S2, EP 1, DAY 1: Drowning in a Splash of Bubbles

f*cking sober: the first 90 days

Day 1. Betsy, a suburban house wife in Needham, MA "has it all”. The perfect husband, three beautiful children, and mommy juice to calm the chaos. And life is really great- super really great- until it's not.

Featured Music By Jessica Wilde, Natalia Zukerman, Ana Egge , Katie Burke, Judah Kim , Anne Heaton, Francis Lung , Callie MacKenzie , Jon Jeremy .

Written by Kimberly Kearns  Story Development by EmJ Hova, Dillon Heape, Katie Mack  Associate Produced by Brianna Janae, Ewan Newbigging-Lister

Voice over by: Kate Segal, Otis Gray, Socks Whitmore, Bryan Fitzgerald, Courtney Leigh Halford, Caleb Wells

Special Thank You To

Alysse Bryson

Tawny Lara

Kelly X

Cynthia Wright

Sean Lewis

All of the artists involved with F*cking Sober have their own stories with recovery.

For more information about the artists and our team visit our website fckingsoberpodcast.com

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If you like what we are doing and you want us to keep doing it, we would be #gratefulaf for your support.


@fckingsoberpodcast (digits 9267) All of the artists involved with F*cking Sober have their own stories with recovery.    fckingsoberpodcast.com #odaat #rule62

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