SAY NO TO SUICIDE 0 Special Edition on Suicide Prevention Month

Psychology Talks

Every life is valuable, every voice deserves to be heard, and every struggle matters. Suicide prevention is not just about saving lives; it’s about raising awareness, breaking the silence, and letting people know they are not alone.

Mental health challenges affect so many of us—directly or indirectly - but too often, they are met with stigma or misunderstanding. By starting conversations, educating ourselves, and creating spaces where people feel safe to reach out, we can make a real difference. We can offer hope when it feels lost.

Micahel Cortina is a Founder of The Cortina Method and Keynote Speaker

Barbara Vokatis is Award-winning Author, Keynote Speaker and Professor at SUNY Oneonta

Robert Sieger is CEO of Sieger & Associates

Patrick is a founder of Sonqo’s World

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