S3 E5: Unlocking Performance with Natural Pain Killers (Endorphins)

Food 4 Thought Podcast

I look forward to seeing your comments below. 🙋Please get in touch to discuss how our unique approach to behaviour change motivates people to transform their performance with new mindsets, habits and behaviours. David@talent4performance.co.uk David Klaasen Talent4performance. -------------------------------SOCIAL------------------------------- 🌐 Website: https://www.talent4performance.co.uk/ 📝T4P Blog: https://www.talent4performance.co.uk/... 🎧T4P Podcast: https://www.talent4performance.co.uk/... 👥Facebook:   / talent4performance   🐦Twitter:   / talent4p   📸Instagram:   / talent4performance   🧑‍💼Linkedin:  / talent4performance  

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