3 Ps in a Pod: An Education Podcast

Arizona K12 Center
3 Ps in a Pod: An Education Podcast

BJoin the conversation about education in Arizona. Featuring educators and leaders from Arizona and far beyond, 3Ps in a Pod explores the practice, policy, and passion of education in our state. You’ll find us discussing classroom management, technology integration, mentoring practices, and much more, all to work toward the best ways to support our students.

  1. Removing Barriers to Post Secondary Opportunities: Students and Staff (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 8)


    Removing Barriers to Post Secondary Opportunities: Students and Staff (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 8)

    While we focus on K-12 education at the Arizona K12 Center, today on 3Ps in a Pod, we’re talking about a particular pathway for high school graduates. Today, Amanda Schmidt, a senior development director with NAU Advancement, joins us to talk about ways to remove or lower barriers to post-secondary education and how, as a community, we can all participate in helping others achieve success by lowering financial barriers. Amanda shares about why she encourages students to lead with curiosity when considering post-secondary possibilities and the importance of reaching out to find out what support may exist. There are many avenues available to support students as they attempt to navigate funding and potential gaps in their funding. Amanda offers several suggestions for how students can fill these gaps while pursuing opportunities.  As students are investigating what they may want to pursue post-secondary, Amanda suggests starting by being radically honest about what brings you joy and what ignites your passion. She also encourages potential students or program participants to explore the supports that may exist at the place or program you are exploring and ensure they also align with your values.  On this podcast, listeners will learn more about the various arms of support designed to assist students pursuing a college or university path. Amanda explains how completing the FAFSA can be a way of sourcing needs-based funds but should also be a point of asking further questions.  Amanda and 3Ps host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, also explore how we can be a part of the community that helps move future generations of students forward and what large impacts that community generosity can have on students.    Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore how you might support removing barriers to post-secondary opportunities. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: NAU Foundation: https://www.foundationnau.org Contact Amanda Schmidt about making a donation Amanda.Schmidt@nau.edu NAU Financial Aid: https://nau.edu/office-scholarships-financial-aid/  Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    36 min
  2. Lifting Experiences and Opportunities Through Strong Partnerships (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 7)


    Lifting Experiences and Opportunities Through Strong Partnerships (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 7)

    Have you been wondering about how we can more deeply connect students to their local communities? Have you been curious about exploring how to co-construct learning opportunities with students? On this seventh episode of our 3Ps in a Pod series on "Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools," we are investigating ways to strengthen the connection between students and community. Leading the potential for bridging connections between students and the community is Josh Schachter, director and founder of CommunityShare, based in Tucson. Learning from Josh’s experience in this work, he shares with us how he and his team set out to build a “human library” and help others make meaningful connections. Josh and 3Ps host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, explore the need that CommunityShare fills through its rich and diverse resources and experiences. Josh shares how his team has developed a “learning ecosystem”, how we can tap into deep funds of knowledge by lifting the assets of families, and the impact that authentic engagement has on students and the community. CommunityShare cares deeply about teachers and invests in them and their leadership skills through the Educator Fellowship Program. Through the support provided, teachers have an opportunity to learn more about redesigning learning experiences while developing their own caring network of peers. The program affords teachers a chance to explore their mindsets, work on a concrete project, and then spend the length of the fellowship co-designing the learning experience with a community partner. Josh encourages us to start where we are and then be open to how projects can scale up and expand. He also calls on us to expand the way that we think about education and how this might impact economic mobility. CommunityShare seeks to bring people together to work on challenges and build networks based on what does unite individuals.  Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore how you might further connect students to community and co-design learning opportunities unique to your location. Find the reflection guide at this link. Learn more about CommunityShare at communityshare.org. Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    40 min
  3. Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)


    Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)

