S2 EP14: Closing the Economic Gap Through Tech with Jessica Santana

Road to Reinvention

In this episode, we are joined by Jessica Santana, CEO of America On Tech (AOT) - a nonprofit organization on a mission to decrease the racial and economic wealth gap by creating career pathways into technology for underestimated young people. 

Jessica and Sherrell discuss the need to end the scarcity mindset, and how America On Tech is now thriving from the pivots they’ve made since its rebranding in 2019. With any project or work that you do, Jessica highlights the importance of investing in yourself and being aligned with your values as you embark on life’s journey. 

So, tune in on this podcast as Jessica unravels her life story and shares her mission of alleviating racial and economic wealth gaps. Learn more about how passion for education and technology now creates a social impact on young individuals with Jessica! 


  • Creating a social impact with education and technology

  • Leaving your hometown can bring more exposure and opportunities 

  • How to survive and thrive in various environments 

  • Give yourself permission to experience the world

  • Rest is resistance, self-care, and taking care of your community

  • The importance of prioritizing yourself in the process

  • How to not operate with a scarcity mindset 

  • Be in support of projects that are in alignment with your values

  • People will expect decisions from you that do not reflect who you truly are 


“First step to that reinvention was getting access to higher education. You really don't know that you grow up poor until you have something else that you can compare it to.” - Jessica Santana 

“Reinvention was still a return to yourself. And it was still a return to like your core values to all of who you are, even all of who you're not.” - Sherrell Dorsey 


Jessica Santana 

Website | https://www.jessicasantana.com/ 

IG | @jessworldwide 

LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessworldwide/ 


Like what you’re hearing? Leave a review and share this podcast!  

Website | sherrelldorsey.com

IG | instagram.com/sherrell_dorsey

Twitter | twitter.com/Sherrell_Dorsey 

Get your own copy of Upper Hand: The Future of Work for the Rest of Us at  sherrelldorsey.com/upperhand

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Road to Reinvention is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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