimes feel like a burden to take on responsibilities? How does Joshua 1:1-9 remind us that God is with us?  2. God reminds us he will never abandon us. He also provides people in our lives to help us in loss.  Who in your life can be a source of comfort in times you feel all alone?  3. Do you ever feel overwhelmed in grief at the responsibilities that lay out before you? How can you rely on God to know he is ahead of you on the journey?  4. How can reading the scriptures be a place of comfort?  5. What reminder does Andrea share about the relationship of the Father and Son role in grief?  6. Even in times of hard times, these are the times of thanksgiving. Find something(someone) you are grateful for right now. How has this been a gift to you?  7. In Joshua 1:6 Andrea points out suffering produces greatness. How can you see your suffering as a way of preparing you for something greater?  8. What are ways God helps you when you can’t help yourself?  9. What do you think it means to be steadfast? How can you be steadfast as you endure grief?  10. Meditate on Joshua 1:1-9. Read through this several times. Record your thoughts or feelings and listen to his words.  Let God speak to you. What do you hear in the scripture?  11. What is your mourning glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

  8. S4 E1 Picking Up the Pieces

    1월 18일

    S4 E1 Picking Up the Pieces

    Shownotes After any significant life event, we are often left with so much to reflect on and are often left with feelings of loneliness and emptiness. Sometimes the thought of moving forward is too much for us to handle. What can we do when we are forced to start over? How can we begin to pick up the pieces of brokenness that we feel so that we can begin again? Join Andrea and Jennifer in this first episode of 2025 as they discuss these questions and share the connections they have discovered along the way. They also share their word for 2024 and how God revealed each of their words to them.  Links from the show Pope Francis opens Holy Door inaugurating 2025 Jubilee S1 E17 Reflections on 2023 and Word of the Year Surrender Novena (also found on our website under Resources: Prayers, Novenas, and Litanys) Jen on The Morning Quest 12/31/24 Evangelization Culture: The Journal of the Word on Fire Institute 33 Days to Morning Glory  What is Lectio Divina? Rosary in a Year Scripture verses mentioned Joshua 1:9 Mark 6:50 John 15:4-7 Prayer for those who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind as a result of the California wildfires   Journaling Questions Do you have a word of the year for 2025? If so, what is it? How did God reveal it to you? Where is a place you see a need to tend to and pick up the pieces of grief or loss or suffering?  Are there any particular scripture verses that bring you comfort or that resonate with you? We'd love for you to share them with us. What does rest look like for you? What is your mourning Glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.

    1시간 5분

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A podcast to help navigate grief from a Catholic/Christian perspective. Hosts Andrea Bear and Jennifer Thomas share their grief and life journeys while drawing on faith. Combined with mental health tools and heavenly wisdom this podcast hopes to help listeners know they are not alone. Revelations 21:4

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