    Liberatory Design is an approach to changing what is and creating a whole ecosystem that best supports all students. It is a process and practice to create designs that help interrupt inequity and increase opportunity for those most impacted by oppression. In this episode, host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, talks with Kathleen Osta from National Equity Project about Liberatory Design. Kathleen and Juliana explore the 12 mindsets of Liberatory Design and how they support collaborative work. These mindsets must be applied with intentionality and can support healing, being seen, and humanizing our spaces. The Liberatory Design Mindsets support us in reconnecting with one another as full human beings, which allows us to then bring our best thinking forward and design systems in innovative ways. Kathleen calls on us to think about how we create and tend to the conditions where together we are not only taking actions to learn but to also transform power. She reflects on how we talk about complex issues without blame or shame, come together to define the problem, and create new ways of doing things. Including those closest to a problem to generate a solution helps interest holders to feel seen and understood. This can shift the culture of a space and deepen relationships.     Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore what new strategies you might want to try and how you will intentionally create an environment that explores curiosities you might have about fostering deep relationships with families/caregivers and the community. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: Learn more about Liberatory Design at liberatorydesign.com Learn more about National Equity Project More about the Stanford D School and Liberatory Design Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    40 min
  4. Cultivating Deep Relationships in Schools and Beyond: Caregivers and Communities (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 5)


    Cultivating Deep Relationships in Schools and Beyond: Caregivers and Communities (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 5)

    In this episode, we welcome back Principal Jose Lara from Gilbert High School in Anaheim (California) Union School District and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Teresa Hill of Tucson Values Teachers and a former coach and principal. They build upon the previous episode’s conversation, this time exploring the impact of deep relationships with families and caregivers and how these help influence school climate and culture.   Dr. Hill and Principal Lara also explore what community means and how to build community among parents/caregivers. They discuss ways we can build deeper relationships and shift culture by building on assets. Principal Lara also discusses being inclusive in our language and honoring the many family structures that support our students.  3Ps host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, engages both guests in deep conversation about moving from transactional to more relational interactions and engagements with families/caregivers and community members. Dr. Hill and Principal Lara both offer ways that they have been successful in building relationships with families and community members through common happenings. By viewing these engagements as opportunities to engage and build relationships, we can shift the dynamics of interactions and strengthen the connections all interest holders experience. Principal Lara and Dr. Hill also give us ideas of next steps to make our spaces more inclusive of families, parents, caregivers, and community members.  We invite you to join Principal Lara and Dr. Hill as they paint a picture of their vision for healthy and thriving schools and take a few minutes to dream freely and paint a picture of what this vision looks like in your context.  Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore what new strategies you might want to try and how you will intentionally create an environment that explores curiosities you might have about fostering deep relationships with families/caregivers and the community. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: Learn more about Gilbert High School at gilbert.auhsd.us. Learn more about Tucson Values Teachers at tucsonvaluesteachers.org. Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    22 min
  5. Cultivating Deep Relationships in Schools and Beyond: Students and Staff (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, part 4)


    Cultivating Deep Relationships in Schools and Beyond: Students and Staff (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, part 4)

    The way principals help support deep relationships with staff and students is essential to student learning. In this episode, we explore how the relationships between staff and students can create positive environments for teaching and learning. That’s what we’re exploring in this fourth episode in our series on Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools. Principal Jose Lara from Gilbert High School in Anaheim (California) Union School District and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Teresa Hill of Tucson Values Teachers and a former coach and principal reflect on how to foster these relationships in today’s episode. Together, Principal Lara and Dr. Hill explore how they build a sense of belonging for both staff and students. They explore teacher voice, communication with staff, and building trust amongst staff to best support students. Principal Lara also shares about the importance of having fun and joy with staff to get to know each other and create a positive community. They both emphasize the intentionality that building relationships requires and detail their approaches to supporting students to build healthy peer-to-peer relationships through teaching and modeling. They also reflect on how students can rise to high expectations with a supportive environment and structures. This requires cultivating hope and helping students see each other’s humanness. In our next episode, we’ll continue talking with Principal Jose Lara and Dr. Theresa Hill – this time about relationships between schools and parents/guardians and community.   Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore what new strategies you might want to try and how you will intentionally create an environment that is inclusive of all kids/students. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: Principal Lara mentioned the book Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Father Greg Boyle. Find it at shophomeboy.com.  Learn more about Gilbert High School at gilbert.auhsd.us. Learn more about Tucson Values Teachers at tucsonvaluesteachers.org. Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    39 min
  6. Emotional Regulation at School and at Home (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 3)


    Emotional Regulation at School and at Home (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 3)

