IRON CAST by Iron Heart International

Iron Heart International
IRON CAST by Iron Heart International

Iron Heart Denim is one of the best-loved brands to come out of the Japanese denim market in recent years. Haraki san, the man behind the brand, has a unique approach to designing classically inspired clothing that is beautifully made, timeless and supremely functional. Giles Padmore started working with Haraki nearly 20 years ago, his international business experience combined with his complete lack of retail experience has resulted in a unique approach to the market. In these podcast discussions we will talk to people who help make Iron Heart Denim the special brand and community it is: our crew, partners, customers and others we admire, look up to and draw inspiration from, and probably some people we just plain like. Check out for more information on the brand.

최고 5점
25개의 평가


Iron Heart Denim is one of the best-loved brands to come out of the Japanese denim market in recent years. Haraki san, the man behind the brand, has a unique approach to designing classically inspired clothing that is beautifully made, timeless and supremely functional. Giles Padmore started working with Haraki nearly 20 years ago, his international business experience combined with his complete lack of retail experience has resulted in a unique approach to the market. In these podcast discussions we will talk to people who help make Iron Heart Denim the special brand and community it is: our crew, partners, customers and others we admire, look up to and draw inspiration from, and probably some people we just plain like. Check out for more information on the brand.

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