Shownotes Many of the saints suffered greatly during their lives, some even losing their lives just because they chose faith over the fear of death. They all, in some way, endured so much loss and suffering yet transformed it into faith and action. What can we learn from these men, women, and even children who are among the cloud of witnesses who are powerful intercessors for us? Our Guest Belinda, is an author, speaker, coach, and instructor. A mom to seven grown children, whom she homeschooled, Belinda strives to know God so as to make Him known as a Secular Carmelite. She has published eight published books with more on the way. She writes and speaks about the Saints, The Three Works of Reparation, Catholic History, mental illness, addictions, mental health (including grief) and wellness (including the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, which we discussed the first time we had her on as a guest.. Belinda is an International Certified Federation (ICF) trained coach working towards her Associate Certified Coach (ACC) certification. She loves to coach Catholic women (especially moms) as well as Catholic authors, coaches and therapists. She is a Certified Virtuous Leadership Consultant and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC). Belinda is developing and teaching courses through her website on Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, Listening Deeply for Better Relationships, TIPS for Homeschooling Families, and others. As an Adjunct Professor of Human Services, she teaches Basic Counseling Skills and Addictions courses. When not helping people, Belinda loves praying (at Mass, in Adoration, and in intercessory prayer), spending time with family and friends, singing, swimming, walking, and reading. Links from the show Pray With Us: A Saint for Every Day Find a complete list of Belinda’s other books: HERE Prayer for Belinda’s parents and grandparents, the repose of the soul of Mrs. Carroll, my (Jennifer’s) old high school English teacher, and Louise Benner. Journaling Questions Which of the saints Belinda spoke about touched you in some way?What role have the saints played in your life?How has your perspective about the saints changed after listening to Belinda speak about them and the power of asking them to pray with you on their feast days?Who are some saints you feel compelled to learn more about?What is your mourning glory? Be sure to check out our website, There you will find links to all of our episodes as well as resources to help you on your journey.