S2, EP 3, Day 14: Please Make Sure You're All On Mute

f*cking sober: the first 90 days

Day 14, BETSY. Betsy dabbles in the online world of truly anonymous alcohol support groups and realizes her support system in IRL in gone. Featuring music by Jacob Derwin, Jon Jeremy, Natalia Zukerman, Jessica Wilde, Matt The Electrician, and SomedayMaybe.  Voice Talent by Kate Segal, Otis Gray, Socks Whitmore, Bryan Fitzgerald, Justin Lamb, Alexandra O'Halloran, Courtney Halford, Kimberly Kearns & Katie Mack 

Written by Kimberly Kearns Story Development by EmJ Hova, Dillon Heape, Katie Mack Associate Produced by Brianna Janae & Maggie Stiggers

 All of the artists involved with F*cking Sober have their own stories with recovery.

 Want to support? VENMO @fckingsoberpodcast  or PAYPAL Stay up to date and over informed on IG/Tiktok/Twitter -- @fckingsober90_podcast fckingsoberpodcast.com #odaat #rule62

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