Sacha Connor: Learn, Skills, Mindset, Behaviors | Work 20XX Ep27

Work 20XX with Jeff Frick

Sacha Connor took a risk. Working on the west coast, for a company she enjoyed in a job she loved, she put it on the line in the interest of wanting her soon to be first born child to grow up around her extended family in Philadelphia. So in 2010, she asked, can I keep my position, but move 3,000 miles and 3 time zones away, and go fully remote?  They replied, yes, ‘but’ with significant career altering caveats. Sacha bet on herself, and took the offer. 

Sacha made the move, and not only ran large distributed teams for the next 8 years, for Clorox, from Philadelphia, she overcame all the hurdles, and caveats, getting Clorox to de-couple location from potential and career track. Sacha started Virtual Work Insider in 2018 to help other organizations more effectively work as distributed teams and organizations, and she and team continue that work today, with a who’s who of progressive companies looking to embrace change, and learn the skills, mindsets, and behaviors to thrive in a more distributed world. 

Please join me in welcoming Sacha Conner to this episode of Work 20XX 

I was thrilled with Sacha accepted my invitation, as she started her distributed team member journey from zero, and has learned quite a bit over her time at Clorox, and with her current clients, on what works, what doesn’t work, and the practical steps to take to do distributed work better. From being Omni-modal, able to comfortably switch modes, to mapping out your network, and humanizing the members of the team, she’s chock full of tips and tricks to better navigate, and manage our increasingly distributed and dynamic world and workplace.

YouTube Video - Click Here 

Transcript and Show Notes - Click Here 








