There are financial gurus out there who say the only way out of debt is by cutting up your credit cards, forgoing your daily coffee (or avocado toast), or even putting your credit card in a freezer. Basically, what they’re saying is “Live below your means.”
At Rich Dad, we say you shouldn’t live below your means. Rather we say you should expand your means by purchasing assets so that eventually the income from your assets pays for things like clothes, an iPhone, a mortgage, or a car.
Host Alexandra Gonzalez-Ganoza shares her insights into the difference between Rich Dad’s Philosophies and other financial gurus, and asking "How can I afford it" is the beginning to changing your mindset.
- Programa
- FrecuenciaCada semana
- Publicado30 de noviembre de 2023, 07:00 UTC
- Duración12 min
- ClasificaciónApto