Salem’s Ghosts
Salem’s Ghosts

Salem's Ghosts is a chilling, genre-bending anthology series set in and around Salem, Massachusetts. It began production in the autumn of 2020 with the feature installment, "Salem's Ghosts: A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama." This story was set during the Salem Witch Trials and tracks some of that era's lesser-known players as they wrestle against or instigate the oncoming storm of witchcraft. The second installment is titled, "Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady." This more modern tale is rooted in a real-world unsolved murder that occurred in the Salem era in the 1940's. The six episode series tracks the modern-day Bishop family, a mother a daughter pair still reeling from the sudden disappearance of the much-beloved patriarch a year before our story begins, as they become increasingly entangled in the emotional, paranormal ramifications of that horrible day eighty years prior. The second series installment will begin releasing on January 29th, 2021. The premiere of the series takes place entirely within a top-down, retro video game that the show runners have designed specifically for this event. Guests can enjoy live entertainment, games, giveaways, featurettes, and so much more. Sign up to attend at


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Salem's Ghosts is a chilling, genre-bending anthology series set in and around Salem, Massachusetts. It began production in the autumn of 2020 with the feature installment, "Salem's Ghosts: A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama." This story was set during the Salem Witch Trials and tracks some of that era's lesser-known players as they wrestle against or instigate the oncoming storm of witchcraft. The second installment is titled, "Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady." This more modern tale is rooted in a real-world unsolved murder that occurred in the Salem era in the 1940's. The six episode series tracks the modern-day Bishop family, a mother a daughter pair still reeling from the sudden disappearance of the much-beloved patriarch a year before our story begins, as they become increasingly entangled in the emotional, paranormal ramifications of that horrible day eighty years prior. The second series installment will begin releasing on January 29th, 2021. The premiere of the series takes place entirely within a top-down, retro video game that the show runners have designed specifically for this event. Guests can enjoy live entertainment, games, giveaways, featurettes, and so much more. Sign up to attend at








