This week Bec Hill has been to interview climate charity worker and campaigner for a better future, Alice Bell, for our expansion pack.
Alice is a part-time historian of the apocalypse and part-time campaigner for a better future.
She is currently writing a book on the history of the climate crisis: OUR BIGGEST EXPERIMENT, which will be released with Bloomsbury Sigma in Autumn 2021. If you can’t wait that long, she has just written an illustrated non-fiction book on the environmental crisis for Thames and Hudson, CAN WE SAVE THE PLANET?
Her day job is co-running the climate charity, Possible. They build projects which bring people and technologies together to tackle the climate crisis; from tree planting days to connecting railways to community owned solar farms.
You can follow Alice on Twitter at: @alicebell
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- Подкаст
- ЧастотаСерия выпусков
- Опубликовано20 июля 2020 г. в 07:32 UTC
- Длительность13 мин.
- Сезон3
- Выпуск4
- ОграниченияС ненормативной лексикой