In this thought-provoking episode, Father Michael Trummer, Mary Bielski, and Father Christopher, delves into the profound concept of having a spousal relationship with God. Addressing the deeply rooted theological and spiritual aspects of this topic, they discuss the importance of understanding God not just as a friend or father, but as a spouse. The conversation highlights significant scripture passages, the fruits of spousal intimacy, and personal experiences that illustrate how this relationship can transform one's faith journey. Whether you're a priest, a layperson, or someone seeking deeper intimacy with God, this podcast offers valuable insights and reflections. Tune in to explore the rich theology and practical implications of being in a spousal union with God.
00:00 Introduction and Podcast Setup
00:35 Understanding Spousal Relationship with God
02:29 Personal Experiences and Perspectives
05:49 Theological Foundations and Scriptural Insights
28:36 Priestly Identity and Role
31:34 The Wedding at Cana and Eucharistic Union
36:55 The Mystical Union with God
37:58 Jesus' Sacrifice and Mercy
38:31 The Last Supper and the Cross
40:59 The Sacred Heart and Total Emptiness
41:59 Desire and Intimacy with God
42:46 Saints' Expressions of Divine Love
45:08 Spousal Relationship with God
45:51 The Song of Songs and Human Love
46:28 Eros and Agape in Christianity
47:45 God's Delight in Us
48:27 The Importance of Intimacy with God
59:47 Living in God's Love
01:00:24 Invitation to Spousal Intimacy
01:11:20 Prayer and Closing Reflections
- 프로그램
- 주기매일 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 1월 8일 오후 10:52 UTC
- 길이1시간 14분
- 에피소드42
- 등급전체 연령 사용가