We arrive at At Attin as the kids face off against the band of pirates. Will the power of unclaimsies be enough to save them from a traitorous Jod Na Nawood? Is there a path to redemption? We got news!!! Has Baylan Skoll been recast? Is an Old Republic TV show in the works and what did James Mangold have to say about his Star Wars movie. Help the people affected by the California fires by donating to one of these causes: https://cpf.salsalabs.org/disasterrelief/index.html https://friendsindeedpas.org/donate-to-friends-in-deed/ https://www.directrelief.org/emergency/california-wildfires/ https://www.pledge.to/ccfwildfirerelieffund https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/california-wildfire-relief-fund/ Oti https://twitter.com/EPEstarGuars Bad Wolf Broadcast https://twitter.com/BadWolf_fni Link Tree: https://t.co/QiW944JnUG?amp
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2025年1月13日 UTC 13:00
- 长度1 小时 1 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