    Understanding emotional regulation and dysregulation is foundational to well being, no matter our age. On this episode of 3Ps in a Pod, we explore this very important topic with Dr. Andrew Khan from Understood.org. Dr. Khan shares the why behind understood.org and the vast resources that organization has developed to support educators and parents.    Juliana and Dr. Khan explore neurodivergence and how to apply strategies to all learners and make our learning environments more inclusive. By doing so, we can create successful and thriving environments that honor our students bringing their whole self to learning.    Emotional regulation is our ability to modulate and regulate what is happening around us. When people are in dysregulation, they can experience barriers to finding success in both academic and non-academic settings. Dr. Kahn helps us understand how we can support the development of regulation skills and shares practical steps we can take to help us understand how to navigate dysregulated individuals in safe, autonomous, and appropriate ways.    Juliana and Dr. Khan also discuss how to develop empathy in students as we support them through navigating interactions with someone who may be dysregulated. This can lead to more positive relationships and outcomes and a much more positive group setting for all.    Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore what new strategies you might want to try and how you will intentionally create an environment that is inclusive of all kids/students. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: Find articles, podcasts, and other resources related to dysregulation, ADHD, and learning and thinking differences at understood.org.  Find specific emotional regulation resources at this understood.org link. Learn more about Dr. Andrew Kahn at this link. Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    45 min
  7. Humanity and Deep Engagement for Strong Connections (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 2)


    Humanity and Deep Engagement for Strong Connections (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 2)

    Author and teacher Patrick Harris will remind you to channel the magic of teaching in this episode of 3Ps in a Pod. He reflects on how teaching is human work and why showing up authentically is so important for both the teachers and the students.   This season, we are exploring healthy and thriving environments for strong connections and strong schools. Host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, connects you with various guests to help us explore this idea from diverse perspectives and help us think critically about how we all work together to create strong schools that center our students. Through this series, you’ll find both thought-provoking conversations and complimentary professional learning materials linked in our show notes.   In this episode, we explore reflection, what it means to create space for healing, and connect to humanity. Patrick shares with us what this can look like and the importance of radical empathy. He encourages us to develop a reflective practice rooted in truth, how this all connects to healing, and will help us to deepen relationships with students, staff, peers, families/caregivers, and others.    Juliana and Patrick explore the mentee-mentor relationship and the reciprocal nature of learning, feedback, and reflection. Patrick shares with us that by drawing on our own experiences and connecting with the why behind what we do, we can shape classroom environments that are truly inclusive.     We hope that after you listen to this episode you will engage in deep reflection, either with another person or on your own, in order to further explore the ideas that Patrick offered. Find the reflection guide at this link.   Read about Patrick’s book The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers at this link.   Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    29 min
  8. Cognitive Moves for Success (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 1)


    Cognitive Moves for Success (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 1)

    Welcome back to a new season of 3Ps in a Pod! This season we will deeply explore a focus on healthy and thriving environments for strong connections and strong schools.    Host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, will be connecting you with various guests who will help us explore this idea from diverse perspectives and help us think critically about how we all work together to create strong schools that center our students. Through this series, you’ll find both thought-provoking conversations and complimentary professional learning materials linked in our show notes.   In this first episode, we connect with Taryl Hansen, NBCT, and Mary Bouley to investigate how understanding Cognitive Coaching moves can help us reach greater levels of success in professional and personal relationships through improved communication and collaboration skills anchored in compassion. Discover how these ideas can help shift mental models and develop patterns and skills for listening and responding, and learn why communication is a way of being with one another, not just a skill.    Taryl and Mary share how we can further build trust and communicate to others that we believe in them. They discuss how we can support others to be more empowered and self-reliant and ask us to think about how we continue to show students and others that we honor their thinking and encourage a sharing of viewpoints. Mary and Taryl also encourage us to think about what we really mean when we talk about building capacity and what that looks like.    Continue your learning After listening to this episode, use the reflection guide to explore this episode in a way that further impacts who you are and how you are showing up in your work and in your relationships. Find the reflection guide at this link. Here are other related resources to today’s episode: “What’s All the Hype about Cognitive Coaching?”, an earlier episode with Mary Bouley and Taryl Hansen, NBCT, referenced in this episode Registration for the next Cognitive Coaching Foundations series at the Arizona K12 Center Learn about how to bring Cognitive Coaching Foundations, Advanced Cognitive Coaching, or customized Cognitive Coaching training to your school or district at this link.   Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.

    38 min
out of 5
127 Ratings


BJoin the conversation about education in Arizona. Featuring educators and leaders from Arizona and far beyond, 3Ps in a Pod explores the practice, policy, and passion of education in our state. You’ll find us discussing classroom management, technology integration, mentoring practices, and much more, all to work toward the best ways to support our students.

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